Chapter Fifteen

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Nat had been heading to find Wanda when she noticed that someone was in the main conference room. Still carrying the file that Maria had given her, Nat pushed the door open and walked in, gaining the attention of the other person in there. 

"Y/N, I wasn't expecting to see you here" Nat said as Y/N looked away from the board she had been working on. 

"Yeah, Steve set me up in here about an hour ago. He gave me some of the reports and stuff to go through that the FBI, CIA and Shield have pulled together since the factory mission incident" Y/N explained as she pinned another photo onto the board, "Is that another file for me to go through?" 

Y/N nodded at the file that Nat had tucked under her arm. 

The intention had been to to speak with Wanda, but now with Y/N being there in front of her, Nat was curious to see what reaction she would get from the FBI special agent when she saw what was inside of the file. Stepping round to the otherside of the table, Nat placed the file down and slid it across to Y/N. 

Y/N arched a brow slightly, she hadn't had much interaction with Natasha since taking up this assignment, but she had heard plenty about the former Red Room Assassin and Shield agent. She had a lot of respect for the other woman, for the things she had done and sacrificed but Y/N could sense that Nat was being cautious around her. 

Reaching out for the folder, Y/N pulled it closer to her, she leaned on the table with one hand as she used the other to flip it open in front her. Confusion flickered through her eyes for a moment a she looked through the first few pages. Her heart dropped, her stomach twisting into knots as she realised that this file had nothing to do with Hydra, no, it was all about her and her family. 

Y/N slammed the folder shut the moment she saw the FBI field incident report from last year. She would not read that, she'd lived through it and had to relive it multiple times during interviews after. Now it was a memory that she kept firmly locked away, it caused too much pain to think about it. 

"Why do you have this?" Y/N looked up and across to where Nat was standing, anger flaring in her eyes, this was a complete violation of protocol for them to have gained the information that was contained in the folder. 

"Did you plan on ever being honest about who you actually are? Or did you just think you could keep going on with this lie?" Nat questioned Y/N, "Seems like a pretty big secret to be keeping from people who are suppose to be trusting you to help bring down Hydra. I mean you were the one accusing Wanda not so long ago of possibly still working for Hydra, seems like it's you and your family we should be more worried about still being in league with Hydra." 

Y/N's hands clenched into fists as Nat spoke, she had spent years, since she was eighteen processing the things she had been through, the secrets that had been kept. It had nearly broken her family apart and had it not been for them being offered the chance to start over and be protected, then Hydra would have probably taken them out a long time ago to ensure they didn't say anything.  

That was why this had all been locked down with the highest of security restrictions applied, so the fact that Nat had somehow managed to bypass all of that, it put Y/N and her family at risk. The more people that knew about this and put the pieces together the more danger they would be in, if they somehow let it leak out to the wrong people. 

"Is that why you didn't come on the mission? Did you know the whole time that it was going to be a trap? Then you turn up and make it look like you saved the day, so that nobody would ever think that you could have been in on it?" Nat pushed, studying the way that Y/N was reacting, "Is the only reason you're getting close to Wanda because you want to help Hydra get their hands on her again?" 

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