Chapter 19

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Anne's POV

I woke up and I noticed Marcy was still sleeping but after a few seconds she woke up and this time she didn't act weird "Morning" I said "Morning Anne" she said "You feeling ok" I asked "I don't know I feel sick" she said "Ok well you know where the bathroom is so if you need to throw up you can" I said "Ok" she said then she hugged me tighter "Whoa lose your grip you're stronger than me remember that" I said "Sorry" she said "It's ok I know you didn't mean it" I said she losened her grip a little bit and we stayed there for a few minutes then she got up and left my room to go get food she came back momments laster and gave me my food I sat up and took it and ate it she wasn't really talking I guess she felt guilty for trying to hurt me 'Hey" I said she looked at me "Yeah" she said "What's wrong" I asked she sighed "I guess I feel guilty for trying to hurt you and not being able to stop myself" she said "You know-" I said but then I was cut off "Yeah I know you told me it's ok and you know I never meant to hurt you" she said "Still guilty for something I forgive you for it's good for you if you're going to furfil duty" I said "Yeah I know I need to help people and not get so guilty" she said "Yeah so it's ok and I'm not mad and I never was I just want you to see that you don't need to hate yourself for something you never meant to do" I said "Ok" she said then she laid her head on my leg and I petted her hair and finished my food then I went and got ready fast and came back to her acting werid again she was sraching the door then she sensed me and turned around her eyes were pure black again same with her fangs bared and she breathing hard she walked towards me on all fours I backed up as she walked towards me I tried not to act scare but deep down I was scared I kneeled down and stayed there looking at her for a second then she closed her eyes and then opened them again they were back to brown after a few seconds she closed her eyes again and opened them again and they were pure black again I waited for a few seconds then put my hand on her face "You can fight it you can" I said my voice was cracking a bit then she stopped baring her fangs and breathing hard and cloased her eyes and opened them again they were back to brown she then hugged me I hugged back "I'm sorry" she said "It's ok" I said we stayed there for a long time like about an hour after we stopped hugging "Can we have a break day today" she asked "Yeah we can" I said then we went and tried to have fun and both of us mostly forgot what happened for the most part the next day we did the same day and the next everyday we were just trying to have fun and pratice some basic preserues like how to preform CPR to people and other stuff we didn't get much done days because for the most part Marcy's trainning was coming to an end and we wanted her to do some pratices to dummies to get ready but sometimes we'd had to cut it because she was acting werid and more violent everyday we came up on the three month cout and she was acting more and more weird and voilent Andrias did have some leads on what's happening and wanted to do some more tests but he couldn't really find out what was happening I told him that "I'm the only one who Marcy will listen to when she's acting werid" he thought it was strange and tried some more tests but still it was just me being able to help her turn her back to normal so nothing really helped Andrias thougt of looking at something differnet but still he couldn't really find what was wrong I was getting a little tried of waiting and then iit was after four months and there wasn't anything about what was happening "Ahh that's the Nine Hundred Ninty-Nineth test and still nothing" Andrias said "It's ok you'll get it that's because your a scientist and you keep trying no matter how much you fail" I said "You're right Anne but it's been two monthis since this happened and we still don't know what is wrong" he said "I know it's frustrating but you can do it you just need to try again can you do that I think I got a idea" I said "Ok what's you're idea" he asked "I'll walk you through it" I said "Ok" he said then I went back into the testing room and got ready to do my idea I did it and it worked I gave Andrias a thumbs up and he gave me one but that didn't stop Marcy from acting werid everyday we kept doing these tests but none of them worked Andrias still couldn't find what was wrong with Marcy and I was sure he would be able to since he created Marcy and he knew more about her than anyone else and luckily HE was leaving us alone everyday I couldn't figure out what's happening and have a fight with him again right now I needed to focus on one thing at the moment and that was figure out what's happening there was one day where Marcy wouldn't do anything and the same thing happened the next day and the next me and Andrias thought it was because she was too tired and gave her a break for a few weeks but she still wasn't moving I got worried about this form time to time and thought "Did we push her too hard" and after a month she still wasn't moving so I got really worried and wanted to find out what was wrong.

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