Chapter 11

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Anne's POV

Two days went by had to stay in my bed for two weeks since I was badly hurt Marcy stayed with me in my room the whole time she slept next to me and sat next to me as well I could tell she was worried about me "Hey" I said she perked up her head and looked at me "You don't need to worry I'm fine really I am" I said she put her head down again "I know but I don't want to see you like this stuck in bed because of me" she said "This isn't your fault it's mine" I said "But because you had to protect me I put your life in danger and almost killed you" she said "You didn't almost kill me you saved me that's all I needed" I said "I almost saw you die because of me I don't want to make that mistake again" she said "Marcy you didn't almost kill me I almost killed myself but if it weren't for you I wouldn't be here right now the only reason I'm here is because of you" I said "That's what you think I'm sorry" she said "It's ok you don't need to say sorry you didn't do anything wrong" I said "I don't deserve your apology and you know it too" she shouted then laid back down I felt bad she thinks this is her fault that I'm in bed healing aftter that it became time to go to sleep I laid down and Marcy crawled next to me and slept next to me after awhile of trying to get to sleep I did but after a few minutes I woke up and checked if Marcy was still sleep she was and I choose to leave her be I stared up at my ceiling for a few seconds then moved my eyes to the wall that Marcy was using to partice her hovering and yes it still had her boot's prints on it but I didn't care I kept looking at it until I felt Marcy wiggle I looked over at her and she was groaning and doing other stuff it looked like she was having a nightmare she swiped the air with her claw and I knew I needed to do something I turned my body towards her and shoke her sightly "Marcy wake up, wake up" I said after awhile she did wake up but she was panting and she looked scared "Are you ok" I asked she turned to me "N-no" she said quitly "It's ok come here" I said she cuddled me and then started to cry "Did you have a nightmare" I asked she nodded "Can you tell me what it was about if not that's fine you don't have to" I said "I don't" she said "Ok then you don't have to" I said we stayed there cuddling for awhile then I touched her face "You're ok, you're ok say I never knew you could cry" I said "I-I can it's just I cry when I feel sad or upset" she said "Ok" I said we stayed there for a long time until we stopped "Are you ok to going back to bed" I asked she nodded "Ok and don't worry I'm always here" I said she nodded then turned back around and tried to go back to sleep I stayed awake a little longer and stared at my ceiling I knew that HE would be back I just didn't know when we're safe for now but I fear we won't be safe for long after awhile I closed my eyes and driffed off to sleep I didn't have any nightmares or anything I woke up to Marcy nudging me "Morning Mar-Mar" I said "Did you just call me Mar-Mar" she asked "Yeah I did do you like it" I asked "Yeah I do I even came up with a nickname for you" she said "What" I asked "Anna-Banana" she said "Where did you get that from" I asked "You had a banana for breakfast one day so" she said "Ok well I like it" I said "Yeah I knew you would" she said "Yeah anyway you need to train" I said "Why can't I stay here with you" she asked "Not really look Marcy you need to train or you'll never furfill your duty today I'm not to help because I'm hurt but you will be helped by Sasha and Dr. Levi they want to see if you can hover for 60 seconds which is a minute so for a few days you need to work on that" I said "Ok I'll get you some food" she said "Ok" I said she hoped down from my bed and walked out of my room to get some food she came back in a few seconds "Here" she said handing me some toast and it wasn't just any toast it was avocado toast I ate it surprisingly fast and then we heard a knock on the door Marcy hoped down and walked to it and opened it Andrias came in a said good morning and then they got Sasha and worked on hovering all day I just stayed in bed Marcy came and brought me food then went back to trainning at the end of the day Andrias left and Marcy came back into my room with some food "How was it today" I asked "Good" she said handing me my food "That's good how many seconds did you get too" I asked "Fourty" she said "Wow you must have been trainning a lot" I said "Yeah after you fell asleep I woke up again and trainned" she said "Well trainning is good for you, you'll get better and better if you train" I said "Yeah" she said then she finished her food fast and cuddled up next to me I petted her head while I finsihed my food after I was done I laid down and cuddled her until I fell alseep.

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