Chapter 28

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Sasha's POV

I woke up at like 12:56 pm I didn't have a good sleep that's why I slept in I got out of bed and got ready for the day then exited my room then the lab and went to the hospital to visit Anne and Marcy luckily when I got there Anne's surgery was done but she still hasm't woken up I went to go see Marcy she was still out but after a hour she woke up and sat up insantly she was breathing hard "Whoa, whoa clam down it's ok" I said "W-w-where" she asked "Where is Anne" I asked she nodded "Here let me take this off" I said taking off the oxgen mask "Where is Anne" she asked "She has suffed severe back damnage I can take you to her let me just untach all these wires" I said then I untached all the wires Marcy winced in pain "Yeah I know your back hurts it;s your wing it got hit with a bullet it's okay Dr. Levi made sure you were able to regrow your wngs it might take awhile just try to stay off your wings until then" I said "Ok" she said I helped her out of the bed and to the room Anne was in she insantly ran to Anne and held her hand "This is all my falut" she said "No it's not your falut" I said "Yes it is I wasn't there to protect her" she said "It's not falut who falut is this is Henry's" I said "But it is I'm surpossed to help people protect them but I couldn't protect her from getting this hurt" she said "Marcy this isn't your falut" I said "Yes it is" she said she walked away and went to fly but fell I tried to help her up but she got up herself and walked away I had no choice but to follow her she went back to the lab and laid down in Anne's bed I walked up to her "Hey it isn't your falut I know that just as better as anyone" I said "But she got hurt I wasn't there" she said "Well at least she is alive" I said "Yeah but it doesn't make up for what I did" she said I left her alone and this went on for how long Anne wouldn't wake up weeks one day I visited Anne and the nurse said something about pulling the plug because Anne just wouldn't wake up I told Marcy and she said "They couldn't do that and wanted them to not pull the plug until Anne was awake" I told the nurse what Marcy said and they said "Well we can leave it on for five more weeks" I told Marcy and she said "They need to keep it on for longer" I told the nurse and they said "Five weeks that's how long we'll leave it on" I told Marcy again and she was frustrated more frustrated than before one week went by Anne didn't wake up, two weeks, three weeks nothing and Marcy still woundn't leave Anne's bed not even to go visit her the forth week came up and nothing then the last wek the fifth week came up and it seemed like nothing but then one day I was at the hospital next to Anne for her final moments then Anne grunted and opened her eyes "S-Sasha" she said "Anne" I said "Sasha" she said then coughed "What happened" I asked she wanted to turn around but her back was making it impossible to "Argh" she said "It's ok you can tell me later" I said after a few seconds the nurse came in and told Anne what happened and removed the oxgen mask after a few weeks went by Anne was still in the hospital and Marcy wouldn't leave so I brought Anne to Marcy, Anne was allowed outside of the hospital now only in a wheelchair though "Marcy I got someone to show you" I said "Go away I don't want to talk to no one" she said closing her eyes "But Marcy it's Anne" I said she opened her eyes and Anne rolled in "Hey Marcy you feeling better" Anne asked "Anne you're alive" Marcy said "Yeah thanks to you" Anne said "No I didn't protect you, you weren't saved by me I never saved you" Marcy said "But you did, you saved me multiple times" Anne said "But still it's my falut you're in a wheelchair right now" Marcy said "No it's not it isn't your falut it was never your falut please" Anne sad putting her hand on Marcy's face Marcy gave in and wanted to spend time with Anne later I heard that Andrias was released early to good behaivor and he came back to the lab and told Anne and Marcy "For Marcy's first pratices she would have to be taking care of Anne" they both appected it and Marcy strated working right away sometimes were hard but hey what you going to do.

Anne's POV

I has to be taken care of and luckily I was Marcy's first pratice she would care for me get me food, help me get around the lab and work, etc. she kept saying it was her falut I was in a wheelchair and hurt I kept saying that was nonesense weeks went by me and Marcy both began to heal more and more and after a few months we fully healed and Marcy was off on her first service job I stayed back at the lab trying to figure out how to make more inventions that could help people before that happened when Marcy was saying goodbye she said "I love you" and gave me a kiss on the cheek two years later Andrias died we all knew it was coming I bet even Marcy heard obout it too three more years passed and I was working on an invention that would help people keep balance if they ever needed it then there was a knock at the door I stood up and answered it I looked up and it was Marcy I gasped "Hello Anne" she said "Marcy is this really you" I asked "Yes Anne" she said I hugged her "Five years and you return to me" I asked "Yep my owner gave me this year off since I've been so good" she said "That's great I need to catch you up on everything" I said "I already know Dr. Levi died" she said "Yeah I thought you would know" I said we laughed "Oh I brought you this" she said she gave me some flowers "Thanks Marbles I love them" I said taking them and sniffing them "So about how I said goodbye five years ago" she said "Don't worry about it I love you too" I said "What" she asked then I pulled her close and kissed her a few minutes later I stopped then grabbed Marcy's hand and lead her inside and we spent the rest of that year together and again she had to go she said goodbye to me the same way "I love you" then gave me a kiss on the cheek she came back five years later and as I said she kept coming back every five years later until it was finally time I lead her outside and onto a hill "Marcy even though you're a haf moth haft human hybrid I still love you and I will always now I have one more question to ask you and it's ok that your working I'm happy for you but...will you marry me Marcy" I asked she gasped "Yes I will and I was so scared that you would want me to stop working" she said "No never I don't want you to stop working you're made for helping people and those people need you" I said "Ok" she said then we kissed and we lived a happy live together foever.

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