Chapter 27

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Sasha's POV

Anne closed her eyes then after awhile we made it to the hospital the medics carried Anne out and Andrias carried Marcy out Grime helped me out and we walked inside the medics first rushed up to the front desk and told them Anne's condition and the person let them take her away then Andrias went up and told the person he needed to a private operating room and recovery room they let him go talk to a doctor about it then we went up "What's the problem" the person asked "She has been shot" Grime said "Go ahead to a operator" the person said "Thanks" Grime said then we walked down to go find a operator.

Andrias' POV

I looked everywhere for a doctor but every doctor thought I wasn't fit for it until one doctor came up to me "Hey aren't Dr. Andrias Leviathan" he asked "Yeah I am" I said "Omg I was your biggest fan when I was a kid" he said "What" I asked "You see you were always on the news saying you saved a million patients" he said "Ok" I said "Oh yeah I'm Dr. Steve Adams" he said "Ok Dr, Adams can you get me a private operating room and a priavte rovery room" I asked "Yes Dr. Levi" he said "Good" I said he ran and after a few seconds he told me he got one I followed him into the pravite operating room and laid Marcy onto the operating table "No way is that your new invention" he asked "Yeah she is" I said "What's her name" he asked "Marcy" I said "Cool now you need help I'm a surgen" he said "Yeah come" I said "So what do we need to do" he asked ""You see there is a black tube in her left side we need to get it out" I said "Ok" he said I started getting ready but some nurses came in "Wait your Dr. Andrias Leviathan" one asked "Yeah" I said "Cool you need help" the same one asked "Yeah I do" I said "Ok" the nurse said they came up to me "So do you know what you're doing" one asked me "Yes I do I worked her for 30 years as a surgen and saved millions of lives and never lost one I know what I'm doing" I said "Ok" they said we started seconds later but after I went to start the incision the cops came in "Dr, Leviathan you're under arrest" one of them said "Look not right now I need to save my inventions life" I said "Doesn't matter" the cop said "Do you want her to rapage on the streets again if you do arrest me but if you don't then let me finish then arrest me" I said the cop thought for a minute "Ok" the cop said then the cops stepped out of room and we finally started I did the incision and removed the skin and saw the black tude it was a little bit far in there it took awhile to take out but I did then I put the skin back and stiched Marcy back up then I fixed up her wing "Dr. Adams take her to the pravite recovery room" I said "Yes Dr. Levi" he said he took her to the pravite recovery room "And ladies do yourself a favor help two patients if you can theirs names are Anne Boonchuy and Sasha Waybright" I said "Yes Dr. Levi" they said then left I took off my mask and gloves then walked out of the room and opened the door and held out my hands the cops put handcuffs on me and took me back to the prison I don't mean to brag but I kinda convinced them to let me out for about three hours or less.

Sasha's POV

It took awhile but a nurse came up to me and took me in and got me a doctor and teh doctor did surgery and got the bullet out I was okay I at least I went and wanted to go see if Anne or Marcy were done but Anne still wasn't done Marcy was though and I got permission from a doctor to go in and I sat in the chair the doctor left she didn't look too damnaged just a little surgery like me I waited for so long I think it was about three days until the doctor came in and told me Anne probalay was done by now I went back to the room Anne was in and the nurse said I could come in I sat down in the chair next to the bed then the nurse came in "Your friend severely damnaged her back we did some x-rays and it looks like we need to recenter her spine and also her arm and leg are broken her neck is fine just a little fracture she'll have to where a neck brace for awhile" the nurse said "Is she going to survive" I asked "Of course she is" the nurse said "Ok" I said I waited for a long time again for them to take Anne away after they did I went back to the lab with Grime to get some of my project done but I couldn't focus because of what was happening I cared for them especially Anne she has been my friend since kindergarden and seeing her now hurts I quit and walked out of my room "Grime" I said walking up to him "Yeah Sash" he asked "Will Anne ever get better" I asked "Hmm hard to say but I think she will" he said "Ok thanks" I said "Yeah" he said I walked back into my room and tried to continute to work on my project but I still couldn't I was just over thinking everything I wanted to take Grime and the nurse's word for granted by I couldn't since I was very worried about Anne and Marcy one was doiing good but still hasm't woken up yet and the other one was going through surgery and I was just so worried I decided to quit for the night and I got ready and laid down in my bed it took a long time to fall asleep but I was able when it was about 1:54 am.

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