Chapter Nine

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Steve assembled the team in the ops room that was on the basement level of the compound. Everything that needed to be kept secret and away from the prying eyes of people that visited the compound were kept down here, it ranged from various projects Bruce and Tony were working on, Nat and Clint's encrypted computers and radios, several locked vaults filled with various weapons and also a couple of specifically designed cells should the need ever be there to contain someone dangerous. 

"Okay everyone has got their instructions and routes into this place. If everything is right we'll end up surrounding them and forcing them to this point. Once we've secured the place, Fury will send in Shield agents to take care of any prisoners" Steve explained gesturing at the blue prints spread out on the table in front of them all. 

"Sorry, I'm not trying to start any drama, but where is Y/N? Shouldn't they be here for this, wasn't all of this meant to be her thing?" Bucky spoke from the other end of the table. 

Steve had been trying to avoid the conversation, nobody else knew that Y/N had left yet, not even Wanda, who was suddenly staring right at him and before the words could leave his mouth he knew she had read his mind as her face dropped. 

"Y/N decided that it was best for them to go back to the FBI headquarters and not be a part of this anymore. I tried to get her to stay but her mind was made up. So we need to keep our focus on this and not worry about that, okay?" Steve answered, he needed everyone to concentrate on the mission and not the drama that had happened over the last couple of days. 

Bucky gave a slight nod, not asking anything more about the situation. 

"Right, Bucky and Sam you're together, then it's Wanda and Nat, Yelena and Kate and Clint you'll be with me. Tony and Bruce will be on comms for us as they're currently at Stark Tower, dealing with something for Shield there. Maria Hill will be our contact with Shield and will be standing by for our signal once we're ready" Steve said to them as he picked up his shield from the table, "Lets go and get this done." 

The team took the Quinjet, with recent upgrades and the new stealth mode added by Tony, it had them in the area of the old factory district in no time at all. Everyone was busying themselves with suiting up and checking their weapons, but Wanda had moved to stand toward the back of the quinjet, as much as she wanted to not think about Y/N right now it was impossible not to. How had she been able to just leave like that, without saying a single word to her? 

"You alright witchy?" Yelena came to stand beside Wanda, keeping her voice low so the others wouldn't over hear the conversation. 

"She just left, I don't understand" Wanda replied quietly, sadness lacing her words, "Do you think it was my fault?" 

Yelena shook her head. 

"No way, Wands. I think that Y/N has some stuff she needs to sort out and that for now being here wasn't helping. Don't blame yourself, Y/N's a grown up who is responsible for the decisions she made" Yelena assured Wanda, "Come on, it's nearly game time." 

Clint brought the Quinjet down in the area that he and Steve had agreed gave them best access and would be easy to get back to if they needed to for any reason. From there they all split off in their pairs and infiltrated the building. 


Having left the Avengers compound, Y/N started the drive back to the FBI Headquarters, but soon found herself pulling into the car park of a diner on the side of the freeway. She couldn't shake the nagging feeling, something was telling her to check one of the files on her laptop again. 

Parking up, Y/N twisted round and pulled the laptop out from her bag. With it rested against the steering wheel, Y/N entered the authentication code and pulled up a folder, immediately sanning through until she found the red labeled file in there. One she had marked up the other night as being concerning. 

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