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"You will find someone who
loves you."

"Jisoo's mother is having a attack again!" Mr.Peter who was cool a minute ago was now on the verge to drive to Jisoo's place. "Yeonjun go get my car." he gave his car keys and, "Lisa you stay here I will inform the staff and President Kim it would be impolite----"he wasn'tabletocompletehis sentence and heard, "It's okay Mr.Peter even I was about to leave!" As soon as he heard it he recognized him "President Kim!" and soon Taehyung left the venue when his car arrived.
He had a breif eye contact with Lisa as he entered the car.Soon Yeonjun arrived with the car and they left to Jisoo's place.

As they were heading towards Jisoo's place a car was following them without them knowing.


It was almost 6 in the evening in Seoul the weather was definitely very good and in SA buildings the whether was really pleasant.

Jimin secretly sneaked out off the penthhouse and went inside the elevator and directly headed toward floor 45 and slowly by hiding his face from the cctv camera, he knocked on flat number 809 and soon the door was flew open and Jimin was grabbed inside the flat and the door was closed shut instantly.

"Jisoo I'm good it was just a minor pain and I can bear it dear." A woman in her  50s said, as she kept staring at Jisoo's eyes deeply "Mamma you know right,
I don't have anyone other than you please don't lie to me I know you are skipping meals and also medications. please don't miss meals and medications!" Jisoo said and emotions can be seen in her eyes and soon Jisoo's mother cupped Jisoo's face and started. "I know you are scared of losing me!" Jisoo was looking down at the carpet.

"Don't worry you know what? you were the reason you are the reason why I am living and you were the only one beside me after losing your dad and brothers.
I was completely broken and then I realized that I have you, you are my reason to live and look at me today I am living only for you."

she stopped and looked at Jisoo who was almost on the urge to cry,

"Look here Park Jisoo look into My eyes!" Park Jiah said, her voice was colder than north pole.

Jisoo looked in her mother's eyes
"Even if I die you will find a reason to live. someone who can love you more than I do, someone who can take care of you ,someone who can dote you... someone who can fill your life with happiness!"  Jisoo started crying and hugged her mother tightly. She knew that someday her mother will leave her.

After a while Lisa,Mr.peter and Yeonjun were at Jisoo's place. They decided to give a bell but they didn't had to because the door was already opened by Jisoo who was heading outside.

Yeonjun: Noona how did you know that we are here?

Jisoo replied: "Actually I was going to pharmacy and also mamaa wanted to see you Mr.Peter."

They entered the room and soon
Mr. Peter went dramatic.
"Oh my god Ms.park did you again skip your dose .....OHHH GOD HOW WILL YOU RECOVER SOON???.... YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR DAUGH----"he said in fully dramatic way but he was cut off by Ms.Park "Mr.Peter I'm fine. "

Soon the room went silent and everyone in the room were serious Jisoo wasn't present there as she went to pharmacy.

Lisa was sitting beside Ms.park and yeonjun on the couch and Mr.Peter was standing in front of Ms.park.

"I actually wanted to talk to you about my daughter."


Taehyung was standing infront of ceiling to floor window and sipping his coffee and catching the view of the beautiful city California. The view of city can be seen, soon he was interrupted by a call on his phone he checked the caller ID and without wasting any single second he answered the call "Hello uncle?"

The conversation just went on and soon he said his last words on his call and ended the call,

"You don't have to worry uncle I'm here and I'll take care of both of them.
I wasn't not able to find her in the venue. Okay I'll go according to the plan and I'll update you soon. Okay!"

He sighed and unhurriedly walked towards his bed before laying on it. He closed his eyes and a face popped up as he closed his eyes it was the same woman who caught Taehyung's attention.

Unknowingly he smiled.



"What the hell park Jimin look at your hand it has a cut!" A woman in her 20s yelled at Park Jimin but, The man was admiring her. They were literally so close.
"It isn't painful" he said still eyes on her face.
"Stop smiling like an idiot." she said, while looking at Park Jimin.

"Well, you can't say that, I'm watching my Girlfriend.....oh correction,  soon-wife-to-be.

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