Chapter Six

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Wanda knew the tequila shots had been a bad idea at the time but now she was really sure she should have told Nat no, as she stumbled down the corridor of the compound. They had hit up one of the clubs in the city and just as Yelena had promised they really let their hair down, there had been endless drinks that fuelled a whole lot of dancing. 

Kate, Bucky, Sam and Tony had come out with them and it was Tony who had made sure that Happy was on standby to come and collect their extremely drunk arses when it hit 3am and the club was closing. Maria Hill had also turned up at some point during the night much to Nat's delight. 

"I am never drinking again" Wanda muttered to herself, stopping for a moment as it felt like the whole corridor was spinning round. 

She had been intending on going to the kitchen to get water but somehow in her drunken state she had taken a wrong turn and was fairly certain she was on the office room level of the compound. Looking up Wanda spotted that a light was on in one of the rooms. Curious as to who else was up and wondering if someone else had gotten a little lost like her in their drunken state. 

Wanda didn't bother knocking, she walked, well swayed into the office and was surprised when she found Y/N sat at the desk. There was a half empty bottle of whiskey beside a stack of files and Y/N was intently reading something on the laptop screen in front of her. 

"Oh it's you" Wanda announced, a words a little slurred, "I thought Bucky or Tony had got lost on the way to their rooms and were in here." 

A look of irritation flashed across Y/N's face a she looked up and took in the very drunk Wanda standing in the middle of the room. She had found out from Steve earlier that a load of them had intended on going out in the city, he had even suggested that she should go along, Y/N had politely declined though. After the blazing row she'd had with Sharon in the middle of the grounds earlier that day, Y/N had been in no mood to be around people. 

"Well clearly I am not Bucky or Tony. So sorry to disappoint you, but you'll have to try and find them elsewhere" Y/N replied bluntly before going back to looking at the laptop screen. 

Wanda pouted slightly, she really couldn't workout why Y/N had to be so unpleasant to her. She wasn't going to be so easily pushed away now though, no she was going to stand her ground and try to figure out what Y/N's issue was. 

Walking over to be standing on the opposite side of the desk, Wanda reached over and without hesitating pushed the laptop shut with a snap. Y/N let out a string of curses and was immediately up out of her chair, glaring across as Wanda. 

"What the hell did you do that for?!" Y/N snapped, anger lacing her words, "I was in the middle of reading a report!" 

"Why are you such a jerk?" Wanda demanded, ignoring that Y/N had asked a question first, "I mean if you've always been like this then I really can't blame Sharon for disliking you so much, I'd have gotten fed up of your shit too!" 

Y/N's eyes went wide at the accusation, clearly her relationship with Sharon had been a hot topic of conversation amongst them all after the incident in the conference room. 

"You need to shut up!" Y/N told Wanda, her jaw clenching. 

"No, no you don't get to tell me to shut up!" Wanda shook her head, getting more annoyed as she stepped round to be on the same side of the desk as Y/N, moving to be right in front of her "This is my home and you've come in here and tried to make me out to be some scary villain because of my powers and I'm not having it. You have no idea what I have been through! So I'm not going to shut up, Y/N" 

There was barely a step of space between them and Y/N knew she should move away, that she put more space between them but the way that Wanda was looking at her had Y/N unable to move. She didn't know if it was the half bottle of whiskey that she had drunk or the fact she just wanted Wanda to stop talking, but Y/N did something that she knew would be a mistake. 

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