Chapter Thirty

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Y/N was exhausted, to say the last few weeks had been a whirlwind of emotions and physical tiredness was an understatement. Part of her was starting to relax, things weren't perfect but she was accepting the way things were for now. At least she wasn't having to spend all of her time at Stark Tower, that was a small relief. 

She'd wanted to continue helping with the research, but Stark and Strange had told her that they would be able to handle it themselves. That and they were expecting Bruce Banner to come back from whatever mission he had been on, which would give them another genius mind. So Y/N had accepted that for now she would leave them to it but that didn't mean it wasn't something that was still going through her mind. 

Walking through the house, Y/N grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge in the kitchen before retrieving her phone from where she had plugged it in earlier to charge. She smiled sadly at a photo that appeared in a 'memories' notification, before quickly dismissing it. Y/N turned and headed back up the stairs, taking a sip of the water as she moved. 

Y/N headed down the corridor before slowly and carefully opening the door at the end on the left. Slipping inside she moved to sit in the chair that was positioned to look out into the gardens. It was refreshing to have a change of view from the ones she had looked at daily whilst spending so much time at Stark Tower. 

Unlocking her phone again, Y/N pressed the phonebook icon and scrolled down until she reached the contact she was looking for. With a deep breath, Y/N hit the call button before lifting the phone to her ear. 

A few seconds went by and then the familiar tone of the call going to answerphone sounded in Y/N's ear. With a sad sigh, Y/N waited for it to beep again before starting to talk. 

"Hey, not sure what number message this is now but I'm going to just keep leaving them until I see you again. Which I know probably sounds crazy and when you get all of these you're probably going to tease me endlessly about it. I'll happily deal with that though because that will mean we're together again. I miss you so much Wanda, I hate this feeling, like a part of be is gone. Please be safe. I love you..." 

Y/N fought back tears as she ended the message. Her emotions were a total mess and she probably should stop leaving the messages but it was the only part of the day where she didn't feel quite so alone. It reminded her that her and Wanda, they would be together again and things would be how they were supposed to be. 

A  rustling sound in the room had Y/N pulling herself from her thoughts and quickly getting up from the chair she had been sitting in. 


Shuri sat on the floor of her lab, Nat, Steve and Bucky sat with her. The four of them had remained there, her brother having to leave them to deal with another issue. The plan had royally backfired, everything that had been agreed had been blown out of the water the moment Wanda had decided to go in alone.

"Is there going to be a way to fix this without Wanda's magic to power it?" Bucky asked, finally breaking the sombre silence that they had been sitting in for the last half an hour. 

"Honestly? I have no idea, all my schematics were created around having Wanda here" Shuri sighed as she looked back at the gateway, "There might be a way, but it could take days, months or even years to figure it out." 

Nat shook her head. 

"We do not have months or years, two members of our team are missing. Possibly stuck in some hell version of our universe. Whatever we have to do, we need to find a way to get to them and bring them home" Nat said firmly, "Wanda saved me, she brought me back and gave me a life I thought I'd given up. She didn't give up on me, so I will not give up on her."

Steve understood why Nat felt the way she did, all of them really owed Wanda and her magic for what she had managed to do after the defeat of Thanos. They had lost Nat and Tony, losses that had nearly broken the entire team apart, until Wanda had found a way with the Darkhold and time travel to undo those losses. 

"Nobody is giving up on them Nat, but we are going to have to make sure that if we do this that we do it right. I'm not going to let anymore risks be taken that could result in all of us being flung into different universes" Steve replied. 

"We need to get everyone here to Wakanda, this is going to take all of us" Bucky added, knowing that Shuri would need Stark and Banners assistance and Stephen Strange's as well. 

"I'll try and fix what I can in the meantime, at least have something maybe working before you get the rest of the team together" Shuri told them as she finally stood up and made her way back to her work station. 

"Alright, I'll go and make the call now and then we'll regroup" Steve said as he got up and made his way out of the lab. 

"I honestly thought time travel and going to space were going to be the craziest things that ever happened to us" Bucky said with a slight chuckle. 

"You and me both Buck" Nat said with a sad half smile. 


Wanda had no words for what it felt like stepping through the gateway and being thrown into the tunnel that had been formed to take her into another universe. She ignored how uneasy it made her feel as her body was pulled in different direction, but every time it felt like it was trying to take her somewhere else Wanda held a tighter grip on the trace of Y/N that had her magic had found. 

The concept of time seemed different and she didn't know how long it really took her before she came to a rushing halt on the front lawn of a suburban home. A frown creased her features as she took in her surroundings, the first thing she did was send her magic out to detect any threats but it appeared for now that everything was safe. 

This hadn't been where Wanda had imagined Y/N being, her mind had created all sorts of wild and dreadful places that she thought Y/N would be trapped in. The suburbs of New York state were not what she had thought at all. For now she was grateful though since she was alone, she had taken a massive risk by refusing to listen to Shuri and the others, leaving them behind in her home universe. 

Wanda took one last look around outside before walking up the stairs that led onto the porch that wrapped around the front of the house. She listened carefully for a moment, there were no sounds of distress or danger coming from inside. Reaching out she tested the front door and found it to be unlocked. 

The inside of the house was oddly familiar as Wanda walked into it, she couldn't figure out why it would feel familiar to her. She had never been anywhere like this when she was back home, but it still felt like she knew it or that she would know it at some point. 

Checking through the rooms downstairs, Wanda found them to be empty. They looked lived in but nobody was currently there. Wanda was about to consider leaving, maybe something had gone wrong, but this was where her magic had tracked Y/N. 

Then just as Wanda reached the reception area again, she heard a voice coming from a room upstairs. Her heart skipped a beat as she recognised it, the voice, it was Y/N's. Not hesitating for a moment longer, Wanda rushed up the stairs, stopping on the landing for a second as she worked out which room it had come from. It was the last one on the left. 

Wanda reached out and opened the door, slowly walking into the room. 

Sat in a cosy armchair by the window was Y/N and Wanda for just a second felt a wave of relief, she had finally after all these months found Y/N. 

It soon faded though as Y/N looked up, their eyes meeting. They were the same bright blue but at the same time they were not. 

"You're not Y/N" Wanda came to a stop, looking at the blonde woman sat in a room which she now saw was actually a nursery, she was cradling a newborn baby. 

"You're not my Y/N..." Her voice broke as the realisation sunk in.




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