Chapter 23

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Anne's POV

I went out a window and climbed up to the roof of the lab I looked around and noticed claw marks "Hmm Marcy's just as I thought" I said then I jumped to the other building and rolled so it would break my fall I saw claws marks on it as well I then noticed something on the ground I carefully slid down the building and kneeled down to it it was the chest guard I gave Marcy "This is hers she might be close" I said I put the chest guard away in my bag I looked around the city for a long time almost all night until I found her I jumped down and up to her she sensed me and turned around she bared her fangs and breathed hard but her eyes were still not the same color maybe it's just me being next to her I tried to put my hand on her face but she clammed down and turned around then ran off I sighed "I guess I'll follow her" I said to myself then following her the way she went I kept following her to different allys and for the most part she'd just run away but sometimes I would be able to put my hand on her face it came to a part where it become morning and I kept following her I took a break sometimes to just take a short nap or rest my legs but after I took a break I would have to try to find her tracks again this went on for about three days now and I was on her tail she was running from me and jumping for one building to another "Marcy" I shouted she stopped and turned around I ran up to her "Hey you're ok everythings going to be ok I'm here" I said and put my hands on her face and my forehead to her and closed my eyes she clammed down and closed her eys as well then after a few seconds then a bang sound shattered the air I opened my eyes Marcy had already pulled away I stood up and looked down from the building there was angry protesters with guns Marcy was baring her fangs and breathing hard at them I walked up to the edge and touched Marcy's face then stood back up and turned to them I noticed my mom and dad in the crowd "Wait don't shoot is that Anne" my dad asked "Yeah it looks like her what is she doing up there next to that invention" my mom shouted I didn't want to shout down and blow my cover but I did anyway "Yeah it's me mom" I shouted "Well get down here away from that invention" she shouted "No" I shouted "Anne get down here right now" she shouted "No" I shouted "Listen to your mother young lady" my dad shouted "No I'm not she is trying to take away the only thing that kept me going this year yeah no suprise this year I was going to quit the junior science team this year but I didn't you know why...because this invention helped me not quit so no I aint listening to you" I shouted "That's it fire I don't care who you hit" my mom said a guy fired a bullet at me but Marcy pushed me out of the way then she got up and ran away from the shooting I went to the edge "Mom what the heck one of you're guy's almost shoot me I thought you cared" I said "I do it's just you can get hurt by someone who isn't dangerous and if you do get hurt I have monsy for your treatment" she said "Oh then who paid for my treatment when I was out for a week" I asked "Ummm me" she said "Really becuase Sasha says differently" I said "Oh Sasha is a manipulative liar" she said "No she isn't stop ruinning my life when I went to join the junior science team you thought I was wasting time of silly inventions well I wasn't I joined anyway and I meet the one thing I love" I shouted then turned around and ran after Marcy I found her minutes later in a ally way I laid down on the roof of the building on my stomac and pulled out binoculars from my bag and looked threw them to watch Marcy for the most part she just looked around but then a few minutes later eleven people surrounded her I thought I recozied them I stopped looking threw the binoculars for a second "Wait is that who I think it is" I asked then I looked threw them again "It is him I knew he looked fimilar ok so what is he planning on doing with Marcy" I said I overheard him "Where's the person who takes care of you" he said Marcy bared her fangs harder "Oh she isn't here that's a shame she would really want to see you go for your big job" he said Marcy nipped at him "Whoa angry there aren't you" he said Marcy went to bite him but his team member held her back I stood up a bit and went to go jumped down to save her but I didn't "No I need renforcements to save her" I thought to myself and I went back down and looked threw the binoculars again his team members were still holding her back "Hold her down" he said his team members held her down he kneeled down to her "Hmm not so tough are you without her are you" he said Marcy tried to bite him but one of his team members held her mouth shut he pulled out a neddle injected it into her then he removed it and ordered his team members to stop after they got off of Marcy he pulled out his tranquillizer gun aimed it at Marcy and shot her she went down and they got away fast I stood up I was shocked from what just happened after a few seconds I snapped out of the shock and ran back to the lab once I got there it was about morning I busted through my lab and Sasha heard me she ran to see me "There you are any luck" she asked "No well yeah I did find her it's just she has been captured by that leader of the foundation that helps the miltary and I need all of your help" I said "Ok but you look tired maybe you should rest and we'll talk about it in the morning" she said "Thanks Sash" I said "Yeah" she said I walked passed her but turned to look at her "Sash" I said "Yeah" she asked "I ran into my parents and my mom said you're a manipulative liar" I said she started laughing "Yeah you're mom always thought I was for how much time I'd get you to do things out of your league" she said "Ok" I said then I went to my room and went to sleep I didn't get that much sleep because I knew something bad was going to happen to Marcy if I didn't save her.

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