Chapter 22

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Sasha's POV

After the whole day Anne woke up she grunted I perked my head up then opened her eyes she looked at me "S-Sasha" she said then whinced in pain "Yeah I found you srached and losing blood I took you here so you could get help" I said "Yeah I notice that" she said "I think Marcy srached you" I said "Yeah I think I remember her doing that is she ok" she asked trying to sit up "Whoa take it easy you just woke up" I said "Ok so where is she is she doing ok" she asked "She's fine but she is aggressive and Andrias told me he might have found what's wrong" I said "He did" she asked "Yeah he wouldn't tell us" I said "Maybe he wants to tell me" she said "Yeah" I said "Can I see Marcy" she asked "Yeah follow but you need to be careful your wound hasn't healing fully" I said "Ok" she said she got out of the hospital bed and got some clothes on and a cane to help with her walking it was only temporary then she followed me out of the hospital and back to the lab she followed me to the testing room this wasn't the same testing room they used before it was bigger and had a bed Anne walked up to the glass and looked for a minute then looked down then turned her head to me "How long has she been like this" she asked "I don't know from when you were srached and in the hospital one week and haft" I said "Really that long" she said turning back to the glass "Yeah" I said waking up to her "She does look like her old self it hurts" she said "I know" I said "I need to find out what Andrias found" she said "Yeah" I said then Marcy walked up to the glass and Anne put her hand on it Marcy then scared her and she backed up but she put her hand back on the glass and Marcy did the same and I noticed her eyes one eye was pure back but the other on was brown but her pupil was big, bigger than any other pupil a normal person would have "Anne do you see that" I asked "Yeah her eyes aren't pure black one is but the other one isn't" she said "Maybe it has to do with you being here and well" I said "Yeah anyway I'm going to see what Andrias wanted to tell me" she said "Ok" I said then she walked away.

Anne's POV

I walked off and to Andrias' lab I made it in record time and knocked on the door he opened it momments later "Oh Anne you're awake I was worried" he said "Yeah I can tell" I said "Ok come in I have something to share with you" he said "Ok" I said I followed him into his lab and to where he was working "So I think I was looking in the wrong spot like I noticed changes in everything but something here stood out to me" he said moving to another slide "Why is the blood almost black" I asked "That's what I was wondering" he said "Maybe something in in there" I said "Yeah I'll see what it is" he said he began to look closer and do stuff "So did Sasha tell you what's tomorrow" he asked "No what" I asked "I have a trail with the court for when Marcy got out" he said "Wait Marcy got out when" I asked "When you got srached by her" he said "Ok but you never meant any harm" I said "Yeah I know they still want me there tomorrow can you be there I would really like if you can" he asked "Yeah sure I know you never meant any harm" I said "Good now go I need to focus" he said "Ok" I said I walked out of the room and back to my lab and went to sleep I woke up the next morning and got out of bed and got ready then Andrias came in and told us to grab some food quickly he needed to be there in a few minutes he only called for me and Sasha we grabbed something and left and drove to the court when we got there I noticed my mom and dad I sat next to them then after a few miniutes it started "Were here today with the crime of Dr. Andrias Leviathan sicentist at The National Amphibias Lab for 40 years his crime desribing the peace do you have anything to say Dr. Leviathan" the judge asked "Yes he does your honor" Andrias' lawyer said "Yeah go ahead" the judge said "Actually I have something to say but samething my client is innocent he didn't mean any harm and didn't desribe the peace you're blind it was his invention who escaped and cause havic over the city" the lawyer said "So be it the invention will be put down and Dr. Leviathan sent to jail for 364 days" the judge said I stood up "Your honor the invention never meant any harm and maybe you should consider not seeing Dr. Leviathan glity" I said "Anne what are you doing that invention hurt you" my mom spat at me "It was an a accident she never meant it" I said "No you aren't ruinning this for me that invention hurt you and made me worried very worried" she said pulling me down back onto my seat "Your honor don't listen to my daughter I agree with your desicion put down the invention and send Dr. Leviathan to jail for 364 days" she said holding me in place "Mom you can't do this to me" I said "This is for your own safety that invetion hurt you and I'm not almost losing you again to that invention" she said "I told you she never meant it" I said "Whatever" she said "Ok I see Dr. Leviathan glity and sent to jail also to put down his invention so it doesn't hurt anyone" the judge said then he struck down his hammer and the cops came in and arrested Andrias I ran out of the court room and out the building and back to the lab I ran up to my lab and ran to the testing room Marcy was in Sasha was there though and she stopped me "Anne you're back so soon why" she asked "Look Sash I need to get Marcy out of here I don't care if you do or don't have the key" I said Sasha looked down at her hand which had the key in it "No I can't let you do that" she said closing her hand "But Sasha please" I said "No Anne you heard what the judge said Marcy needs to be put down I don't care if Andrias found out what was wrong she needs to be put down" she said "Sasha listen to me please I don't know what I would do without her please if she gets put down by them I will never recover and I don't care what you do with me I-I just need her Sasha I need her" I said with tears in my eyes it took awhile for Sasha to hug me but she did "Ok" she said then gave me the key "But hurry they will be here soon" she said "Ok" I said whipping my tears then I unlocked the door and went up to Marcy she tried to bite me but then I put my hand on her face and she clammed down I took off the collar I noticed on her neck and she ran pass me I followed her and she ran down the hallway and climbed up to a window and escaped Sasha tried to run to stop Marcy but I stopped her "Don't worry I'll find her later" I said "Ok" she said "Yeah now I need to comfront my anrgy mom, dad, and protesters" I said "Ok go and do that" she said "Ok" I said then I left the lab and went down to the first floor and out the door the CEO was there "Oh Anne there you are they won't leave maybe you can help" she said "Yeah I can" I said "Ok" she said then she went back into the building "Anne come here" my mom said "No" I said "What" she questioned "That;'s right no" I said "Why" she asked "Because the invention escaped I came here to grab it so you could put it down but it was too fast and escaped it isn't here I'll try to find it just not today all of you go home" I said everyone signed "Show us" my mom spat "What" I asked "Show us that the invention is really gone" she said "Ok" I said I lead the group of people to my lab and to the testing room I notcied Sasha had closed the door and smashed up the glass to make it seem like she escaped on her own everyone gaspped "Yeah now go home" I said everyone went home same with my dad and mom after everyone left I wanted to go and find Marcy "Sasha can you hold down the fort here" I asked "What why" she asked "I'm going to look for Marcy and bring her back here" I said "Wouldn't that just make you a liar" she asked "I'm not a liar but maybe yeah I would be called one for hiding her but I need to find her hold down the fort until I get back" I said "Ok do you want some company I can get Grime and The Plantars" she said "No I don't you take care of them for me ok" I said "Ok" she said "Good now I'm leaving" I said I wenr ro my room and got some black cothes on and left through a window and started sereaching.

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