Chapter Fourteen

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The smell of freshly brewed coffee and pancakes were the first thing Y/N noticed when she woke up. Then she remembered the dream she had just woke up from and sat up so quickly she nearly tumbled off the couch.

"Whoa, baby are you okay? Didn't realise you'd be so excited about having pancakes" Sharon laughed as she peered over the couch to look at Y/N.

Y/N's heart sunk momentarily as she realised that she was back in reality and not in the dream anymore. Wanda wasn't the one in the apartment with her. She instantly felt guilty for it, for wishing that it was Wanda who was in the apartment with her.

"Well you know how much I love pancakes and you always did make the best ones" Y/N replied with a smile as she stood up from the couch.

"Look about last night, I'm sorry that I got so worked up about it. I trust you and I don't want you thinking that I'm trying to control who you can and can't talk to" Sharon said as she wrapped her arms around Y/N's waist, leaning against her gently.

"It's fine, really. Let's just forget about it, yeah?" Y/N replied as she pressed a soft kiss on Sharon's cheek, hugging her closer 

Sharon smiled softly as Y/N held her, she had hated that they'd fought last night, especially because it had been over Wanda. She knew it shouldn't have bothered her so much to see Wanda talking to Y/N, but Sharon couldn't help but feel like Wanda was doing it on purpose. 

"I love you Y/N" Sharon said quietly as she rested her head against Y/N's shoulder. 

Hearing those words, Y/N felt like someone had thrown a bucket of ice cold water over her, she hadn't expected to hear them so soon. If she didn't say anything back though, then Sharon would realise that something was wrong and Y/N didn't want that, not when she was still trying to figure out what the hell she was doing. 

"I love you too" Y/N replied after a moment, it wasn't really a lie, she did love Sharon and likely always would do. Sharon was always going to be important to her, the problem was Y/N was starting to realise she wasn't in love with Sharon anymore. 

"Now go get yourself some pancakes and coffee, we're expected over at the compound later. I need to go and run some errands first though, so are you happy to make your own way over there baby?" Sharon moved out from Y/N's arms, talking as she moved around the living area picking up her jacket and bag. 

"You're letting me go back to work?" Y/N asked arching a brow, she had expected Sharon to keep trying to keep her away from the compound and returning to work for longer. 

Sharon smiled at Y/N as she stood by the front door to the apartment. 

"You'd end up going even if I told you not too, so I may as well get onboard with the idea that you are a total workaholic and be there to keep an eye on you" Sharon replied before waving goodbye and slipping out of the apartment. 

Y/N walked into the kitchen, grabbing a mug from the cupboard she poured some coffee into it before stacking three pancakes onto a plate. As she sat eating the pancakes, Y/N pulled her phone out and sent a message to Steve telling him she would be at the compound in a little while. Y/N wondered if Wanda would be there and if she would get a chance to try and talk to her again. 


Maria made her way through the compound, she was holding onto a file that had been given to her this morning by one of the Shield research agents. She had tasked them with getting into the FBI database and pulling up everything they could about Y/N and in particular about her assignments from the previous year. What they had given Maria had been a lot more than she had expected. 

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