Chapter 20

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Anne's POV

I woke up and got ready for the day then I left my room and got some food and ate it then I got some food for Marcy and walked to the testing room and opened the door and entered and walked over to Marcy and set down the food then sat in front of her she sensed me and perked her head up "Here you need to eat" I said giving her the food she put her head down "Come on you might be a invention but you need to eat" I said "I don't want to" she said "Why not" I asked "I'm not sure" she said "You've been like this for two months please eat" I said "No" she said "Do you know why this is happenung to you" I asked "No and I don't want to anymore" she said "Why" I asked "I guess I gave up two months ago" she said "You can't give up we will find out what's happening you just can't give up" I said "But I already did Anne what if you and Andrias never find our what's wrong with me, what if I never help people like I'm suppose to" she said "You will you just need to have some hope" I said "I think my hope is gone" she said "It can't and I'm sorry if it's because we pushed you too hard we just wanted answers I can barly sleep because I'm thinking about you I'm worried about you Marcy I'm worried you will never recover from what's happening and, and...we'll have to put you down" I said with tears in my eyes she raised her head "Put me down no you can't, you can't, you'll never do that to me" she said backing up "Yeah we will, I will and I'm sorry but if you don't recover we'll have to Andrias told me last night I could barly sleep" I said "You really would do that, would you" she questioned "Yeah" I said "After all the time we've spent together you still are willing to put me down if I don't recover" she asked "Yeah I'm sorry but Andrias says it's probably for the better" I said "I can't believe you" she said "I can't believe me either" I said "I thought you and me had something I guess that was just wishful thinking" she said then she grabbed the food from my hand and turned her back on me I stayed there for a few seconds then left I didn't want to put her down but if Andrias said it's for the better than it is I walked away from the testing room and then ran into Sasha "Hey Anne" she said I looked up at her and she saw me having some tears in my eyes "Whoa Boonchuy what happened" she asked I hugged her "It's Marcy" I said "What about her" she asked "A-Andrias said if she doesn't recover from what's happening w-were going to have to p-put h-her d-down" I said she hugged me "It's ok" she said "No it's not he said it's for the better I don't want to lose her" I said "I know" she said I started to cry and we stayed hugging for a few minutes then I stopped hugging her "I think I'm ok now" I said sniffing "Ok if you need me you know where to find me" she said "Ok" I said then she walked away I thought about comforting Andrias for awhile until I decided I would I left my lab and went to his lab I knocked on the door he came in a few seconds "Oh Anne I didn't expect you come in" he said I walked in and he closed the door "So what's the news" he said "I thought about what you said and I don't like your decision" I said "My dscision" he questioned "Yeah last night you told me if Marcy doesn't recover we'll put her down" I said "Yeah I know now I'm second thinking my dicision as well I don't want to put her down anymore and it wouldn't make things better it will make things worse" he said "Yeah I know" I said "If we put her down I would have to spend another 13 years making her again and I'm getting old so I would probably die two years after starting and if you, Sasha, Grime, and The Plantars take my place and work on her, she won't have the same memories and have to start all over again with trainning" he said "Yeah" I said "Ok I change my dicision we won't put her down if she doesn't recover we'll find out what's happening if it's the last thing we do" he said "Yeah I'll go and tell her even though she is mad at me for telling her we'll put her down if she doesn't recover" I said "Ok" he said then I left his lab and walked back to my lab and opened the door and walked inside I walked to the test room and went in Marcy sensed me and turned her head around "Oh great it's you" she said the she turned her head back around "Marcy can you listen to me for a minute" I asked sittiing down in front of her "No I don't want to" she said "Just for a minute please" I said "No" she said "Ok then I'm just going to tell you" I said "Fine" she said "Look Marcy, Andrias told me that he's isn't happy with his dicision and he changed it were not putting you down if you don't recover" I said she turned her head to me "Are you serious" she asked "Yeah I am he doesn't want to do it anymore you can take all the time you need but we still need to find out why you're acting werid" I said "Ok" she said then she turned around and laid her head in my lap and looked up at me I petted her hair and she closed her eyes we stayed tthere for a long time she even fell asleep after awhile I woke her up she wanted to run around to get her energy up to recover I was ok with it I took the collar that kept her inside the testing room off and she followed me out of the testing room for the most part she just ran around and I watched this happened for the rest of the day until she figited a little and kept doing so I kneeled down to see what was wrong I put my hands on her face but she pulled away then she closed her eyes and then opened them they were pure black again she bared her fangs and breathed hard at me for a seconds then she stopped and backed away and ran to another room "Marcy" I said I chased after her and saw what room she ran into I walked to it and walked inside "Marcy it's ok" I said kneeling down and putting my hand on her a few seconds later she turned arund and bared her fangs and breathed hard again I backed away then she stooded up and started walking towards me then she stopped and held her head and turned around "Hey it's ok you can fight it" I said putting my hand on her a few seconds later I took off my hand and she turned around and swiped her hand and srached me I fell to the floor then I blacked out.

Marcy's POV

I looked down and realized what I just did I looked at my hand and there was blood on my claws I was breathing raidly then I heard something outside of the room and without much options I hopped up and escaped through a window and jumped to a building and flew up to it.

Sasha's POV

I was looking around for Anne because I needed some help I went to the testing room and saw something on the floor I walked into the room and to the thing that was on the floor I picked it up and looked at it, it was a collar, the collar Anne and Andrias put on Marcy to make sure she didn't leave the room I put it in my pocket and walked out of the room then I went down a hallway with rooms that just had mechanical stuff in all the doors were opened so I looked in everyone then I looked into one room and saw Anne laying on the floor I gasped "Anne" I said I rushed in and kneeled down she had a srach four claw marks they looked like Marcy's I took out a cloth from my pocket and put it on the wound and called for help a few seconds later Grime and The Plantars helped me we called 911 and the medics came in a flash and helped Anne to the hospital at the hospital I was waiting in a chair outside of the room Anne was in the docter came out I stood up "So how is she" I asked "She's alive but she'll have to stay in here for a week" they said "Ok thanks" I said "Yeah" they said I went back to the lab and hit the rack.

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