Chapter Thirteen

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When Y/N and Sharon had made it back to the apartment in downtown Manhattan it hadn't taken long before an argument started between them. Y/N had sensed during the car ride there that Sharon was holding back on saying anything, but it seemed the moment they had stepped inside she wasn't able to anymore. 

"Why were you alone with Wanda? I don't understand why she would need to corner you in the gym like that just to thank you" Sharon frowned as she went into the kitchen, she grabbed a bottle of wine and some glasses. 

"She didn't corner me Sharon, you're making it sound like she was attacking me" Y/N said as she shrugged off her jacket and tossed it onto the back of a chair. 

"Yeah well we both know that she is more than capable of attacking someone that's on her team don't we. So can you really blame me for being worried about you being on your own with her?" Sharon countered as she poured the red wine into the glasses. 

Y/N sighed and moved into the lounge area, she dropped down onto one of the large couches, closing her eyes as she leant her head back. She was exhausted and really didn't want to have this argument with Sharon right now. The pain in her leg, it felt like it was on fire and it was taking a lot of energy not to let it show. She knew if Sharon noticed or even Steve they would be dragging her right back into the hospital and it was honestly the last place Y/N wanted to be. 

"Are you even listening to me?" Sharon walked over, coming to stand in front of Y/N. 

"Yes I am darling, but honestly there is no issue here so can you just let it go?" Y/N sighed as she ran a hand through her hair, "I get that you don't like Wanda, but she really was just thanking me, there is no need to turn this into something. We need to all work together to deal with Hydra." 

Sharon's eyes flashed with annoyance at the way Y/N was being, she had been so happy when Y/N had agreed for them to try again, it meant everything to her but that didn't mean she was stupid. She knew that Wanda wouldn't be able to accept that Y/N had chosen her and would try anything to get between them.  

"I don't trust her" Sharon said firmly. 

"Wanda isn't going to hurt me Sharon, come on. Don't you think you're overreacting?" Y/N said as she looked at Sharon. 

"What if she tries to use her powers on you? What if she just can't accept that you're not with her so she manipulates your mind? I mean come on look at what she did in Westview after her and Vision broke up?! She's not safe to be around and everyone else seems to be more than happy to make excuses for her!" Sharon raised her voice at Y/N, her temper starting to fray. 

Y/N shook her head and sat up slightly. 

"I read the files on Westview and you're forgetting the fact that she was also grieving for the loss of her best friend and Tony and then the stuff with Vision happened. So is it really a surprise she kind of snapped for a bit? Also if she hadn't done what she did then she also wouldn't have somehow figured out how to bring Natasha and Tony back" Y/N argued with Sharon. 

"Why are you defending her?! There was a point you presented an entire briefing to the FBI, CIA and Shield on super level threats we were facing and you included her in that Y/N! You basically put her at number one!" Sharon yelled at her as she took a step away. 

"Sharon come on please can we not do this now. Can we really not last more than a couple of weeks together before falling back into having blazing rows about things?!" Y/N said, clenching her jaw as a wave of pain rippled down her leg. 

Sharon bit back a vicious response and just rolled her eyes as she started to walk away from Y/N. 

"Whatever, I'm going to bed. Maybe when you see some sense we can talk about this in the morning" Sharon disappeared down the hallway to the bedroom. 

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