Chapter Twenty-Five

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All hell had broken loose, any chance of hoping to take Hydra by surprise had been completely thrown out the window the moment Wanda had torn half the building down. Hydra were quick to react and before they knew it, the whole team was engaged in fighting numerous agents that poured out of the facility. 

Nat launched herself at two agents that came running toward her, as she took them out she drew her guns and fired shots with deadly precision that hit agents who were just about to try and grab hold of Yelena. She was growing concerned that the longer they were held up out here, the worse the situation would be inside with Wanda. They needed to get to her, soon. 

"Can someone please clear a path to the damn building" Nat called out as she spun around and disarmed another agent before knocking him out with a firm strike of her elbow. 

"What do you think I'm trying to do Romanoff?" Tony quipped back as he flew over her, launching a series of small missiles from his suit that blasted several oncoming vehicles out of the way. 

Nat just rolled her eyes as she sprinted forwards, Yelena and Kate joining her on either side as Clint covered them from behind. Not a single part of the plan had gone right so far and something told Nat that things were unlikely about to start going right. 


Alex cursed as debris began to fall from the ceiling, it narrowly missed where he was standing. Of course Wanda Maximoff had to turn up right now, right when he was so close to realising his father's greatest project. He had been so sure that he would be able to pull it off, that he would change the world but now it was all hanging in the balance. 

"Protect the machine, do not let that damn witch get anywhere near it!!" Alex yelled at the guards as he drew the gun holstered at his side. 

Wanda was moving already, easily avoiding all the shots that were aimed at her. She responded with blasts of her magic, sending bodies flying across the warehouse sized space. It was amusing that Alex really thought that would be able to stop her, that Hydra would be able to contain the Scarlet Witch. 

"This will not end well for you Alex Von Strucker. I suggest you give up now" Wanda warned him as she came to land on the walkway. 

"There is nothing you can do to stop it, you know that don't you? It has already begun. Whether I am here to see it or not, the fabric of our reality is going to be torn open and Hydra will rise once again" Alex snarled at her as he guards moved to stand in front of him. 

Alex glanced over the edge of the walkway, the swirling black energy had already doubled in size, flashes of purple and blue were spreading from the centre of it now. It was contained by several stabilizer rods, they'd been designed to hold the hole in reality in place, so that it could be travelled in and out of once fully established. 

"It's beautiful" Alex muttered to himself, for a moment forgetting the threat that was coming toward him. 


Tears streamed down Y/N's face as the pain ripped through her body with each drag of her power that the machine took from her. She had tried to stop it, to get her power to retreat back into her, but it was useless. Y/N was so close to giving up, she just wanted the pain to stop. Then the entire building had shaken with a terrifying force, Y/N's eyes snapped open and saw the cause of the sudden attack. 


Wanda had found her. 

Y/N tried to physically fight against the restraints holding her in place, but they wouldn't give. Her body was weak and she knew it was likely pointless but she had to try, she had to try and keep fighting because Wanda had come for her. She wasn't sure how Wanda had been able to find her, but Y/N watched as Wanda flew in and landed up on the suspended walkway, confronting her brother. 

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