Chapter Seven

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Yelena groaned as she rolled over, someone was hammering on the door to her room, but it honestly felt like they may as well have been hitting her round the head. Last night had been a hell of a lot of fun and Yelena had been glad to get the team to finally let loose a little, though maybe a few less shots of vodka and tequila would have been good. 

"Alright alright" Yelena complained as she pushed the sheets off herself and got up, "You can stop trying to break door down now, I'm coming." 

The clock on the wall informed Yelena that it was only seven in the morning, which meant she had only been in bed for a couple of hours after having spent some time with Kate in her room when they'd first got back to the compound. 

Crossing the room, Yelena pulled the door open with an irritated huff and was about to complain some more but came to an abrupt stop when she found Wanda stood there, looking like someone had run over a cute animal in front of her. 

"Whose arse do I need to kick?" Yelena asked, "Vision's? Y/N's? Sharon's? All of above?" 

Wanda didn't say anything a she walked in and climbed into Yelena's bed, pulling the sheets up over her head. 

"Okay not ready to talk yet" Yelena nodded, "I'm going to grab a shower and give you some time and then we'll figure out whatever it is that has you hiding in my room at this unearthly hour." 

She heard a muffled response from Wanda and accepted that as an agreement, before heading into the ensuite bathroom attached to her room. Thirty minutes later, Yelena had showered and gotten dressed before stepping back out into her bedroom, not to her surprise Wanda was still sat in her bed, the sheets wrapped around her. 

"You are going to have to use words witchy, I don't have your mind reading abilities. What's happened?" Yelena asked as she looked over at Wanda. 

Wanda took a deep breath as she hugged the sheets tighter around herself. 

"I had really drunk sex with Y/N, in one of the offices, I didn't intend for it to happen. Really I had just been going to get a glass of water and I got a little lost and well I thought I would confront her about her issue with me and one thing sort of led to another and we kissed and stuff. But then Vision walked in on us because he thought we were arguing. So Y/N just ran off, without a word and I have no idea what it meant and now Vis is probably going to be weird. It's a total mess Yelena!" Wanda's words spilled out quickly as she recounted what had happened a couple of hours earlier that morning. 

Yelena's mouth dropped in total shock as she walked across the room, she had definitely not expected Wanda to come out with all of that. She had expected it might have been something to do with Y/N but certainly not the pair of them having drunken sex, in one of the compound offices of all places. 

"In an office? Which one? I need to make sure I don't use that one" Yelena exclaimed as she dropped down to sit beside Wanda on the bed. 

"Lena, that's really the bit you're going to focus on right now" Wanda said throwing her hands up in the air. 

"Okay, okay sorry yes that part isn't important" Yelena nodded, focusing back on what Wanda had said, "Well Vis will just have to get over it, I mean he shouldn't have been such a snoop. You two broke up ages ago now. As for Y/N, maybe this is a good thing? You know must mean she likes you on some sort of level. I mean she could have fooled us with how much of an arse she's been though." 

Wanda slumped back against the pillows, this was a real mess and she had no idea how to sort it out. 

"What if Y/N think's what happened was a mistake? What if it was just the alcohol that had her making that choice?" Wanda sighed, running a hand through her hair, "Shit, and what about Sharon?! If she finds out then the whole situation is just going to get worse!" 

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