Chapter Five

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The rest of the team had filtered out of the conference room pretty soon after Wanda had left to go and find Y/N. Leaving Sharon standing in there with Steve, who was still struggling to process what had just happened.

"Look I get that I've never been super popular around here, but I would have thought after all these years that the differences would have been set aside by now" Sharon spoke as she moved and sat down in the chair across from Steve. 

Steve sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, trying to pull his thoughts into order as he looked over at Sharon. He knew that she wasn't a bad person and that there was clearly things he didn't know but he was angry that his attempt to get Y/N to trust and feel like part of the team had been so royally screwed up. 

"What happened between you and Y/N?" Steve asked after a moment, it was only fair to give Sharon the chance to explain the history between them. 

"We met each other after the blip happened. A task force was pulled together to try and deal with the chaos that ensued and to be ready for any other threat that might come. Y/N and I were working a lot of hours together and well one thing led to another and we made things official" Sharon explained to Steve as she nervously played with a pen that was on the table, before carrying on. 

"I really loved her Steve, like the epic kind of love you see in books and movies. I thought she was the one and I asked her to marry me. She said yes but then you guys reversed the blip and suddenly the task force we were a part of was disbanded and we got moved back to our old jobs, which meant spending a lot of time apart. That didn't help and the arguments started between us." Sharon paused for a moment, fighting back the emotions that were being dragged up. 

"Then one of Y/N's assignments went really wrong, I never found out what happened, she refused to talk about it. I only knew because one of her colleagues reached out because he was concerned about Y/N She completely shut me out and then one day after she'd disappeared for weeks, she turns up at our apartment and says she can't marry me anymore, no explanation, just hands back her ring and walks away."

Steve could see the pain in Sharon's eyes as she spoke and realised that the way she had acted when she had first walked into the conference room had simply been a defence mechanism to hide it. She clearly had taken the chance to hurt and humiliate Y/N because of how things had ended and whilst he didn't like that, Steve understood it a little better now. 

"So this is the first time the two of you have seen each other? How long has it been?" Steve lent forward, resting his arms on the table. 

"It's been about ten months now and yes this is the first time we have seen or spoken to one another since then" Sharon nodded slightly, "I meant it though, I didn't know Y/N was going to be the agent assigned to this. Maybe there was a small part of me that hoped it was, fooling myself into thinking that if we just saw each other then things might be different." 

"I'm sorry that you have been through this Sharon, I really am, but I can't have all of this personal stuff getting in the way of us dealing with Hydra. Can I trust you to be professional, or do I need to talk to Fury about having both of you taken off this?" Steve wanted to remain neutral to try and keep things from getting any worse. 

"You can trust me, I want Hydra gone just as much as you guys do and I can set the personal stuff aside. But I think your concern should be whether Y/N is going to be able to or not. Like I said the Y/N I fell in love with disappeared and the person she is now is a shell of the person I knew" Sharon warned Steve as she got up from where she was sitting. 

Steve didn't say anything more and let Sharon leave the conference room. This was clearly far more complicated than he had assumed and now he was going to have to talk to the others to figure out what to do about this situation. 

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