Chapter Three

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After the encounter with Wanda in the office, Y/N had quickly finished up her work and gone and found one of the spare living quarters that Steve had mentioned. She hated the idea of feeling like she was hiding, but damn did she just need a break from what had been a disaster of a first day here. 

Hoping that sleep would have helped, Y/N found herself unable to get any proper rest, constantly tossing and turning, the sleep she did get was hardly enough to actually make her feel any better. With a sigh of frustration, knowing there was no hope of getting any more sleep, Y/N got up and grabbed her running gear from the bag she had left on the chair on the far side of the room. 

Headphones in and music blasting, Y/N made her way through the compound, it was barely five in the morning and the total lack of anyone around meant they were all clearly having no issues sleeping. Stepping out into the grounds, Y/N took a deep breath before setting out at a jog, the plus side to being here, was the fact that there were plenty of trails that wound there way through the grounds for running. 

After ten minutes of running, Y/N finally felt their mind starting to clear as she focused on her breathing and the rhythm of her feet hitting the ground. Running and working out had always been her escape when she needed to destress or when she was particularly stuck on something she was investigating and needed to give her mind the chance to think without being so hyper focused. 

Turning a corner, Y/N had been distracted looking out at the lake that was on her left that she collided with something that felt like a brick wall. Cursing she stumbled backwards and pulled her headphones off, thankfully managing to keep her balance and avoid falling to the ground. 

"Oh crap, sorry I hadn't realised anyone else would be out running these trails so I was kind of going full pace and then yeah you just sort of appeared out of nowhere" Steve Rogers reached out to steady her. 

"It's totally okay, that was on me I should have been paying attention to where I was running and not staring at the lake" Y/N shook her head, before smiling at him. 

"Honestly I'm use to being the only early riser around here, the others like their beauty sleep, I mean some of them need it more than others" Steve chuckled as he rested his hands on his waist, "You certainly wouldn't catch many of them out running for enjoyment either." 

Y/N laughed slightly, it reminded her of her team back at the Bureau none of them had been able to understand why Y/N enjoyed running. They had all firmly believed that the only time for running was if they needed to run toward or away from danger. There wasn't anything fun about it. 

"Look I don't want to sound like a broken record, I really am here to help with Hydra and I get that most of the team probably think I'm just some annoying agent, but I just want to do my job and do it well" Y/N said as she looked at Steve who gave her a sympathetic smile. 

"Yesterday probably wasn't the best introduction to the team and I apologise for that. None of us think that by the way, about you being an annoying agent, we know who you are and if I'm honest between myself and Fury we picked you specifically when it was agreed this would happen" Steve explained to her as they started walking back down the trail, toward the compound. 

"Oh" Y/N said a little surprised that she had been requested by them, she had just assumed that because she was available the deputy director had sent her. 

"I'll call a team meeting, let's say 10am when the others are actually up and then you can give us the briefing. We can take it from there, how's that sound?" Steve offered looking over at Y/N. 

"Yeah that would be great" Y/N smiled warmly, "Thank you Steve." 

"No problem Monroe, I want you to feel like part of the team and not an outsider here" He replied, gently touching her shoulder. 

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