Chapter Twenty-Three

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Wanda's magic had been working from the moment she had appeared in Alex Von Strucker's office, it had seeped into the ground and spread beneath the building. It had worked on corrupting and breaking down the foundations the building stood on before spider webbing up into the walls. It would cause endless issues now it was unleashed. 

The time that she had spent had been long enough that Wanda had been able to see exactly where the Hydra base was. It had been far too easy to see into Alex's mind and then to allow her magic to confirm it. She had tried to reason with him, to offer a way to resolve this without anyone getting hurt but Alex had made the choice when he had refused to return Y/N to the compound. 

Wanda wouldn't stop now until Y/N was back, if she had to tear the building to the ground then she would. Standing up from the circle of candles, Wanda put the Darkhold back into hiding, a pocket between realities where only she could summon it from. With a flick of her hand the candles extinguished and she then strode out of the cabin, her magic swirling around her as she lifted off from the ground. It wouldn't take her long to reach her intended location and she didn't anticipate anyone trying to stop her. 


Stephen Strange stood in the conference room of the compound, Wong at his side as they both listened to the Avengers explanation as to what had happened in the hours before their arrival. Stephen had already noted a shift in the balance of magic, which was now explained by the use of the Darkhold by Wanda. Wong had also expressed great concern for the repercussions this could have to the natural order of magic. Stephen and Wong had already been trying for a few hours to locate Wanda. 

"If Wanda has indeed allowed the Scarlet Witch in fully, then this raises the seriousness of this situation" Stephen sighed as he looked at the team, "Not all magic is the same, I won't go into the exact details of the delicate balance it works on but the magic that Wanda accesses is very different to mine. Wanda, well the Scarlet Witch wields Chaos Magic, the most destructive and powerful magic that is known. There is limited research held on the Scarlet Witch, but what we do know is there was a time she was worshipped as a Goddess and her powers are unrivalled. It pains me to say it but even the Supreme Sorcerer would struggle to out match her." 

Nat and Yelena exchanged a glance between them, for awhile they had in private discussed their concern about just what Wanda was capable of and whilst they had expected it was dangerous, they hadn't expected it to be on this level. Nat expected most of the team had, had their concerns as well. For so long though Wanda had been in control of the power, of the Scarlet Witch but the current situation had opened a doorway for the Scarlet Witch to gain more influence over Wanda's actions and feelings. 

"So what do we do about it?" Steve asked, "We can't just let Wanda, no matter how powerful you say she is, go up against an entire Hydra facility alone. For all we know she is walking right into a trap. They already have Y/N, we can't let them get Wanda as well." 

"Wanda has warded herself well, trying to find her is going to take a little bit of time" Wong answered, "As soon as we locate her, myself and Stephen will be able to portal you all there. For now I suggest you all carry on trying to find out more about these Hydra plans and have a way to stop that for when we do find them." 

Tony frowned deeply as he leant back in his chair. 

"Alright, Bruce and I will carry on with FRIDAYS help trying to crack into the Hydra files held by Shield and see what we can find out from there" Tony replied, "Everyone else, I suggest getting suited up and being ready to move as soon as we get the information we need." 

The door to conference room opened and Sharon walked in.

"You won't need to crack the files, I still have access to all of Shields systems as part of my role with the CIA. Just tell me what we're looking for" Sharon said as she took a seat next to Steve and pulled her laptop from her bag. 

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