Chapter Twenty-Nine

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They had been in Wakanda for two weeks now and every day that past, Wanda found her grip on the small shred of hope she had slipping away. Shuri had been optimistic that she could recreate the machine, but so far there had been several mishaps that had resulted in the test machines failing. 

Standing on one of the large balconies of the palace, Wanda looked out at the city that sprawled out below. It was an amazing place and usually she loved visiting here, but the circumstances of this visit loomed over her like a dark cloud. She wished that Y/N was here, that she could have shared the awe of Wakanda with her. 

"Shuri is nearly ready for us to come back to the lab, she thinks that she's cracked the problem. I was listening but it became very technical and I won't even try to repeat her explanation" Nat walked out onto the balcony, coming to stand beside Wanda, a reassuring hand resting on her friends shoulder. 

"Do you really think this can work?" Wanda looked to Nat, "Or are was just wasting time chasing false hopes?" 

Nat had watched the way Wanda had been slowly falling apart since Y/N had vanished and she hated that there was nothing she could do to ease her best friends pain. There were times nat felt like it was her fault, if she hadn't pushed so hard on Y/N then maybe it wouldn't have set into motion the series of events that had led to Y/N making the choice she had. 

When she had expressed that to Wanda, Wanda had shut it down immediately and told Nat to not think like that. Wanda had told her that whether it had happened then or months later, Y/N's brother would have gotten to her somehow. Nat had worried Wanda wouldn't have been able to forgive her, but as always her best friend continued to surprise her with how much she would do for her family. 

"I don't think it is false hope, things might take awhile but we will figure this out. If we can crack time travel, then we will crack universe travel" Nat assured her gently, "Plus you were the one who found a way to save me and Tony when it went wrong, you're strong and powerful Wanda. If you can keep the balance of your magic in place then I believe you can do anything." 

Wanda managed a small smile in response to Nat's words. She had thought her friends would abandon her after what she had done at the Hydra facility, but they had all been through times where they had made questionable decisions, the part that mattered was how they dealt with it after. Nobody held it over one another, they would just do what they could to support each other through it. 

"Let's go and see Shuri" Wanda said after a moment. 


"Ah welcome back, Maximoff and Romanoff" Shuri said with a grin as she saw the two of them pass through the entrance of her lab. 

"You look happier than you did earlier when I saw you" Nat responded, earlier Shuri had been cursing very colourfully at the screens surrounding her. 

Shuri laughed lightly, gesturing for the pair of them to come over to where she was standing. In the centre of the lab on a slightly raised platform was the tech that Shuri had constructed, it looked like a archway, but when it was switched on it would harness Wanda's magic and in theory create a portal. A portal that should allow them to travel through into another universe. 

"That's because I think with a little assistance from Mr Stark, that we have figured it out" Shuri explained, "Though don't tell him how helpful he was, he'll gloat about it forever." 

"Secrets safe with me" Nat laughed as she took a seat on one of the stools. 

Wanda approached the machine, tilting her head slightly as she looked at it. This was what she was relying on to find Y/N. A combination of tech and magic, it was what had taken Y/N which made Wanda apprehensive, but all their other research had been unable to locate another way to travel the multiverse. Nobody existed here with a natural ability for it. 

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