"The warmth."

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Jisoo did some dusting, it took half of her day. She decided to cook dinner for them.

It was her first day of being a wife. She quickly entered the kitchen to find it deserted.

She unhurriedly started checking cabinets but found nothing, she thought for a while and finally came to an conclusion of buying groceries, but she wasn't familiar with the surroundings.

She thought of calling Taehyung but didn't want to disturb him so.....

She unhurriedly wore her jacket and shoes and left.

After driving for a couple of minutes she finally found a grocery store.

It wasn't too late but groceries would definitely take time. After placing some necessary things into shopping cart,
she unhurriedly paced towards the checkout counter and soon she was done billing.

She looked at the two huge bags, she sighed  and carried both and finally reached her car, after placing the bags inside she looked at her red hands which were now painful.

After driving back home, she noticed that Taehyung was not yet back.

She placed the bags on kitchen counter and started cooking she wasn't sure were to place the grocery maybe Taehyung had specific places for specific items so she just used needed stuff and left the rest of the stuff on the counter.

She was done cooking after a while and started plating them and soon sharp noise echoed in her ears.

She was wearing an apron which complimented her figure and her waist length hair tied into a messy bun.

She unhurriedly unlocked the door and a handsome face greeted her sight. She smiled at him and got a soft patt on her head.

She liked this gesture of him.

She grabbed his bag while Taehyung was closing the door.

Taehyung looked at Jisoo she looked beautiful even in a apron and messy bun.....she was beautiful yet she was his.

He detached his shoes and removed his trench coat and placed them on the hanger.

He entered the living room and his nostrils quickly caught the pleasant smell. Jisoo placed his bag on table and said:

"Wash up, dinner is ready."

He looked at the kitchen counter and found huge bags.

"Did you go to grocery shopping?" Taehyung looked at her while she just nodded.

He felt guilty for not helping her.....
Taehyung unhurriedly went inside his room and removed his tailored suit and placed it on bed and unhurriedly walked inside his bathroom and washed his hand.

He quickly paced outside the bathroom and wiped his wet face with dry towel.

He was now in his white shirt and pants, he walked outside his room and entered the kitchen and found his beautiful wife struggling to untie the apron strap on her back.

He walked towards her and helped her with untieing it. Jisoo unhurriedly took back her hands.

Taehyung helped her in removing it.

Jisoo held a plate with different sought of vegetables.

Taehyung unhurriedly took it away from Jisoo and walked out of the kitchen.

Jisoo looked around and left.

Taehyung looked over the food it was a feast. He could see that the table was well arranged, a huge bowl filled with soup and different dishes and rice by side.

He took his seat and Jisoo did the same.
Jisoo was about to pour the soup for him bit he unhurriedly poured the soup and placed infront of Jisoo and did the same for him.

Taehyung could smell the pleasant aroma of the food. He was about to sip the soup with the help of soup spoon but Jisoo interrupted him:

"It's pretty hot so blow it before you eat."

Taehyung looked at her, he could see affection and care in her eyes.

He nodded and did as she said. Taehyung sipped the soup and here we go.

The tasty soup lingered his taste buds. He looked at Jisoo who was waiting for a reply or should I say compliment.

Taehyung smiled and said:

"Your cooking is way better than my mom and to be honest it's very delicious....I Never thought that you know how to cook."

Jisoo blushed and said:

"Well I used to help my mom and eventually I learned but after mom wasn't able to work in kitchen I took over and also I had to cook for myself back then when I was in my drom."

Taehyung looked at her with all unreadable feelings in his eyes.

They started eating quietly until Taehyung said:

"I'm sorry I should have accompanied you for the grocery shopping."

"It's okay I understand..... I know you are busy so.... it was just grocery shopping."

"But still it was our first day being a married couple I had to ...." he was cut of by Jisoo.

"It's okay Mr.kim "

Taehyung smiled while Jisoo placed a few pieces of vegetables on his plate and asked:

"How was your day?"

"Probably hectic I had a few meetings and also had to attend the new site."
Taehyung said while putting a peice of vegetable in his mouth."And how was your's?"

"Well I did nothing much but explored your home it's beautiful."

Taehyung smiled and said:

"Well now it's not just mine it's also your's....after signing those papers what all belongs to me is legally yours."

Jisoo felt her heart getting warm. She was not someone to tear up so easily but his words were so deep that tears formed in her eyes. She quickly looked down, Taehyung noticed it and held her hand which was on table and said:

"Why are you crying?"

"I don't know just felt happy." Jisoo was indeed happy she did not look at him still facing her legs undertable.

"Look at me Mrs.kim" his tone was not harsh.

Jisoo looked at him he slowly got up and bend toward her to wipe her tears away.

This moments of him made her heart more warm.

She felt safe around him.

She felt warmth near him.

After they were done with the dinner Taehyung insisted on doing dishes while Jisoo decided to take a bath.

Taehyung was done after a couple of minutes and walked into his room.

He never shared his room, yet today he was.

Jisoo walked out of the closet with her night suit on.... Taehyung could smell sweet scent of her from a distance.

Jisoo walked past him and straightened the curtains and said:

"I have already filled the bathtub you can take a bath."

Taehyung unhurriedly walked inside the bathroom and took his bath after a while he was done.

After chugging a brown t-shirt and track he walked inside his room to find Jisoo reading a book.

Jisoo with her long waist length hair was comfortably resting her back and head on the headboard while her legs were under the qulit.

Jisoo felt presences she looked at him and she couldn't help but stare at him he looked handsome even in his casual clothes.

Taehyung unhurriedly went to his side of bed and lowered his body to enter the quilt.

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