Chapter 8

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Anne's POV

I woke up to Marcy nudging me "Ahhh morning Marcy" I said she smiled at waking me up and put her hand on my chest and pushed me down a bit "Whoa Marcy it's early let's get some food first before you do that" I said she smiled and stopped she got off of me so I could stand and get some food I got my food and sat back down on the couch Marcy followed without me having to whist "Whoa you just followed me without me whisting did you just learn to do that" I asked she nodded "Wow wait til Dr. Leviathan hears about this" I said she smiled by the metion of Andrias "Yeah speaking of he should be here soon" I said then Sasha opened her door and walked to the food counter and got some food and sat down on the couch "Morning Sash" I said "Morning Anne, morning Marcy" she said Marcy hoped down from the couch I was sitting on and jump onto the couch Sasha was sitting on and tackled her a bit she laughed "Marcy easy I'm happy to see you too" she said Marcy got off of her and hoped back onto the couch I was on and laid down later after talking a bit, finishing up our food, and working on our projects there was a knock at the door I called Sasha in my room and Marcy was at the door "Can you open the door please Marcy" I said she nodded and then stood up and opened the door Andrias walked into the room Marcy shut the door "Morning Anne, Sasha, Marcy" he said Marcy ran upto him a hugged him she almosted kncoked him off balance "Whoa there I'm happy to see you too" he said Marcy stopped and smiled at him "Ok, ok I love you too come here you're just too cute" he said she ran and hugged him a little bit longer than she did before "Let's go work on your hovering" he said she nodded and he walked out of my room with me and Sasha he turned around to whist at Marcy to follow him but she ran upto him and stopped like he stop he raised an eye brow "Oh forgot to metion Marcy here learned to follow you without you whisting at her you don't need to do it anymore" I said "Oh, ok she is so smart to figure that out by herself without me walking her through it" he said "Yeah I was pretty impressed by it at first as well" I said "Whoa ok" he said then we walked to the hallway we were using to train Marcy "Ok who wants to go first me or you" I asked Sasha "Umm you can go first I'll go second" she said "Ok" I said I kneeled my back down and Marcy got on it I stood up and went to the hallway "Ready" I asked her she nidded "Ok" I said I ran down the hallway and back Marcy knew what to do she spreaded her wings and I ran down and back then Marcy flapped her wings I ran down and back this last run would have to count I ran down the hallway and on my way back Marcy pushed off of me I knida tripped and strated the stop watch she was hovering for about eight seconds then fell I stopped the stop watch and rushed to catch her Sasha and Andrias did too I caught her "Yoiu ok" I asked she nodded "Ok do you want to go again" I asked she nodded "Ok is it ok if me and Sasha switch with trainning you" I asked she nodded "Ok it's Sasha's turn" I said she smiled I stood up and Sasha kneeled down and Marcy got on her back "You ready" Sasha asked Marcy nodded then Sasha ran down the hallway and back Marcy spreaded her wings and Sasha ran down again and back then Marcy flapped her wings Sasha ran down and back again Marcy knew this one the last run she got a little ready Sasha ran down the hallway and on her way back Marcy kicked off of her I hit the stopwatch she was going for about 10 seconds then she fell me, Sasha, and Andrias all rushed to save her I caught her again "You ok" I asked she nodded "Want to go again" I asked she nodded "Ok it's my turn now" I said she smiled and hugged me a little "Ok, ok you're cute but think of your flying" I said she nodded I turned around and she got on my back we did this for the whole day me and Sasha would take turns running down with Marcy her best time was thirteen seconds I was impressed how much she has improved when she was doing this the first time she couldn't even make it to five seconds and now she can make it to thriteen seconds "You're doing better than before you couldn't even make it to five but now you made it thriteen good job" I said petting her hair she smiled I stopped "Come on we're done for the day" I said walking away she followed me to my room where Andrias and Sasha were "Ok well see you two tomorrow" Andrias said "See you tomorrow as well" I said "Ok be good for Anne again ok" he said to Marcy she nodded then he exited my room and shut the door Sasha started walking to get some food I followed her and Marcy followed me I got some food and sat down on the couch Marcy hoped next to me and laid her head on my leg I petted her hair "Just a question Anne" Sasha asked "Yeah what" I asked "Did Marcy do this with you before last night" she asked "I don't think so but this is good for her it'll help her build campaionship and relationship skills" I said "Yeah I can see that" she said "Yeah so tomorrow maybe we'll work on talking I know she can almost say my name I'll ask her again" I said "Ok" she said I nudged Marcy she perked her head up "Marcy can you try to say my name again Anne" I asked she nodded "Ann-Ann-Ann" she said "That's good you got another n in there you should be able to say my name tomorrow" I said she smiled then laid her head back down on my leg I started petting her hair again after awhile we finished our food and Sasha went to her room I nudged Marcy a little she perked her head up "Let's go to my room" I said she nodded I got off the couch she jumped down and she followed me to my room I got reayd for bed and when I came out Marcy was playing with the stuff animal of a american badger she was cute I got on my bed and looked down at her on the mattress "I'm going to sleep see you in the morning" I said she nodded then I fell asleep very fast.

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