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The room was deadly quite. The room was filled with all silence. Dr Harry was seated right beside Jisoo and few other doctors from his department. While in the opposite row was Dr.Alex with his department.

The head of both the departments where sitting on the stage which had two chairs. They were already in their 60s.

The debate started and soon the room was filled with Jisoo and Alex arguing more like fighting.

"Dr.Jisoo suddenly switched the method which was actually wrong that would have caused the death of the patient." Said Dr. Alex while being all frustrated.

"I don't think I have done anything wrong, more like I used the correct method because if I didn't use the suction method....it's not like you never changed the methods just at the moment." She was pissed but sounded calm but aggressive too.

"It's different Dr.Jisoo, I was incharge of the operation."

Jisoo and the rest of them were so immersed into the debate more like fighting again, they didn't notice that Mr.peter had entered the room with three fine men with him and were sitting behind throughout the debate.

"I don't think it's something serious, Dr.Jisoo did what was right and it's not like we go according to what we have planned sometime we need to change the method after seeing the condition and I think  Dr.Jisoo was in the same position.'' Said one of the senior Dr. From Dr.Alex's department.

Park Jimin glared at Dr.Alex and eyed him from top to bottom.

"He is getting on Jisoo's nerves."  Whispered Park Jimin to Kim Taehyung.

"Surely he is."Said Kim Taehyung.

Soon the conference meeting ended. And people started leaving the room. Taehyung and Jimin were still seated while Mr.peter and Park Seokjin were talking to some senior doctors. Jisoo was so immersed in arguing with Dr.Alex even after the conference meeting.

"Dr. Jisoo I would appreciate your act but before you perform surgery please inform me what you are planning." Said Dr.Harry while helping her to grab her files and reports.

Jisoo looked at him and swiftly walked towards the door but stopped abruptly when she spotted Park Seokjin and Mr.peter.

"Hello Dr.Jisoo." Mr.peter swiftly greeted her.

"Good morning." Jisoo greeted him back and looked at Park Seokjin but soon her eyes spotted Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung. She had a eye contact with Kim Taehyung for good few seconds but she couldn't hold it, she was shy. She remembered his words.

"Tie me down with a child.." she could feel her heart beat running like roller costar.

"Good morning Mr.peter." Dr.Harry swiftly greeted him.

Jisoo quickly moved towards Park Seokjin and side hugged him.

"What bring you her?" Asked Jisoo to Seokjin.

"My sister." was the only thing he said.
Dr.Harry was confused by her act. While Mr.peter looked happy.

"En, I forgot to introduce..he is Mr.Park Seokjin one of the Share holders in the sky hospital he never showed up because of some reason and also he is Dr.Jisoo's elder brother." Dr.Harry smiled and moved his hand forward for a handshake.

Jisoo looked at Mr.peter.

So he knew about her being Park Seokjin's sister.

Since when?

Her thoughts were cut off when Kim Taehyung sneaked his hand around her waist. She looked at him and he had a soft smile on his face. Park Jimin moved forward and hid there moments behind his back and moved his hand forward towards Dr.Harry.

"Park Jimin, Jisoo's twin" Dr.Harry was shocked, Jisoo never said anything about her family but her brothers were simply good looking and smart.

Later after a good conversation with Dr.Harry and Mr.peter they left for lunch. Jisoo was so upset with Mr.peter because he knew about her family and never mentioned. Park Jimin was quick enough to calm her down.


Jungkook was still busy in Lisa's cabin.

Lisa was busy with her appointments and couldn't talk to Jungkook at all. Later after long. She was finally done with her appointments but wasn't ready to talk to Jungkook.

"Umm, would you like to have some coffee?" Lisa asked Jungkook but he smiled and shook his head as no.

"I have already had enough of coffee while waiting for you....Ms.Lisa.''

Lisa was definitely shocked with his calm aura and facial features. She was definitely into Korean men but this man was something else.

"I'm really sorry for that night-." She was instantly cut off by Jungkook.

"The thing is I don't want you to be sorry..., we both were equally in fault so it's even my fault " Park Jungkook said and smiled but Lisa wasn't expecting this from him. She thought he would say her to pay but this was something she wasn't expecting.

"So, what can I do for you?" Lisa asked.

"Ms.Lisa the thing i wanted to talk to you is, I'm ready to take responsibility of you and the child...you don't have to burden yourself. If you don't want to have the child and you have someone else in your life I will keep the child with me, you can divorce me soon after giving birth to the child-." Jungkook looked at her, Lisa was about to tell him something but Jungkook quickly continued:

"I want you to marry me. So that the house registration problem of the baby can be solved after the baby is born. A single woman with a baby can have alot of inconvenience. Of course if you are unwilling to stay with me after the baby is born. I will give you large sum of money to ensure that you don't have to worry about food and clothing for the rest of your life. If you are willing to continue to be with me.  It is naturally better. I will be a good husband and take care of you for the rest of my life." With that being said he quickly left the cabin without giving her chance to answer.

Lisa noticed his aura, it was different he wasn't joking at all. He was serious and it was clear from his eyes. She sighed and plopped on the couch but her thoughts and the silence in the room was disturbed by a phone call.

She looked at the caller ID to find it Jisoo.

"En?" She answers her call.

"Are you free tonight?" Jisoo asked while handing Taehyung water. Taehyung was sitting inside Jisoo's cabin. It was just the two of them.


"Well, I wanted to tell you something and you also wanted to meet my husband right?" Jisoo said and looked at Taehyung who was flipping some books on her table.

"OK, I'm in."

"I actually have to tell you something important so be on time." Jisoo said before hanging up.

Lisa hummed in response and placed her phone back after done talking with her.

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