Chapter 9

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Anne's POV

I wokr up to Marcy nudging "Good morning Marcy" I said sitting up she hugged me I hugged her "I'm happy that you're awake too" I said she stopped hugging me "Hey let's try the talking can you try to say my name again" I asked she nodded "A-An-Ann-Ann...Anne" she said I gasped "You just said my name" I said "W-Wa" she said "You just said more stuff" I said "R-Real" she said "You just said Real did you mean to say really" I asked "Y-Ya" she said "Whoa ok looks like you need to get used to this" I said "Y-Ya I-I n-nee s-so t-tim" she said "I'm guess you were trying to say you need more time" I said "Y-Ya" she said "This is very good today we can work on your communication" I said "Y-Ya" she said "Dr. Leviathan should be here in a little bit" I said "O-ok" she said "Just wait until he hears you know how to talk now" I said "Y-ya" she said "Ok I'm going to get ready stay here" I said "O-ok" she said I got off my bed and got ready when I came out Marcy was standing "You're standing" I said surprised "Y-yeah I-I a-am t-thanks f-for g-giving m-me a w-week" she said "No problem and I hear you getting used to talking" I said "Y-yeah I-I a-am" she said "Well that's good Sasha will like to hear this" I said S-Sash..Sasha" she asked "Yeah" I said "O-ok" she said "Ok let's go and get some food" I said "Y-yeah I-I a-am h-hungry" she said then I walked out of my room with Marcy following she walked this time I got some food and Marcy got some food for herself then I sat on the couch and Marcy sat next to me "You're sitting like a normal person now" I said "Y-yeah I-I a-am a-aware" she said "Ok" I said "H-hey" Marcy asked me "What" I asked "T-that d-day w-when t-that g-guy c-came o-over" she said "Yeah what about him" I asked "W-why w-was h-he l-looking a-at m-me" she asked "Well you see he works for a guy who works for the government and his job to to help the miltary in anyway possible so he was sent by his boss to get you to help the miltary" I said "W-what r-really" she asked "Yeah" I said she got a little angry "I-I'm n-not m-made f-for w-war I-I'm m-made t-to h-help p-people w-with d-disabilities a-and h-health p-problems l-like a-a h-heart a-attack o-or s-something" she said "Yeah, yeah I know but he saw that you weren't made for war you were made to help people in life threating danger or emotional damage you saved him from choking that's what changed his mind" I said "I-I g-guess I-I d-did s-save h-him w-what d-did h-his b-boss s-say" she asked "I'm not sure I haven't had a word with him since that day he said that he'd update us but he hasn't" I said "W-well t-that's n-not g-good" she said "Yeah I know" I said after awhile Sasha came out and went to the food counter and got some food and sat down on the couch "Morning Anne, morning Marcy I see that you're sitting like a normal person" she said Marcy nodded "Morning Sash and there is a reason why Marcy is sitting like that today" I said "What" Sasha asked "It's been a week and Marcy now walks on her two feet instead of her hands and feet" I said "That's great news" Sasha said "And there is something esle" I said "What" she asked "Marcy" I said "M-morning S-Sasha" Marcy said Sasha looked surprised for a bit then spoke "Wait you're telling me Marcy can talk and walk on her feet now" Sasha asked suprised "Yeah she can, she needs to get used to speaking but we'll work on that today" I said "This is great progress in one night as well woof" Sasha said "Yeah and it was actally this morning" I said "This morning that early omg" she said "I can't believe it either Sash" I said "Yeah I know, I know sorry about that it's just I've been wanted her to say your name for awhile and now she can say it let me hear it" she said "Ok Marcy" I said Marcy nodded "A-Anne" Marcy said "Whoa wait until Dr. Leviathan hears about this" Sasha said "Yeah I know he is going to go nuts" I said we both laughed at that comment I stopped laughing after awhile and turned to Marcy "Can you try to laugh" I said "L-laugh" Marcy questioned "Yeah like this" I said then I laughed a little bit "O-ok" she said then she tried to laugh she was struggling a little at first but laughed after a few seconds "Good job" I said "T-thanks" she said after we finished our food Sasha told me she isn't going to work with Marcy today she needed to keep working on her project I told her "Go head" and she went back to her room I went to go work on my project when I heared a knock Marcy walked over to the door and opened it Andrias walked in Marcy quickly got down on her fours like before "Good morning Anne and good morning Marcy" he said "Morning Andrias" I said "M-morning D-Dr. L-Leviathan" Marcy said Anrias stood there shoked "Did she just-" he asked me "Yeah she did, she was able to talk this morming she said my name" I said "Well that's progress anythimg else" he asked "Yeah actally it's been a week and-" I said Marcy stood up and walked up to him "She now can stand and walk normally" he asked "Yep she sure can" I said "That's amazing now what to work on today" he asked me "Well last night I was thinking talking but she knows how to do that but she needs to get used to it so let's work on that" I said "Ok works for me" he said then me and Andrias went to the hang out spot and started helping Marcy get used to speaking by the end of the day she could put a sentence together and she kinda stopped doing the stutters after we were done Andrias left and Marcy stayed with me again "So I noticed you getting better on hovering how do you pratice" I asked "W-well you see I used one of the walls in your room" she said "Which one" I asked "T-this one I thought you would have noticed since I got it a little drity with my boots" she said "Yeah now that I look at it, it does seem dritier than the other walls" I said "Y-yeah sorry" she said "No don't say sorry it's ok I can get someone to clean it for me" I said "T-that's good" she said "Yeah so what do you do on this wall" I asked "S-simple let me show you" she said "Ok" I said she got a far enough distance from the wall she got down on the floor in a running postion then ran to the wall she jumped and ran up the a bit then kicked off and caught herself from falling with her wings "Whoa I never knew this was how you trainned" I said "Y-yeah well gotta use your surrpunding" she said dropping down "Ok now I think I'm going to go to bed see you tomorrow" I said "O-ok" she said I got ready and laid down in my bed and went to sleep.

?'s POV

I was in my office doing some stuff to get ready to get that invention, the invention Jacob didn't come with, the one that's a female and named Marcy while I was doing this I got a call on my walkie talkie "WHAT DO YOU TWO BOZOS WANT I'M BUSY RIGHT NOW!" yelled through it "Um sir the tracker said they need to see you to speak with you" one of the security guards said "Oh well let them in" I shouted "Yes sir" he said then the door opened and then it shut "I heard you have news for me" I asked "Y-yeah" they said "Well get on with it" I said I heard them gluped "I've found the lab sir" they said "The National Amphibias Lab" I asked "Yeah what other lab would I be talking about" they said "I don't know where is it" I asked "It looks like it's Downtown, LA" they said "What's it next to" I asked "I wouldn't say next to I woudl say about one block away" they said "Ok what is this building it's one block away from and which side" I asked "It's one block away from The Thai Temple and it on the right side of it" they said "Great job you're dissmissed" I said they left in a hurry I grabbed my walkie talkie and spoke into it "Get my agents to prepare my car I'm leaving in the morning" I said "Yes sir" a security guard said after that I went to sleep in my chair again I don't care anyway.

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