Chapter 26

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Anne's POV

Henry smashed a window and jumped onto a helicopter I followed him and grabbed the bars at the bottom of the helicopter "Argh you never give up do you" Henry said he put Marcy down "Yeah what are you going to do about it" I asked "How about this" he said he pulled out his gun and shot at my hand I removed it and he shot at the other I removed it and fell I grabbed onto a ledge from a signaler he laughed a bit and the helicopter was flying away but Marcy saw this and bite him on his leg "Ah" he said trying to kick Marcy off he fell off also took Marcy down Marcy grabbed onto a ledge on the singal but highter than what I grabbed onto and Henry grabbed her foot then it started raining hard and the ledges were getting slippery "Let go or I'll make you" I shouted up at Henry "Ha ha I'm not going to let go I have Marcy in my grasp she can't fly and she is slipping" he said "Don't tell me I didn't warn you Marcy kick him off" I shouted up at her she nodded and started kicking after a few seconds he lost grip and fell but he grabbed onto me foot "Argh you can't just take a invention without permission" I said "I know I just don't follow the rules since I was given this job by the capital" he said I kicked to knock him off I was able to but he pulled me down a bit then I lost my grip and was going to fall "Marcy" I shouted up to her she looked down at me then I fell she quickly let go of the ledge and dived and caught me and wrapped her wings around and the hit the floor which was raised up like it was a landing spot she opened her wings and stopped holding me "Thanks Mar-Mar" I said she nodded I got up and so did she I turned around and Henry got up from the floor and started running at me he was able to gte to me before Marcy could stand in front of me and knocked me down I slid off the landing spot and grabbed onto the edge he come close to me to make me let go but Marcy stopped him and tackled him while she was busy with him I pulled myself up I ran over to them "Marcy we gotta go" I said she looked at me then looked back at Henry I ran off then seconds later she followed we made it inside "You ok you're not hurt are you" I asked she shoke her head "That's good I'm ok as well" I said then a few seconds later Henry came inside with a shrach mark across his right eye it was bleeding "Argh this invention is getting on my nerves" he said Marcy bared her fangs at him "And why is her eyes like that they weren't like that before" he said "It's because she is near me" I said "How" he asked "I don't know" I said he pulled out his gun Marcy ran to him and bit him in his arm his gun was in he dropped his gun then ran over to me and ran I followed her we ran into a room that was small and seconds later Henry found us and walked up to us "I know and you know I can't win you've beaten me multiple times but now I already sold Marcy to an miltary soilder" he said "Shut up that miltary soilder will never have their hands on Marcy" I shouted "Oh but they're expecting her at their's tomorrow evening" he said "I said shut up Marcy tackle him" I said Marcy ran and tackled him then I walked up to him "Get off of me" he said Marcy didn't listen "Marcy get off of me" he said again Marcy didn't listen "Looks like she listens to me" I said "How" he said "Oh maybe it's because I've spent the most time with her and she hates you" I said "Ha lucky for you I have one more trick up my selve" he said then he pulled out a collar I noticed it was a shock collar and went to put it on her "Wait don't put that on she is unstable" I said "Oh I don't care as long as she follows my orders" he said he successfully put in on and it shocked Marcy "Marcy get off of me" he said the shocking ended she listened and got off of him "You monster" I said "I'm no monster I'm simply trying to do my job" he said "By controlling inventions against their will" I said "Yep Marcy kill Anne" he said her eyes were pure black she nodded then ran at me I ran away she chased me out of the room and down a hallway until I stopped because of a wall she tackled me "Marcy it's me Anne please listen to me" I said she clammed down and realized what she was doing and stopped and got off of me but another shock came and I ran away she chased me I cut her off hiding in a room after a few seconds she didn't find me then I realized she could sniff me and follow my trail long enough to get away from Henry and me to take the collar off I took off my hoodie and laid it outside of the room I was hiding in then waited for Marcy she came up with Henry and sniffed it I started running and seconds later she found me and chased me and tackled me again "Marcy please you don't want to do this it's me Anne" I said she stopped and realized what she was doing I grabbed the collar before it could shock her and removed it she shoke her head and went back to normal her eyes were different again she laid down on me I hugged her then she got off of me and I stood up seconds later Henry came up "Why aren't you killing Anne" he asked "Oh you should ask me" I said I showed him the collar "You removed it you sicko you're ruinning this for me" he said "No you're ruinning everything for me I was happy and then you come into my life and make it worse" I said "Yeah what are you going to do about it" he asked "This" I said then I dropped the collar and smashed it with my foot "Oh no worry I have another one" he said pulling out another shock collar "Marcy break that collar" I said she ran at him and bite his hand he dropped the collar she caught it and broke it with her fangs "Argh that's aboout it" he said he pulled out his gun and pointed it at me Marcy ran to stop him but he knocked her aside "This ends now" he said I backed up then Marcy ran to him and bite his arm he had his gun in "Argh you stupid invention" he said as he shoke her off and pointed his gun back at me I tripped and fell onto the floor Marcy got up and ran to me as he shot at me I closed my eyes but I didn't feel anything when I opened my eyes Marcy protected me and got shot in her wing she fell down I went to her she smiled at me "Ok now you're down may I" I asked pulling out a tranquilizer gun it was small it was like a pistol she nodded then I pointed at her and closed my eyes and tranquilled her she closed her eyes I stood up and put the tranquilizer gun away "You fool what have you done" he asked "I've done nothing it's you whos done everything tespassing, taking a legal invention without permission, child indangerment, assault, etc. many things and whos knows how much more things you've done you're the fool and sicko" I said I pulled out my phone and texted Sasha to call the cops then put my phone away "You better not have told on me" he said "I didn't" I said "Oh good but still" he said "Still what" I asked "This" he said he punched me in my nose and I backed up with blood coming out of my nose he ran to me and punched me in my stomac and grabbed me and threw me across the room I got up fast but he ran at me very fast and punched me in my cheek I fell onto the floor and coughed up blood I looked up at him he picked me up and threw me into a wall it even broke when I hit the floor I coughed up more blood I felt blood coming out from my back he kept throwing me around to the point where I couldn't even move he kneeled down to me and pulled out his flip knife "This is for ruinning my life" he said he rasied the knife I closed my eyes but then sirens were heard outside I opened my eyes he walked away and looked out a window "No, no this can't happen you did this didn;t you for them to take me away" he asked I couldn't speak and seconds later cops came in and walked up to him "Sir you're under arrest for many reasons tespassing, taking Iegal inventions with illegal permission, child indangerment, assault, atemping to murber a child, shotting a child, and many more reasons put your hands behind your back" one of the cops said "Wait I'm innocent if there is anyone that needs to go to jail it's Dr. Anne Boonchuy" he said "You mean that child on the floor bleeding" the cop asked "Yeah she ruinned my life" he said "Mmm don't believe you put your hands behind your back everything you say can and will be used against you in court" the cop said "But I'm inncoent" he said "You have the right to remain silent and get this girl medical attention will you budd" the cop said "Yeah" the another cop said and they both left seconds later the medics came in and ran up to me "Can you hear us" one of them asked I couldn't move but I think they knew I could "Ok it's okay it's going to be okay" the same one said they got me onto a streacher and as they were leaving Andrias came in and checked on Marcy and carried her out following the medics carring me out I was put inside an ambulance along with Andrias who had Marcy, Sasha was in the ambulance too "Anne omg I can't believe you're alive" she said I forced a smile since I really couldn't I closed my eyes and blacked out after.

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