Chapter Nineteen

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Sharon pulled up to the compound, she had been calling Y/N all afternoon with no response. It wasn't overly out of character for Y/N to get wrapped up in her work and forget to check her phone, but Sharon couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

So as soon as she'd finished up at her office, she had headed straight to the compound. As she got out her car, Sharon saw Natasha and Yelena both coming out the main entrance.

"Are you here to yell at us some more about the laws we broke? You do realise we were just trying to do what was best for Y/N. Someone who doesn't understand their powers is a risk being left to their own devices" Natasha said angrily as she confronted Sharon.

A look of complete confusion crossed Sharon's face as she looked between the other two women. She had no idea what Nat was going on about. Y/N didn't have any powers.

"Nat what the heck are you going on about? Y/N doesn't have any powers, I'd like to think I'd know it if she did" Sharon shook her head slightly, "Is this meant to be some kind of joke?"

"Come on Sharon you were here an hour ago yelling at us for breaking some codes because we'd put Y/N in the cell" Yelena spoke now, "But she was the one that blasted Steve, Clint, Wanda and Nat or their arses. So you know Y/N kinda started it."

Sharon frowned deeply, what the hell were these two on about?

"How much vodka have you two had? Honestly nothing you have just said makes any sense. Where is Y/N?" Sharon was losing her patience now and had a mind to just ignore the pair of them.

Nat and Yelena exchanged a glance, in the same moment they both realised that something had gone horribly wrong.

"Sharon, where have you been today?" Nat asked, as her mind tried to piece the situation together.

"Ive been at the CIA field office in the city all day. I told Y/N that I would meet her here once I was done. So if you'll excuse me I'm going to see my girlfriend now" Sharon went to step past, but Nat put an arm out to stop her.

"Y/N isn't here Sharon. Like we said an hour ago, someone, who we thought was you turned up here with a bunch of government agents and took Y/N" Nat explained carefully, aware that right now this whole situation had become a new level of bad.

Sharon felt her heart sink as she listened to Nat, this couldn't be true, Why would someone be risking so much just to get hold of Y/N? The whole thing just seemed ridiculous.

"Alright I'm really done with this really bad joke now" Sharon told them both.

"Sharon, they aren't joking."

She turned to find Steve standing there. He had caught the end of what Nat had said. From that he had quickly realised the massive mistake that had been made. Their attempt to keep Y/N safe had actually walked her right into the enemy's" arms.

"No... no take that back" Sharon's voice broke slightly as she stepped to Steve, "you take it back now!"

Sharon's hands pushed against Steve's chest. Tears formed in her eyes as she pushed Steve again, begging him to tell her this was all a lie.

"I'm so sorry Sharon" Steve said sadly as he allowed her to take out her anger and frustration on him.

Overwhelmed with emotions, Sharon fell against Steve, her hands gripping the front of his shirt as the tears rolled down her cheeks. She had lost Y/N before but at least when they'd broken up she'd known Y/N was safe, this time though, this was entirely different.

Steve put an arm around Sharon, holding her gently as she cried. The fact that the compound had been compromised so massively was a huge concern. They should have realised that something was wrong, that the people who'd come for Y/N weren't who they claimed to be.

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