Chapter Twenty-Four

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Y/N struggled with the fact that there was going to be no way for her to get out of this situation, there was going to be nobody coming for her, they'd all believed Sharon and the FBI had taken her from the compound. Even if they did realise, it would probably be too late to stop her brother. 

For a moment she'd had a flicker of hope when she had been able to connect with Wanda, but Y/N hadn't been able to give Wanda much information as to where she was being held. It had been a foolish moment of hope, losing that, it was the moment that finally broke Y/N's spirit as she waited, trapped in another room. 

"My darling sister" Alex drawled through the intercom system, as he stood on the other side of the reinforced glass. 

Y/N forced her eyes opened and the moment she did she wished she hadn't. There in front of her, flanked by four Hydra agents, was Wanda. 

She was locked in various restraints, one had even been place over her mouth, and had been forced down on her knees in front of the glass. Alex stood smugly to the left, the reaction he had hoped to get from this moment was better than he had expected. His sister's face had completely fallen and the last glimmer of fight seemed the flicker out of her eyes. 

"Did you think little Miss Maximoff here was really going to be able to rescue you?" Alex taunted as he nodded to a guard, who turned and struck 'Wanda' across the face. 

"Stop it!! Don't fucking touch her!" Y/N roared as she furiously pulled against the restraints holding her in place. 

Alex chuckled as he leant against the glass, looking at his sister. 

"Now we can either carry on trying to do this the hard way Y/N, or you can stop fighting and just do what is needed" Alex explained to her, "If you play your part then I won't let any harm come to your little red headed lover, how does that sound?" 

Y/N's shoulders dropped in defeat as she looked between Wanda and her brother. Tears rolled down her cheeks, she had never felt so lost and afraid, but there was no way she would allow Wanda to be hurt not if she could stop it. 

"You promise nothing will happen to Wanda? You'll let her go?" Y/N looked back to Alex, she didn't care now about saving herself, she'd do whatever her brother wanted as long as it mean that Wanda would be okay.  

"Yes, you have my word sister, as long as you do exactly as I tell you" Alex nodded. 

"Wanda, I'm so sorry... Please know I really wanted to have a chance for us to figure things out... I thought we'd have time... So I'm going to say this now incase there isn't a chance to after this... I'm in love with you and I'm sorry that it has taken me so long to be able to say it..." Y/N stumbled over the words as the tears ran down her face. 

Alex faked a yawn, before gesturing for the guards to take hold of 'Wanda' again. 

"Well as touching as that was and as much as I'd like to give her a chance to reply, we're working to a very tight schedule now. Take Miss Maximoff back to her cell and you lot prepare my sister please, I want everything ready to be initiated in the next ten minutes" Alex ordered the people around him.

One of the scientists looked as if they were considering arguing, but saw the glare Alex gave him and instead just nodded and began working quickly again. 


Nat looked up at where Wanda and Stephen currently hovered in the sky, where Wong had brought them, they were too far away to hear anything being said. But judging from the twos body language, Nat was fairly certain the conversation wasn't going well. 

"Clint, Nat, Yelena, Kate. You for start making your way to that facility now, the rest of us will try and buy you as much time as possible with Wanda" Steve told them, as he grabbed his shield from his back. 

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