Chapter 4

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Sasha's POV

I wokr up and got ready then exited my room and went to the food counter for breakfast everyone else was up before me and already eating breakfast I got my food and sat down next to Anne "So give me the run down what should I work on with Marcy" I asked "Well usally Dr. Levi is the one who tells you what you need to work on with her so just wair until he gets here to tell you" Anne said "Ok" I said "Yeah and be paitence with her it will take her time to do stuff" she said "Ok I will" I said "Good you really need to we don't want her to think she is taking too much time" she said "Yeah" I said then after we ate our breakfast everyone went back to work I did too I thought I wait for Dr. Levi to knock on the door, come in, and Anne will tell him that I'm taking care of Marcy today so he would leave Marcy with me by working on my project after a few minutes I heard a knock on my door I opened it and it was Anne "He is here isn't he" I asked "Yeah he wants you to come into my room" she said "Ok" I said then I followed Anne into her room "There you are Dr. Waybright I heard from Dr. B that you're going to take care of Marcy today" he asked "Yeah I am I thought I'd give Anne sometime to work on her project" I said "Well that's good I'll be back later be good for Sasha ok" he said to Marcy she nodded "See you two this afternoon" he said "Yeah you too" Anne said then he exited and shut the door Anne turned to me "Sasha" she asked "Yeah what" I asked "Can you put this on Marcy if she wants it on that is" she said while giving me a brown chest guard "Yeah sure" I said taking it "Thanks" she said "Yeah no problem" I said "Ok I'll let you go and work with her" she said "Ok" I said "Oh and he said you need to work with her on flying" she said "Ok is there a method I should use" I asked "Yeah there is" she said "Ok what" I asked "You let Marcy get on your back then you run down a hallway, then have her spread her wings and run down the hallway, then have her flap her wings and run down. and then have her push off you while she flaps her wings and see if she can hover more than two seconds" she said "Ok" I said "Yeah here the stopwatch I used yesterday" she said gving me a stopwatch "Ok got it" I said "See you this afternoon" she said "You too" I said then I started walking away I whisted for Marcy to follow me she followed me out of the room and into our hangout spot she jumped onto the couch "Ok first off do you want to put this one today" I asked she shoke her head no "Ok that's ok second let's go work on your hovering" I said then I walked away I whisted and she followed me to a hallway "Ok get on my back" I said crouching down she got on my back and I stood up "Ok this first one I won't do anything" I said to myself "Ready" I asked her she nodded and I ran down the hallway and back I looked up she knew she spread her wings "Ready" I asked she nodded then I ran down the hallway and back she knew and she flapped her wings "Ready" I asked again she nodded and I ran down the hall and back she knew what to do this time "Ready" I asked again she nodded I ran down the hall and then on my way back she pushed off of me I didn't trip I turned around and she was hovering I hit the stopwatch and she hovered more than two seconds it was like three seconds then she fell I turned off the stopwatch and ran to catch her I was able to and she wasn't harmed "You ok do you want to go again" I asked she nodded "Ok can you speak" I asked she shoke her head "Come on try say my name Sasha" I said she opened her mouth and made little noises but nothing "That's ok we'll work on that" I said then I turned around and she got back onto my back and we did the samething again and again until the day was over I went back to Anne's room and she followed me I knocked on the door "Come in" Anne said I opened the door and walked in "Hey Sash" she said "Hey" I said "Was she good did she hover more than two seconds" she said "Yeah actually but she only hovered for three seconds" I said "Hmm that's not bad" she said "Yeah but it's also not good" I said "Yeah you're right but we'll work on it step by step" she said "Yeah I know" I said "Well I think Dr. Levi will be coming in just a bit" she said "Ok" I said "Yeah he should be here any minute" she said then there was a knock at the door and it opened it was Dr. Levi Marcy ran up to him "Hey Marcy" he said "She was good we worked on hovering and she hovered a little longer than before so" I said "Good also maybe tomorrow a could stay here and help you two with her" he said "That's great" Anne said "Yeah I know" he said "Well I need to work on my porject so I won't be looking after her tomorrow is that ok with you Dr. Levi" I asked "Yeah it totally is I know how hard it is to take care of a project when you have another project to work on it's totally ok with me" he said "Thanks" I said "Yeah" he said then I started to walk out of the room "Hey Sasha" Anne asked "Yeah" I asked "Where did you put the chest gaurd" she asked "Oh on one of the counches in our hangout spot" I said "Ok thanks" she said "Yeah I'll see you outside ok Anne" I said "Yeah see you outside" she said then I walked out of the room and back to my room and started working my project again.

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