Chapter Twenty-One

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Leaving the compound had been necessary, Wanda hadn't trusted herself to stay there after she had found out how many secrets the others had been keeping from her. She was angry that none of them had thought she could of handled the truth. These last couple of months had been a rollercoaster of emotions and events there was no denying that. The things that Wanda was sure of though was the fact that her and Y/N were meant to have met one another and that the feelings between them were undeniable. 

Wanda had opened a portal and when she had stepped through the otherside, she had found herself in a remote woodlands. After walking for a short time she had come across a cabin, it appeared to have been awhile since it was occupied, so Wanda figured for now it would be safe enough for her to stay there a short while. 

Sitting in the centre of the main room of the cabin, Wanda used her magic to summon a number of candles, they spread out in a circle around her. The Darkhold floated in front of her, and as she looked to it, Wanda allowed the Scarlet Witch to come through. The air shimmered around her and as it focused again she was the Scarlet Witch, the crown rested on her brow. 

Lifting her hand, Wanda swiped her fingers through the air and the Darkhold fell open, the pages displaying numerous spells to her. She studied each of them, allowing the power and the chaos to flow into her. Wanda was done with playing by the rules, done with having to ignore the way her magic called to her to embrace the full scope of her powers. 

If becoming the Scarlet Witch would allow her to find Y/N then Wanda was willing to take the risk of using the Darkhold more than she ever had previously. She knew Stephen Strange would condone the use of it and it was likely he and Wong would sense the shift in the mystic balance but Wanda would deal with that if she had to. 

Thinking about a shift in the mystic balance Wanda noticed something that seemed to be nudging at the very edge of her own magical presence. It was weak though and Wanda would have likely missed it had she not been thinking about the person it belonged to. 

"Y/N..." Wanda whispered softly as she immediately sent out her own magic to try and lock onto Y/N's desperate attempt to break through to her. 

Just as Wanda was about to connect with it, the small slither of Y/N's magic disappeared. It hadn't been strong enough to be able to push through the protective spells that Wanda had cast around her own mind. The sense of it though was all that Wanda needed, it let her know that Y/n was alive and that there was time for her to find her. 

Dreamwalking, it had been the way Wanda had seen Y/N that night, entering her dream so they could talk without anyone else knowing. The Darkhold spoke of two versions of this, the second one though was something Wanda didn't fully understand, it spoke of inhabiting another version of yourself. For now she ignored it and focused on drawing the ruins in the air for the first version, she would find Y/N that way and then whoever had taken her would regret their actions when the Scarlet Witch descended on them. 


Y/N's dream had brought her back to the lake of the compound, it was at least a happier place to be then the cell she was currently lying asleep in. Sitting on the pebbled shore of the lake, Y/N held a pebble in her hand, turning it over as she sat waiting there. Honestly she had no idea if this would work and it was likely that she would never see Wanda or any of the others again. 

The conversation with her brother had ripped her apart, seeing the way he had become so brainwashed and unreasonable. It was what had happened to their father and led to his death, she was terrified that the same was going to happen to Alex. If only she had seen the signs sooner, spent more time at home rather than working, maybe things would have been different. 

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