Chapter 15

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Anne's POV

I woke up and noticed that Marcy was cuddling me I nudged her sighly and she woke up "Morning Anna-Banana" she said "Morning Mar-Mar" I said "So what's happening today" she asked "I was thinking on working on flying it's not much but you need to know how to fly around" I said "Yeah stay in bed I'm going to get you some food" she said "Ok" I said she hoped off my bed and walked out of my room and then came back to with food she hoped back onto my bed and gave me the food I sat up and took it "Thanks" I said "Yeah I want to work on getting stuff for people who can't get it themselves" she said "Well that's good pratice" I said I ate my food surpprising fast and then got out of bed and got ready and walked out of my room with Marcy following me out I walked to the hallway "Does this look fimlar to you" I asked "Yep you trainned me here to hover for the first time and kept doing it" she said "Yeah but now that you mastered hovering I want to work on flying try you can start with hovering and you can kick off the walls if you need to" I said "Ok" she said she started hovering for a bit then kicked off the wall and flew around the hallway then landed "Ok now can you try to fly around more than this hallway" I asked "Ok" she said she started hovering then kicked off the wall and flew out in the open and flew aroudn a bit in then landed "Let's try to master flying try again" I said she nodded and kept doing it hovering first then kicking off the wall and flying around for a bit later Sasha came out and watched as Marcy did it "Wow she is getting good" she said "Yeah I know get Grime and The Plantars they need to see this" I said "Ok gotcha" she said she went and Grime and The Plantars the were just as shoked as she was "Whoa already" Sprig said "Yep and by the way Sprig we've been trainning her for a month now so" I said "Ok" he said we watched her do this all day when the day was done we had some food then slept teh next day we ddi this again the next day and the day after that we worked on this she was getting better HE was leaving us alone sometimes he'd show up to the lab but we ignored him because the CEO took care of them those days so he woundn't bother us anymore I told the CEO he broke in with his team which were ten guys she quickly took action and had a convenation with him and told him that he was breakung in and entering and would be arrested for it he took the warning but I knew it wouldn't stop him I know he would do anything to get Marcy in his hands one time he even called for me to come outside to have a little chat I went and I walked up to him and his team "Ok what do you want" I asked "I juts want to chat with you Dr. Boonchuy" he said "Spill it" I said "I took the warning that I'll be breaking in and entering and I promise I'll never do it again" he said "How do I know I can trust you" I asked "You can because I won't send my team into your lab trying to find the invention right guys" he said he turned to his team his team nodded "Ok that's a start but I need your team to put their tranquilizer guns down" I said he nodded then turned to his team "Stop threatening the Dr. put your tranquilizer guns down" he said his team did he turned back to me then I noticed there was only nine of his team he had ten "Where is your tenth team memeber" I asked "Umm he couldn't make it" he said "I know you're lying where is he" I asked "Ok fine tranquill her" he said a tranquilizer dart shot I douged it "Ha do you think I didn't noticed your tenth team member gone" I said "Argh get her" he said the rest of his team held up their guns and begin shooting at me none of the tranquilizer darts hit me I ran into the lab and informed the CEO she went outside and had a little talk with him he then left after awhile she came back in "What did he say" I asked "He said he won't come near here again and f he does I can call the cops on him" she said "Ok" I said "Dr. Boonchuy you don't need to worry about stuff like I got it ok I'll keep him from bothering you and Marcy ok" she said "Ok" I said "Now go and return to your lab and kept an eye on Marcy I think he told one of hi team members to go get her without you knowing" she said I stood there shoked "Go" she said "Yes" I said I rushed to my lab and I opened the door and to where me and Marcy were trainning a guy was there threatening her I ran up to him "Step back" he said he pulled out a gun not a tranquilizer gun a real one and he pointed to me I took one step back "I knew it you're the tenth guy that tried to shot me" I said "Yeah I was ordered to and now I'm ordered to get the inventon out of here under your nose" he said "Let her go" I said "Why" he asked "Because you could get hurt lose your grip on her" I said "Why should I listen to you" he asked "Because if you don't you could lose your eye or worse" I said "No" he said "Your lost Marcy bite him" I said she nodded "What" he questioned but before anything happened Marcy bit him "Ow" he said lifted his arm Marcy stopped biting him and ran behind me he held his arm for a minute "Argh now I know why the boss calls you a little brat" he said "Well what are you going to do about it" I said he gave me a angry look "Nothing great if I was you I wouldn't do anything as well" I said he ran at me Marcy ran at him and tackled him I walked up to him "I'll let you go for now but I need you to tell your boss that I'll never back down and give Marcy to him and he will never win, never win, I will always I have a dangerous invention he doesn't got that" I asked "Yes" he said "Good now Marcy let him go" I said Marcy got off of him he ran to the door and ran out of the room I kneeled down to Marcy "Good job you bit him" I said "I know but I now have blood in my mouth" she said "You do let's clean that up" I said "Yeah I would love to" she said she stood up and followed me to the bathroom we cleaned up and then it became dark and bith of us were hungry we got some food and finished surprisly fast then we went to my room I got ready we both laid in my bed talking until we fell asleep.

?'s POV

The van pulled up to the building and I got out "Hey man did she really bit you" my teamate asked "Yes she did" I said removing the clouth on my arm to reveal the nite mark it was still bleeding "Ok, ok" he said "Come on I need to disppoint the boss" I said I walked to his office and the security guards opened up the doors and let me in "Hey sir" I said "Oh you're back where is the invention" he asked "About that" I said "You didn't get it" he said "Yeah but Dr. Boonchuy told me to tell you that she'll never back down and give Marcy to you and you'll never win, never win, she will always and she has a dangerous invention and you don't so" I said he slammed his fist on his table "She is going to pay for disrepecting a former USA Miltary Soilder" he said "So can I go now sir" I asked "Yes sure whatever you're dissmissed" he said I ran out of his room and ran into my teamates "So what did he say" one of them asked "He said he'll get his revenge on Dr. B" I said "Well that's not good" one said "Yeah I know he might kill her" I said "And he is probably going to use all of us to do it" one said "Yeah I know we haven't killed anyone or anything but we need to get out of this somehow" I said "Yeah I don't wnat to work with him did you tell him you got bitten" another one asked "No but he probably wouldn't care" I said "Yeah he won't" the same one said "Well anything happens we need ro stay strong" I said "Yeah your right captain" another one said "Yeah but before then I need to clean this bite up" I said I walked pass my teamates and cleaned up the wound and waited with my teamates again discussing what to do to get out of his plans.

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