Chapter Eighteen

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The plan had not gone as it should have done and that appeared to be down to the Avengers interference. Alex glared at the house from where he sat in the back of the van. Less than an hour ago an FBI team had swept in and were now in there with his mother.

Had things gone as they should of, Y/N should have arrived around the same time or just after. At which point the Hydra agents who were part of the FBI team would have been able to get hold of her, under the pretence of taking her somewhere safe.

Instead though, Y/N had failed to turn up at their family home and the plan was derailed for now. Alex had taken careful steps to make his mother truly believe he had been kidnapped, knowing that Y/N would be the first person she'd call and that Y/N would then come running. She was an integral part to what he was trying to accomplish with Hydra, but Alex knew his sister would never help him willingly. Y/N despised Hydra and had made it clear she wanted to destroy them for what they'd done to the family.

Alex didn't see it that way though and he wanted to ensure his father's work was completed. He had sought out Hydra and their scientists, wanting to work to restore Hydra to their glory. The problem was that in order to finish his father's last project, Y/N was the key he needed, the missing part of the equation to make the machine work.

If the machine worked then it would be the greatest achievement in the history of Hydra and Alex was determined to live up to his father's name. Y/N might have been happy to turn her back on everything he had done but Alex wouldn't. It had been the Avengers fault that his father had died, Ultron had been their creation and it still haunted Alex seeing those images of his father dead in his cell.

"Should we return to the lab now Strucker?" Elijah asked him from the front part of the van.

"Yes, it appears my sister has been held up indefinitely at the moment." Alex huffed with irritation as he sent the signal to the agents inside that the mission was off. They would continue to maintain their cover as FBI agents though, they were too valuable to pull them out now.

Alex leaned back in his seat, watching as his home faded into the distance. He was frustrated that today had not gone as planned but there was still time to achieve what he needed to. His sister had always been headstrong and over protective, to a point he believed even the Avengers would have a hard time keeping her in one place for long.

"Elijah contact the other team and have them deploy to the Avengers compound, I have a new plan on how we can obtain my darling sister right from under the Avengers noses" Alex instructed with a smirk.


Y/N felt like she had been hit by a truck, her head was pounding and her body ached. With a grunt of pain, she slowly sat up, her eyes squinting against the brightness of the lights. It took her a moment to clear through the fog in her mind, but then the memories came rushing back. Kissing Wanda, the phone call from her mum, using her powers against the others and Wanda stopping her before she could leave.

Standing up quickly, Y/N stumbled forward a few steps as she got a headrush from the quick movement. Her hand shot out to steady herself, pressing against a cold smooth surface. Confused Y/N managed to stop herself feeling dizzy and opened her eyes, looking around she found herself in what appeared to be standalone reinforced cell. It was situated in the centre of the large room, there were an array of screens and machines in the room as well.

On one of the screens, Y/N saw what looked like a full body composition scan and then the realisation hit that the scan was of her. Not only had they trapped her in this damn glass box but the team had also decided to carry out research on her. Clearly their ability to cross lines was in full swing today.

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