Chapter Two

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Wanda lent against the kitchen counter, watching as Yelena chaotically grabbed things out of the cupboards to make the mac'n'cheese she hadn't shut up about the entire time they had been out on the mission.

The interaction with Y/N was still bother her and Wanda knew she should just let it go, but she was fed up with the way people judged her before really knowing her. It was like they all thought she would suddenly turn them into spaghetti or scramble their brains for no reason.

"What's going on witchy? Your forehead is all wrinkled up with concern" Yelena asked, glancing over her shoulder at Wanda as she poured the mac'n'cheese into a pot.

"It's nothing really" Wanda replied with a slight shrug.

Yelena rolled her eyes and pointed at Wanda with the wooden spoon she had been stirring the mac'n'cheese with.

"Now I may not have super mind reading abilities, but I don't need them to learn what peoples tells are when something is bothering them. So come on out with it? Are you upset that I took out more people than you on the mission?"

Wanda laughed softly, the team had a habit of coming up with ridiculous bets on missions lately, in Tony's words it was apparently to keep things interesting and boost team morale. She didn't mind them but often chose not to get caught up in the bickering that would inevitably occur when someone thought someone else was cheating.

"It's not that at all" Wanda paused for a moment, "The special agent that is here, what do you think about her?"

Hopping up to sit on the counter opposite Wanda, Yelena held the pot of mac'n'cheese in one hand whilst applying a rather large amount of hot sauce from the bottle in her other hand. She seemed to consider Wanda's question for a moment as she did it.

"What about her? Just seems like the usual boring by the book kind of agent that tends to work for these places. Are you getting bad vibes? Cause if so you could just read her mind to find out if she's a dodgy agent or not" Yelena replied before putting the bottle of hot sauce down.

"You know I don't just go around reading people's thoughts like that Lena, it's invasive" Wanda sighed as she ran a hand through her hair, "It's probably nothing, but just felt like she might not like me."

Yelena grinned as she stirred her mac'n'cheese.

"Ohh so it's like that is it, you want the hot blonde special agent to like you?" Yelena teased her grin growing wider as Wanda glared at her.

"Honestly I don't even know why I talk to you sometimes" Wanda rolled her eyes as Yelena chuckled to herself.

"Because I am secretly your favorite person. Even if Natasha seems to think it's her, I know the truth really" Yelena laughed more, smiling brightly at Wanda.

"Oh I definitely prefer Natasha, there's no competition" Wanda shot back with a grin of her own.

Yelena faked being shot in the heart, "You cut me deep Maximoff with those hurtful words."

Wanda patted Yelena's shoulder before heading over to where the others were relaxing in the lounge area. Nat waved her over to sit down on the couch she was on. Tony and Steve were mid discussion about the mission and the likelihood of any further issues in that area now that they had taken out another Hydra group there.

The last couple of months the team had been working hard on tracking down and locating Hydra cells that were stateside. There had been a massive influx of activity during and after the blip and a threat that the Avengers has thought they'd dealt with long ago, now seemed to be back with a vengeance.

A couple of hours went by and the conversation had changed multiple times once they had grown bored of talking about missions and Hydra. Wanda glanced up at the clock and realised that in all this time none of them had actually acknowledge the fact that Agent Monroe hadn't reappeared since going to one of the other levels of the compound.

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