Chapter 16

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Anne's POV

I woke up to Marcy sighly nudging me "Morning Mar Mar" I said "Morning Anna-Banana" she said "So today I think we can take it easy you need a break from what happened yesterday" I said "Yeah I think I need a break too I got a little scared yesterday" she said "I me too" I said "Hey I don't think you ever put that chest guard on again" she said "Hmm you're right I ddin't you didn't say anything that's why" I said "Oh well today can I wear it again" she asked "Yeah I can't see why not" I said "Ok well you stay in bed I'll get you some food" she said "Ok" I said she got out of bed and hoped off my bed and left my room then after a few seconds she came back with some food "Here" she said giving me my food I sat up and took it from her hand and ate it I finished a few minutes later then got out of my bed and got ready and left my room with Marcy following as she was following I heard her sniffing stuff I turned around "Are you sniffing stuff" I asked she looked at me "Yes I am there is just some much smells in here" she said "I didn't even know you could sniff and smell stuff I can't" I said "Yeah I can it just never kicked in until now" she said "Well what does the walls smell like" I asked "It smells clean but a little werid" she said "Well what does the air smell like" I asked "Air refresher" she said "That's because we have air refreashers on the wall" I said "Hmm" she said "Now can you smell me from there" I asked "Yes actually I can" she said "So what do I smell like" I asked she sniffed a little "The ocean" she said "You why that is" I said "Why" she said "I smell like that becuase of the soap and perfume I use" I said "I kinda figured" she said "Well then I want to see if you can sniff me out when I'm not in this room" I said "That's not a bad theory to test let's do it" she said "Ok I'm goig to leave my sweater here and step out of the room try to track me down wiith just smelling my jacket" I said taking off my jacket "Ok" she said I put my jacket on the floor then I walked into the other room I watched Marcy sniff my jacket then run into the room I was in and found me "Good job you found me" I said "Thanks I guess I can track people down with one of thier things they wear that will be helpful if I lose them and they leave something behind" she said "Yeah it will" I said petting her hair "Come on let's work more on this" I said "Yeah I agree" she said then we went in a room and tried different things that are mine for Marcy to sniff and try to find me she did almost everything and after a bit Sasha came out "Hey guys what are you working on today" she asked "Hey Sash we just found out Marcy could sniff or should I say she could the whole time it just didn't kick in untill now" I said "Well that's cool" she said "Yeah I know who knows how much she could also do" I said "Well what does tthe walls smell like" Sasha asked "They smell clean, the air smells like air refresher, and you smell like roses" Marcy said "Whoa you can smell me all the way over here" Sasha questioned "Yeah I can" Marcy said "That's so cool I wish we knew this before" Sasha said "Yeah me too but now we know it can be helpful for Marcy to find the person she is helping if they get lost and they leave something behind" I said "Wait she can track you" Sasha questioned "Yeah I'll show you" I said I left my jacket on the floor then left the room Marcy sniffed it and found me in the room I ran into "Whoa I guess she can" Sasha said "Yeah I was pretty shocked when I found out" I said "Well if we work on this a little bit she can sniff out people's trail to find them if they don't leaveing anythung behind" Sasha said "That's a good idea let's work on this more" I said "Yeah" she said then we worked on this for the rest of the day when it got dark we got food and me and Marcy cuddled a little bit on the couch then we went to my room and I got ready and laid down next to Marcy and we cuddled and talked until we both fell asleep the next day we worked on sniffing again and the very next day we did again HE was leaving us alone for the most part sometimes he'd just be standing outside not doing anything I that would worry me I know the CEO told me that he wouldn't bother me and Marcy again but I also knew he wouldn't keep his word I told the CEO and she called the cops he did get arrested but since he wasn't doing anything they let him go it would still worry me on how close he was to the building and looking into the windows in the lab I closed the blinds thinking he;d leave us alone but that still didn't help this happened for the rest of the month then he gave up I think he finally had a plan and whatever he was planning I know me and Marcy would be ready I did tell these things to Sasha and she thought we needed to be reeady if he tries anything we did do a little prepareance and the CEO would take more notice to what he was planning also but till then we stayed trainning Marcy but one night she was acting a little werid for one second I just finished up getting ready for bed and I walked back to my bed she was on my bed standing on all fours her pupills were delaited she only did this with the light she looked at me then shook her head and her eyes turned back to normal she looked confused "What just happened" she asked I sat down on my bed "I don't know you're pupils delaited and more than usual your eyes were black" I said "Oh that doesn't seem good are you ok did I hurt you" she asked "No you didn't and if you did I know you didn't mean it" I said "Oh thank god" she said "Hey if you hurt me for whatever reason I know you never meant to ok" I said "Ok" she said then we laid down and cuddled after a bit of talking we fell asleep.

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