Chapter Seventeen

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Running, Y/N made her way to the row of parked cars outside the front of the compound. Her mind was reeling, in barely a couple of minutes, one phone call had completely turned her world upside down. All Y/N knew was she needed to get to her mum and then find out who the hell had taken her brother.

This was all her fault, if she had just got reassigned then they stupid file would never have been made, it was clear it had somehow fallen into the wrong hands even though Nat had promised only her and Maria had seen it.

"Damn it, come on!" Y/N shouted in frustration as she tried to find the keys in her jacket for her car.

"Y/N!" Wanda called out as her and Nat both came running down the path.

Still unable to find her keys, Y/N broke her rule, right now she didn't care who saw that she had powers. She just needed to get to her family and fix the mess that she had caused. Dark blue energy swirled around her hand and she placed it on the handle of the car door, willing it to unlock.

Wanda saw the glow coming from Y/N and was surprised to see it. Her own magic stirred as if it recognised Y/N, like calling to like. She looked over at Nat who didn't appear shocked at all by the sudden display of abilities that Y/N was showing.

The car system beeped as it unlocked, allowing Y/N to pull the door open. As she went to climb I to the driver's seat, Wanda and Nat reached the car. The commotion had also caused Steve and Clint to come out from the compound to see what was happening.

"Y/N please just wait a minute" Wanda said gently as she walked round the car, "What's going on? Maybe we can help?"

Y/N face darkened as she looked round, the last thing she wanted was their help.

"This is happening because of her and what she's done. I don't want any help from any of you" Y/N snapped sharply as she pointed at Natasha.

Nat frowned deeply at the accusation, she wasn't sure what had happened and how Y/N had jumped to the conclusion that it was her fault. She glanced over at Steve, who was taking slow steps closer with Clint circling on his left. They were moving into defensive positions having seen Y/N exhibiting enhanced human abilities.

"Y/N, hey it's okay, just tell me what's going on and we'll figure it out" Steve spoke as he got closer, holding his hands out to show he wasn't threat.

Y/N was growing irritated and her powers were now off the tight leash she had kept them under all these years. Her eyes were clouded with dark azure swirls as she looked at each of the Avengers who had surrounded her. In that moment she didn't feel like she could trust any of them.

"My brother has been taken because Natasha and Maria decided to stick their noses where they shouldn't have!" Y/N raged as her power grew more agitated by the second "They broke into things that were locked down for a reason and now someone else has found it and my family is in danger!!"

Wanda immediately turned to Nat. 

"What did you do?" Wanda asked Natasha, she couldn't imagine that Nat would have knowingly put Y/N's family in any kind of danger. 

"Things weren't adding up, so Maria helped do some research on Y/N" Nat started to explain, "Which it turns out is probably a good thing, since Y/N has been keeping some pretty big secrets from everyone. She's wrong about us putting her family in danger though, we didn't give the file to anyone else." 

Y/N glared at Natasha, swirls of her power starting to twist around her arms. All of this was delaying her getting to her mum and Y/N didn't know how much longer she could put up with it. the Avengers didn't care about her, that much was becoming obvious. 

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