Chapter 12

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Sasha's POV

I wokr up and got some breakfast then I knocked on Anne's door and opened it I walked in a little bit and saw her cuddling with Marcy I decided to leave them alone they derserved it after everything that happened three days ago after a few minites passed Andrias came I told him to leave Anne and Marcy alone for awhile he did he went back to his lab and worked on stuff he did like robot coding and what not after Anne and Marcy woke up Andrias came back in and me and him took Marcy aside and trainned her for the whole day her hovering got to sixty she had hovered for a minute we double checked and she hovered for soxty seconds a whole miniute after that we took a break and then we told Anne she was inpressed by Marcy hovering for a minute later we got some food and ate it then we went to sleep the next day same thing but Marcy was learning to fly this time instead of hovering it took awhile of getting use to and Marcy kept falling every once in awhile but hey it's a start we trainned like this for about one month and things were getting better Anne was doing better she could walk a litte bit but she most;y had to rest all day every day one morning I got a call "Hello" I answered it "Hey are you Dr. Boonchuy" the person asked "No but I do work with her" I said "Ok tell me who you are" they said "Dr. Sasha Waybright" I said "Ok well Dr. Waybright can you put Dr. Boonchuy on I need to talk to her" they said "Ok one second" I said I knocked on Anne's door then opened "Someone wants to talk to you" I said "Ok" she said I handed the phone to her and left so they could talk in priavte.

Anne's POV

Sasha handed me the phone then left so I could talk to the person alone "Hello" I said "Hey are you Dr. Boonchuy" they asked "Yep I am" I said "Well I want to talk to you about something" they said 'Ok what" I asked "Well I can see thtat you've worked here for a year and working with a new invention made by one of your co-workers" they said "Yeah I have what about it" I asked "Well you see I was wondeirng if you were up to having me come to your lab and oserve this invemtion for research purposes" they asked "Sure let me tell my co-worker who made the invention if it's ok with him I'll call you back" I said "Ok" they said I hung up the phone then got out of bed I opened the door Sasha was standing there "What was it about" she asked "Oh someone that works here wants me to let them come here to oserve Marcy for research purposes I'm just going to go ask Andrias if it's ok with him" I said "Ok" she said I exited the room and went to Andrias' lab I knocked on the door and he opened "Oh Anne great to see you up and walking" he said "Yeah can I ask you something" I asked coming in "Yeah sure" he said shunting the door "You see someone called me and was wondering if they could come to my lab to oserve Marcy for research purposes I was just wondering if you would appect that" I said "Well I surpose if they don't do any harm or try to take Marcy away to work for the miltary then I guess it's ok with me" he said "Ok see you tomorrow or so" I said "Yeah" he said I opened his door and walked back to my lab I opened the door and went into my room and sat on my bed and called them back "Hello" they said "Hi this is Dr. Boonchuy I just asked him" I said "What did he say" they asked "He said if you don't do any harm or take the invention away from us then yes you can come over" I said "Great be at your lab tomorrow and by the way I'm CEO of this lab and my name is Amelia Howerguard" she said "Ok see you tomorrow then" I said "You too bye" she said "Bye" I said I hung up then got up out of bed and walked out of my room Sasha was sitting on the couch with Marcy "So" Sasha asked "She is coming here tomorrow" I said "Well that's great" she said "Yeah and good thing with fixed everything up before hand" I said sitting on the couch arcoss Marcy got off the coudh Sasah was on and hoped onto the couch I was on and she laid her head on my leg "Yeah" Sasha I stayed there for awhile petting Marcy's head and talking with Sasha after sometime later we got some food and finsihed it rather fast then I went back to my room Marcy followed me into my room and she hoped onto my bed "Yes you can sleep with me agaio I really enjoy it" I said "Me too" she said I got ready then laid down Marcy cuddled up next to me and both of us couldn't go to sleep for a long time because we were consently talking "Hey Anne" she said "Yeah what is it" I asked "I'm scared of what will happen if that guy comes back" she said "Me too I don't want him to take you away from me" I said "I don't want to be taken away from you either" she said "I know you don't" I said "But if anything happens I'll be right by your side" I said "Ok" she said "Yeah and I'll never let you go not even for wealth or fame I won't be manipulated that easily" I said "I know" she said after awhile of talking bith of us finally fell alseep.

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