Chapter Sixteen

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Wanda tried to pay attention to the briefing that Maria was giving to the team, it was about another potential location for the Hydra cell that they were looking for, but her focus kept shifting to where Y/N was sat a few chairs up on the other side of the table. 

Something seemed off, she had expected Y/N to be more open after the time they had spent together last night, but instead Y/N seemed to be doing everything she could to not acknowledge her. To the point Y/N had even angled her chair so that her back was to Wanda. Nobody else of the team seemed to have noticed it as they all listened to what Maria was telling them. 

Wanda would have put it down to not wanting to raise Sharon's suspicions but the blonde CIA agent wasn't currently at the compound. She had overheard Y/N tell Steve earlier that Sharon had got caught up dealing with something at work in the city so she wouldn't be able to make it here to the compound until later on. 

'Are you okay?'  Wanda spoke into Y/N's mind, unable to hold back from reaching out. 

Y/N sat up slightly at the sudden intrusion into her mind, but remembered that she was surrounded by the others and she especially didn't want Nat to notice anything was going on, so made herself relax again. She kept her focus on Maria and the screen as she pulled up various images of suspected Hydra agents. 

'Wanda not here, can we talk after this?' Y/N responded, knowing that Wanda would be able to hear her thoughts clearly. 

'Of course, I'll meet you out by the lake' Wanda replied, relieved that Y/N hadn't ignored her. 

The briefing lasted another half an hour and it was decided that the team would head out to the location in a few days, everything indicated that this was a legitimate Hydra base unlike the last one, but Tony and Steve were in agreement that they wouldn't rush in this time round. 

Wanda hung back for a little, chatting with Yelena and Kate, allowing time for Y/N to leave first. She didn't want the others to think she was going after Y/N, whilst she loved the team they were all nosey as heck sometimes and if she had left at the same time as Y/N then they'd have been all over it. 

"I'll meet you guys later, try not to drink all the wine before I get there" Wanda laughed as she waved at Yelena and Kate before heading out. 

Nat was still sitting at the table, glancing through some of the stuff Maria had given them. She looked up and waved to Wanda as well, she watched for a moment as Wanda left and saw that she headed in the same direction Y/N had gone in earlier. 


Y/N picked up a pebble from the edge of the lake, she turned it over in her hand a few times before flicking her wrist, watching as the pebble skimmed across the top of the water. She was leaning down to pick up another pebble when the sound of approaching footsteps had her pause and look round. 

"Hey" Wanda smiled warmly as she walked over to where Y/N was standing, "I was worried that you were upset with me, for what I did last night. I don't want you to feel like I'm trying to force you to make a choice Y/N, I just needed to at least tell you how I really felt." 

"Wanda I can't do this" Y/N said as she looked out at the lake, "We can't carry on with whatever it is that we're doing right now. I pick Sharon, okay? I want to be with her and this thing between us could ruin that. So please don't wait for me, I won't chose you." 

Stepping closer to Y/N, Wanda moved so she was standing in front her, forcing Y/N to look at her and not at the lake. Something had changed since they had spoken last night, when she had visited Y/N in her dream, Wanda had sensed that Y/N had wanted her to be there. Now though, Y/N was trying to push her away again and Wanda didn't understand how things could have changed so quickly between them. 

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