Chapter 5

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Anne's POV

I woke up and looked down Marcy was sleeping on the mattress it was very cute I smiled and then got out of my bed and kneeled down to her and shoke her sighly "Hey Marcy wake up" I said she groaned then opened her eyes and saw me she isantly jumped up and smiled at me "Whoa let me get ready first but yeah I'm happy you're awake too" I said then I got ready and walked over to her "Hey let's get some breakfast" I said she nodded then I walked away I whisted and she followed she followed me outside of the room and to the food counter we got some food for breakfast and we sat on the couch in out hangout spot and ate breakfast the rest came out and ate breakfast "Dr. Leviathan should be here any minute" I said Marcy smiled "Yeah I know he is now joinning in on working with you for you to furfill your duty" I said after a few minutes we finished breakfast and I went to my room to work a little bit on my project Marcy followed me into my room and watched me work until there was a knock on my door Marcy heard it and ran towards the door I walked over and opened it and it was Andrias "Oh Dr. Levi I knew you'd be here soon" I said "Sorry Dr. Boonchuy I woke up a little late" he said "It's ok" I said "Ok how was sleeping last night" he asked "Good she didn't bother me" I said "Well then you must be a heavy sleeper" he said "Most nights yeah I didn't really hear her play so" I said "Well we're all different aren't we" he said "Yeah we are" I said "Well let's get started I wanna work on surrounding a little bit here so maybe she can run around a bit and we can follow her" he said "Yeah that's a good idea" I said "Yeah hey Marcy you can go and explore now" he said she smiled then turned around and started exploring we followed her this went on for awhile until she ran up to me and tried to tell me something "What is it" I asked kneeling down she motioned her hands something I knew what she was saying I stood up "She is hungry" I said "Well let's feed her" Dr. Levi said "That's right" I said he walked to the food counter and whisted for Marcy to follow him I followed him also he opened the cubbard and got some chips out he kneeled down and help them up to her "Ok these are chips can you grab the bag from me" he asked she grabbed my bag "Good now can you figure out how to open the bag" he asked she looked at it for a miniute then figured out how to open it "Great now those are chips and you grab them and eat them can you do that" he asked she grabbed a chip and stuck it in her mouth "Good now you can have those" he said she smiled she started eating the chips it took a little bit to swallow but she was learning after some hours there was a knock on the door "I'll get it" Dr. Levi said "Ok" I said he walked out of the room and went to get the door.

Andrias' POV

I walked to to the door and opened it a guy was there "Hello you must be Dr. Andrias Levithan names Jacob Wilson I'm here to talk to you about something can I come in" he asked "Sure I can't see why not" I said letting him in "Thank you" he said "So what is it that you want to talk about" I asked "I work for a foundation that helps the miltary in anyway possible my boss was wondering if you would like to appect your invention to help us help the miltary" he said "Whoa, whoa, I'm not just going to give another of my inventions to your boss' sick game let me show you my invention first then you can ask questions" I said "Ok" he said "Dr. Levi eveything ok over there" Anne asked "Yeah everythings good" I said "Was that your partner I don't think you had a partner before" the guy asked "No she is a friend I had a partner in my past now follow me" I said he followed me into the hungout spot and saw Marcy "Oh is that your invention it's perfect" he said kneeling down to Marcy "Andrias who is this guy" Anne asked "He works for a foundation that helps the miltary un anyway possible his boss was wondering if I could appect Marcy into helping them help the miltary" he said "Well I'm totally fine with it" she said "You shouldn't be because his boss sent four people before him and they wanted my robots for the miltary me being stupid appected my first advanced robot to help them and it got destoryed on the thrid week I was promised four weeks with the miltary and I'll have it back it was a lie so this guy well probably lie about Marcy coming back in two weeks but then she'll die in the first she isn't ready to fight yet she needs more trainning also do you want that to happen to Marcy" I asked Anne looked at me for a second then looked at Marcy for a few seconds then looked back at me "No I don't" she said "Good now just tell him off ok" I said "Ok" she said.

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