Chapter Twenty-Two

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Being dragged back to consciousness had been an uncomfortable experience and Y/N was furious to find that two Hydra Agents had used a taser on her to pull her out of the magic induced sleep. It had also broken her connection with Wanda before she had been able to say what she'd wanted to, Y/N was worried that she may have just lost her only chance to let Wanda know how she really felt about her. 

"Get to your feet now" One of the agents gruffed at her. 

"Screw you" Y/N snapped back at him, which earnt her another shock from the taser. 

Doubled over in pain, Y/N wasn't able to fight back against the two agents as they grabbed hold of her and dragged her up to her feet. Using her powers as much as she had, had exhausted her, another reason she should have learnt how to use them. Perhaps then she wouldn't burn out so quickly. 

"You really should have joined Hydra, such a waste" The other agent said to her as they hauled her out of the cell and started walking her down the corridor. 

Y/N didn't bother to respond, she wasn't going to waste her breath on them, they were clearly just as brainwashed as her brother was into believing that Hydra was the ultimate power in the world. She did however pay attention to how many steps they took, the amount of left and right turns and how many doors theys passed through. It might come in handy later should there be any chance of making an escape. 

They entered into a massive laboratory, it was glistening white from floor to ceiling and everyone was wearing various levels of protective clothing as they all moved around a massive machine that was in the centre of the room. There were numerous gangway crisscrossing above, Y/N realised that the room was not only wide but also extremely tall and she was certain she saw some sort of massive metal hatch further above. 

"Strucker has said she is to be placed in the contamination room on the left for now" A scientist instructed the two agents, gesturing to the left. 

Y/N's heart sunk, clearly Alex was not going to waste any time on 'finishing' their fathers work if he was already having her brought here. Which meant the likelihood of Wanda or any of the others looking for her would make it there in time. There was so much Y/N needed to do, so much she needed to say to people and as she was pulled away from the machine, she felt her chance of doing any of that slipping from her grasp. 

"Fix her to that, we don't want her getting any ideas of thinking she can get out of here" The agent of her right said as he pointed to the restraints suspended from the ceiling on the contamination room. 

Y/N went to pull away but the agent slammed his elbow into her ribs with a sickening crack, before the other wrenched her arms up and clipped the cuffs around her wrists to the chains hanging from the ceiling. 

"Pathetic for someone who was given powers from an infinity stone" The agent who had hit her laughed. 

"I will kill you" Y/N snarled back at him, hiding the searing agony that rippled through her body as the restraints lifted her from the ground. 

"Yeah good luck with that, you'll be lucky if you survive this" The agent smirked at her, before the pair of them turned and left the door slamming shut behind them. 

Hanging there, Y/N fought to hold back her tears as she struggled to accept that the agent was probably right. She had seen what her fathers failed experiments had resulted in and it had never been pleasant for the test subjects. 


"Have you managed to figure out where the hell Wanda has gone yet?" Nat demanded as she looked across the table to Stephen Strange who had arrived at the compound an hour ago. 

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