Chapter 14

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Anne's POV

I woke up and noticed I was cuddling Marcy she woke up and we said good morning to each other we both git out of bed and got soem foof after food we decided to take it easy today have some fun with each other like toss a ball, play some sports, play tag, play hide and seek, etc. the fun things to do we did that for most of the day.

Henry's POV

I heard my door open and a lot of people walk in I turned my chair around "Morning you ten do you know why I called you in here" I asked "Because you wanted to see us" one said "Yes I did I have been struggling with something that you ten can help me with" I said "What is it sir" the same one asked "Well you see our job is to help the miltary anyway possible right" I said getting out of my chair "Yeah it is" he said "For one month now I've tried to find a plan to get a invention because the first time I tried I got my knife in my leg and now I've been kicked out same goes for the rest of you now I need your guys help to get close to The National Amphibias Lab" I said "Why" one asked "Didn't I just tell you I need an invention that is in it clearly you didn't listen to me the first time" I said "Ok I listened" he said "Anyway I need that invention and for some information in this invention it's a female, her name is Marcy, she is being cared for by Dr. Boonchuy a little brat, she has sharp claws on her fingers and feet, and she has sharp fangs so be careful when around her" I said "Yes sir" they said "Good now let's ingage on our first plan" I said.

Anne's POV

Me and Marcy were just resting on the couch because both of us needed to rest after playing most of day after a few seconds we both took a nap after we woke up they was a tapping on one of the windows "You stay here I'll see what it is" I said Marcy nodded I got up from the couch and walked over to the window and looked out it just then someone broke the window I backed up and got stopped by someone else he held my hands behind my back the person who broke the window walked up to me "Well if isn't Dr. Boonchuy I was wondering when I would run into you" he said "YOU what are you doing here" I asked him "Well you see I need that invention of yours" he said "You'll never get her" I shouted "Yeah and what will stop my team" he asked "She is stronger than you and your team" I shouted "Well see about that" he said "Wait are you stalling me" I asked "Maybe" he said I elbowed the guy who was holding me in place in the jaw and he let go I ran away and back to the couch Marcy was surrounded by nine people they all had tranquilizer guns and other capture stuff she was defending herself from being hurt I went to run to help her but was caught by Henry I tried to get free "I have you now you little brat" he said "You don't what you're going up against do you" I asked "Shut up I do I'm going up against you, you little brat" he said "Not I'm not a little brat you're the winey baby you can't appect that I don't want Marcy to work for the miltary because you need all the inventions that everyone has created here" I said "Shut up capture her now" he shouted the nine guys nodded and aimed their tranquilizer guns at Marcy I kicked him in teh chin he let go in pain I ran up and tackled one making him drop his gun the others aimed their gun at me "Sir do we shot the Dr" one of them asked "I don't care what you do just get the invention" Henry said he went back aiming his gun at me Marcy got mad at them and tackled one of them and tackled the rest they dropped their guns and ran over to me to help me up "Thanks" I said while she helped me up I walked up to Henry with Marcy following "Get your butt and your team's butts outta here before I call security and have them kick you eleven out" I said "Fine you win again this time but in the end you won't get up all of you and follow me" he said he stood up and got his team out and himself I turned to Marcy "Are you ok are you hurt" I asked "I'm fine are you hurt" she asked "I'm ok" I said "Good" she said we hugged "I'm glad he gave up this time again I was really scared" I said "Me too" she said "Now let's try to fix these windows" I said "Yeah" she said then both of us went to fix the windows.

Henry's POV

I got back into the van with two people from my team the rest were riding in an other one we headed back to the facility "We'll get her another way" I said "I don't know sir maybe you hsould let this invention go she is too dangerous" the person from my team driving said "Shut up I'm not giving up because some brat stopped me twice" I said "Well sir if you think of it the invention is too dangerous like she is stronger than me and all of us we can't fight her" he said "You're the best there is I need all of you" I said "It's just we've never faaced something like this before and too be honest she almost hurt one of us" he said "I don't care if she almost hurt one of you, you need to keep your head up and don't give up" I said "But sir-" he said but then I cut him off "Do you want to be fired" I asked "No" he said "Then shape up" I said "Yes sir" he said we stayed quite throughout the ride I got out and walked back to my office with my team following me I told them to wait outside for sometime they did and I went to find out another plan.

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