Chapter Ten

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Y/N let out a groan of pain as she slowly opened her eyes. She wasn't sure how she had gotten to a hospital or for how long she'd been unconscious, the last thing Y/N remembered was Wanda, Wanda had been holding her moments before she had blacked out. 

"You're awake" A voice came from beside the hospital bed. 

Wincing, Y/N managed to tilt her head slightly to see that Sharon was sat in one of the chairs that had been pulled up by the side of the bed. Y/N couldn't help but feel a slight sense of disappointment that it wasn't Wanda who was sitting by her bedside. There wasn't currently anyone else in the private room, which had Y/N immediately wondering whether everyone else was okay, had they all gotten out from that factory? Was Wanda okay? Had something happened to her?

Sharon seemed to know what Y/N was thinking and answered the unsaid question, only she didn't mention Wanda's name specifically. 

"The others are all okay, a few bumps and bruises but nothing any of them can't handle" Sharon looked at Y/N, her heart hurting to see the bruises and cuts on Y/N's face and also knowing that there were two bullet wounds hidden under layers on bandages. 

"You weren't at the factory?" Y/N asked, still feeling confused and groggy from the anesthetic. 

"No I was with Maria on the Shield jet, we were going to come in once the factory had been secured. But the moment I heard what had happened, I had Fury get someone to bring me straight here. I thought I was going to lose you Y/N..." Sharon answered, tears beginning to well in her eyes as she reached out for Y/N's hand. 

"I'm fine, it was just a couple of bullet wounds, my vest took the works ones. It's okay Sharon" Y/N replied, squeezing Sharon's hand softly. 

"All I kept thinking about was how the last moment I'd spent with you, we'd had that massive argument and I just couldn't bare the idea that, that would be it, if the worst happened. Y/N I know things are complicated and that we have had our challenges, but please, please tell me there's a chance we can try again?" Sharon spoke softly, a tear rolling down her cheek, "I haven't stopped loving you, I'm not sure that I can. I want us to work, to put the past behind us." 

Y/N shifted a little in the bed, turning toward Sharon and lifted her free hand to gently wipe a tear from Sharon's cheek. Hearing what Sharon said, Y/N's heart ached, she had shattered Sharon's life a year ago when she had abruptly ended their engagement. It hadn't been fair, Y/N knew that, but at the time and still now there had been a reason, as reason that she had never told Sharon. 

"I'm sorry..." Y/N said, "I should never have treated you the way I did Sharon. I've never stopped caring about you, I mean that, I just thought I was doing the right thing by you at the time." 

Sharon moved from the chair to sit on the side of the bed, facing Y/N, her hand reaching out to gently hold Y/N's face. 

"Let's start over, maybe we ended up here together on this assignment for a reason. I don't want to let this chance go, to let you go again Y/N" Sharon told Y/N her thumb brushing gently against Y/N's cheek. 

Y/N hesitated for a moment, her mind was still struggling to catch up with everything that had happened and it was hard to focus on anything other than Sharon, with her being right there.

"Okay" Y/N found herself agreeing, "We should try again" 

Sharon's face lit up and she leaned in, wrapping her arms gently around Y/N, hugging her. Y/N lifted her arm and put it around Sharon, holding her, but as she did her eyes looked up and she found Wanda stood in the doorway of the room. An expression of dismay and heartbreak passed across Wanda's face, she had heard the exchange between Y/N and Sharon, and understood it to mean that Y/N had made her choice. That Y/N was choosing Sharon instead of her. 

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