Chapter Twenty

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Y/N couldn't believe this was happening to her, one moment she was being held in a cell by the Avengers and now she was in a new cell being held by unknown people. Thought if she had to guess, they were no doubt the same people who had kidnapped her brother. Which meant they were likely Hydra or ties to Hydra somehow.

Whatever drug they'd injected her with was starting to slowly wear off, she was able to start moving her body again. During the car ride the woman who had somehow managed to take on Sharon's appearance hadn't said a single word and neither had whoever was driving the car. Clearly nobody wanted to slip up and say something that would identify them.

From the moment the car had stopped, they had put a hood over Y/N'a head so she couldn't see anything. It was only taken off as they had thrown her into the cell. Y/N had tried to get her body to move, trying to get a look at who had taken her but at that point the drug was still actively paralysing her.

"I think I preferred the other cell" Y/N muttered to herself as she managed to get up onto her feet.

"Ah I'm disappointed to hear that Y/N. I really tried to make it as comfortable as possible for you" A male voice filled the cell, coming from speakers in the ceiling.

"Alex?" Y/N looked around confusion clouding her eyes as she recognised her brothers voice.

Stepping out from where he'd been standing in the shadow of the corridor that ran along the front of the cells, Alex came face to face with his sister. He was flanked by a woman and a man, both of them dressed in black combat style clothing with the Hydra logo embroider on the chest.

"W-what is going on Alex? Mum... she said someone had taken you" Y/N came to stand at the front of the cell, looking at her brother who stood on the other side of the reinforced glass wall.

"Y/N I knew that if I had asked you to come that you would have refused and likely sent a team of your friends to stop me. So I had to get a little more creative" Alex said to her with a smile, "The plan admittedly was slightly ruined by the Avengers trying to lock you up but well getting into that compound was far easier than any of us expected. Clearly your ex-fiancé is more influential than I thought with them."

Y/N struggled to process what was happening, she had been terrified for her brother, believing that he had been kidnapped and was in danger. Now though she was learning that all of that had been Alex, he had staged it to get her here, the part she couldn't workout was why?

"Why are you doing this Alex? Is someone forcing you to do this?" Y/N asked, the only way she could believe that her brother would do this was if he was being coerced into it.

Alex chuckled and shook his head, he should have known that his sister would refuse to believe that be would be doing this by choice. It was the FBI agent in her, always thinking that someone needed saving.

"Our father was a leader Y/N, he was vital in building Hydra back up. What happened to him was a crime, one that nobody was ever punished for. They just wrote it off because he was the 'enemy'. I couldn't let his legacy die as well. You may be happy to act like he was a villain and hunt down and destroy what he built but I have been working to protect what he created. I found his work, his research, all of it, he'd hidden so much in an old Facility in Germany. So I've been working on finishing what would have been his greatest work, it would have given Hydra everything they needed to rightfully control the world. That dear sister is where you come in, you I worked out are the missing piece to completing this creation" Alex told her with a sense of complete belief that what he was doing was right and unquestionable.

Y/N's stomach twisted in knots and she felt sick as she listened to her brother and saw a look in his eyes that she had seen in the many people she had taken down for the FBI. It was the look of a crazed person, someone who was so far gone that there would be no talking them down from what they believed.

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