Chapter Eight

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Wanda knew that what had just happened inside was bad. She shouldn't have used her powers against Vision but seeing the threat he posed toward Y/N, Wanda had reacted instinctively, the urge to protect Y/N had overridden any other thought. Now the team was going to be scrambling to salvage the situation before things got worse.

"Is what Y/N said true? About you and her, you know" Nat finally broke the silence in the group as they walked out into the grounds of the compound.

"Yes. It happened after we all got back from the club" Wanda nodded, "I didn't plan for it to happen, I don't think Y/N did either. So I don't understand why Vis is accusing Y/N of using me just to spite Sharon. Do you think she'd do that?"

Nat looked over to Yelena and Maria to gauge their thoughts on it, but the pair of them gave her unsure looks. It was hard to figure Y/N out since she had only been there for a couple of days and well nothing had seemed to go how it was suppose to.

"None of us know Y/N that well but whilst she's a bit standoffish and seems to kind of be a jerk, I checked in with a contact I have at the FBI and apparently Y/N is one of their very best. She's highly decorated for her service and it seems like she's always sought after by other departments to fix problems" Nat explained as they kept walking, "They did mention though that Y/N had changed, in the last year, becoming more closed off from people and short tempered. My contact said it all happened after a particular assignment, I tried to push for more detail but all they said is it went wrong and Y/N is punishing herself for it." 

Even though she had tried to get more out of her contact, Nat sensed that whatever had happened must have been pretty serious and was clearly being kept under lock and key. Which only made Nat more curious about who Y/N really was and whilst she wanted Wanda to be happy and move on, she wasn't so sure if Y/N was going to be right for her. 

"I'll see what Shield knows, we must have some more information tucked away somewhere. Can't imagine Fury would have approved of Y/N being selected if it was something bad" Maria added after a moment. 

They all came to a stop when they reached the massive outside seating area, complete with a firepit, some very futuristic looking BBQ that Tony had insisted was an essential purchase and an array of seating options. 

Each of them moved and took a seat, for a few moments they all sat quietly, each of them processing what had happened and trying to figure out what was going to be the best way to deal with it. The sound of footsteps had all of them turning their heads to see who it was.  

"Did you do it on purpose? Did you get some weird kick out of sleeping with my ex whilst I was in the same damn building?!" Sharon raised her voice as she stormed over to where the group of them were sitting, she paid not attention to the other three as she looked directly at Wanda. 

"Whoa come on Sharon let's not do this right now" Maria tried to cut Sharon off, but the blonde just ignored the comment.

"You need to keep the hell away from Y/N, don't drag her into whatever weird game you're trying to play to make Vision jealous" Sharon gave Wanda an icy stare, "Y/N doesn't need to be caught up in that kind of twisted shit!"

"Y/N doesn't belong to you. I mean if my facts are right, Steve said she was the one that dumped your entitled arse" Wanda snapped back at Sharon as she stood up, "So if you ask me the issue here is that you can't handle the fact that Y/N quite clearly doesn't want you back!" 

"You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about!" Sharon's temper flared as she took a step toward Wanda, "There is no way that Y/N will actually want to be with you." 

"Well it didn't seem that way last night when she was kissing me and not you" Wanda said with a smirk, knowing it would get under Sharon's skin. 

Sharon went to slap Wanda. Yelena had seen it coming and moved quickly from her chair to grab Sharon's arm, twisting it back before pushing her away from Wanda.

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