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"Where is he? He didn't inform before coming?" Taehyung asked Mark his voice was calm as usual.

"He reached this evening and it was a surprise vist from him and master when I heard elder Min's voice I could easily predict that he is aware of the truth." Taehyung listened to Mark while grabbing his laptop and instantly switching it on.

"We will meet him tomorrow morning for breakfast."

"Okay boss."

"Find out Mr Choi's upcoming projects and also check the pattern with whom he meets frequently and what he and his son's are upto...''

"Noted, Boss I have checked Gu family's current schedule and state."

"How are things there?" Taehyung asked while swiftly typing on the keyboard.

"The Young Master of Gu family is already into business and the elder Gu is on bed he is living his final days and all the attention is on him and I have also checked that they haven't tried on searching for Missus for a while now."

Taehyung stopped what he was doing and instantly thought about something.

"They are probably waiting for us to make move so they can play the final round but we can't jump onto the conclusion right now they might have something else in their mind." Taehyung said while looking at the screen.

The blue rays from the screen reflected on his skin and made it look flawless and attractive.

"Yes Boss and boss the Park's will be here soon." Mark said while stuttering.

Taehyung paused and smiled remembering Jisoo being happy. Jisoo was always trying to find them through different agents but they would always betray her and run with her money she was eventually stopped by Min Yoongi and Park Ji-ah.

Taehyung would be happy for Jisoo but he also knew that there was a Strom coming up.

"Hmm, I know make sure that when they land send our people to pick them up and make sure to make reservations too."


With that being said Taehyung hung up the call and looked at the balcony door which was partly open.

He unhurriedly got up and walked towards the balcony.

He got a cigarette from his trouser pocket and lit it before taking a puff.

He sighed and looked at the busy city.


On the other hand elder Min was sitting on his bed while silently reading a book with his spectals on.

He was distracted by a thought and quickly grabbed his phone and dailed a number which was answered after three rings.

"Elder Min.'' A cold voice flashed through his ears and he was too familiar with it.

"Bastard!!" Elder Min said in annoyance and sighed heavily.

"I'm sorry elder Min for going against the plan."

"Let's talk about that tomorrow. Meet me at 7am in the morning sharp."

Elder Min quickly hung up the call without waiting for his answer. He was definitely anger and annoyed at the same time which was clearly visible on his face.

He sighed and started reading the book he was a while ago.

Jisoo was stunned for a moment but smiled and said:

"I'm happy."

"Really?" Lisa asked to which Jisoo nodded.

"He takes care of me and always surrounds me with good and happy vibes. I know this might sound ridiculous but  I want to spend my rest of the life with him." Jisoo said as she looked at Jeremy who was about blast.

"Why is that ridiculous girl?? And how?? No that is absolutely correct.... you deserve him....,I'm really happy." Jeremy said as she quickly walked and sat beside Jisoo.

Lisa looked at Jeremy and then Jisoo...she did feel soomesort of calmness in Jisoo's eyes which she never found. She smiled and finally said:

"If ever you guys have a fight and want to punish him, just come to me...., we will definitely mix some poison in his drink." She said with a wink but Jisoo had her eyes wide open.

"Why the hell do you want him to die Lisa?" Jisoo said with her eyes wide and hands ready to slap Lisa. Jeremy could do nothing but laugh her ass of.

"Okay fine how about body irritation antibiotics."

Jisoo sighed and held her temple out of annoyance and anger.The atmosphere went silent for a while before Jeremy catching their attention with her statement.

"You know what, President Kim called me this morning!!!" As soon as Jisoo heard her husband's name she looked at Jeremy and Lisa was on guard.

"Don't talk foolishly." Lisa said and earned a glare from Jeremy.

"I'm telling the truth." Jeremy Clarified.

"What did he say?" Jisoo who was silently listening asked.

"He said all about you!!"

"You should have told him that you know better about her than him." Lisa said and was instantly cut off by Jeremy.

"Listen to me first."

"Okay go on" Jisoo said looking all impatient.

"This morning I was busy with writing reports and Jisoo was busy in conference meeting and at that Moment I received a call and when I picked it, I heard a deep voice....oh my god and when I recognized him I was shocked!!!"

"Don't blaber come to the point." Lisa said while roughly grabbing the pillow from Jisoo.

"He said that Jisoo's Meals will be sent to hospital on time and I'm incharge for keeping track her food and her work....Jisoo is not supposed to over work and if there is any issue than I'm supposed to infrom him immediately."

Lisa was shocked so was Jisoo. They never expected the cold Taehyung to be so kind and good.

Though he was on trip for only three days but he made sure that his wife us safe.

Jisoo felt a warm feeling and was definitely happy she felt that the decision she made was a good one.

Lisa felt the same, she was happy for her and was happy for her best friend and soon started whining.

"Even I want a husband like President Kim." Lisa started whining and so did Jeremy.

"Sadly there is only one Kim Taehyung."

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