Chapter 13

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Anne's POV

I wokke up and realized I fell asleep cudding with Marcy but hey who cares I thought about giving her sometime to sleep but she woke up after a few seconds "Good morning Marbles" I said "Ahhh good morning Anna-Banana" she said "I forgot to tell you yesterday the CEO of this lab is coming to observe you for research purpses" I said "Ok" she said "So be friendly" I said "Anne you know me I'm always friendly" she said "Yeah I know I was just kidding" I said she laughed "Very funny" she said "Yeah ok let's get some food I'm hungry" I said "Yeah me too" she said we both got up out of my bed and out of my room and to the foof counter we got some food and sta on the couch we cuddled while we ate out food we finished our food quite fast I to wait I worked on my project and Marcy helped me after a few minutes there was a knock at the door Marcy rushed over and opened it then got down it was the CEO "Hello Dr. Boonchy" she said "Hello Amelia it's nice to meet you" I said "You too" she said and is this the invention" she asked looking down see Marcy "Yep that is it alright heer names Marcy and she's very friendly" I said Marcy swatted a little and put her hands on Amelia "Oh um" Amelia questioned "That's how she says hi to get her off I advise you to tell her nicely" I said "Ok hi to you too can you take your hands off me" she said nicely Marcy nodded then took her hands off "Wow she is a very good lister" she said "Yep she sure is" I said "How were you able to make her listen" she asked "Well you see it's all in her DNA my co-worker Dr. Leviathan made her he knew he had to make her smart, a fast learner, and a good lister" I said "Dr. Leviathan isn't he the scientist that makes high tech robots" she asked "Yep he does" I said "Then what gave him the idea to make her" she asked "Well you see he wanted to help people in a way he knew he couldn't himself so he made her that's what he told me away" I said "Well whatever he told you he's made a beautiful invention" she said "Yeah I know some fetures on her you'll see is her fuzz on her neck, her claws on her fingers and feet, her wings, her antena, and her fangs" I said "Yep I do see all of them impressive" she said "Yeah now if you follow me I can show you some stuff she can do" I said "I will gladly" she said "Ok first off the first time we were trainning her you'd have to whist to make her follow you like this" I said I whisted and started walking aroudn Marcy followed me "And if you stopped she would stop following you and you'll have to whist again" I said "Ok" she said I stopped Marcy stopped following me I whisted again and Marcy followed me again "But now you don't need to whist to make her follow you she follows you without the whist like this" I said I strated walking around Marcy followed me then I stopped "Intresting did she leanr that all by herself" she asked "Yep" I said amazing" she said "Yeah now you're wondering who opened the door right" I asked "Yeah I am if it wasn't you then who was it" she asked "It was Marcy" I said "She knows how to open doors amazing" she said "Yeah she does" I said Marcy went over and opened the door then closed it "Does she know how to knock on doors" she asked "Yeah" I said Marcy knocked on the door "Amazing what else can she do" she asked "Well if you follow me I'll show ou everything she can do" I said she followed me around the lab and I showed everything Marcy could do get food, open certain stuff, fly, etc. she was impressed "Now these two things I'm going to show you about what Marcy can do are going to blow your mind" I said "Why's that" she asked "Because it is" I said I looked down at Marcy, Marcy nodded then stood up "Whoa she can stand" she questioned in surprised "That's not all" I said I looked at Marcy she nodded then she began to walk around "She can walk too" she qestioned "Oh that's isn't the last thing she can do" I said I nodded at Marcy she began to talk "From Anne I heard your name was Amelia it's nice to meet you" she said Ameilia stood in place for awhile "She can also talk" Amelia said "Yep and now time for some fetures that I found" I said "Whoa" she said "Yep first of all she can cuddle with you and lay her head on your leg, she does this to build up campionship and relationship skills, second she likes getting her head petted try it" I said she gently petted Marcy's head "Whoa" she said "Thrid y=if you touch her antenta sometimes she'll twich, foruth srach her fuzz on her neck she loves it" I said "Oh ok" she said she gently srached Marcy's fuzz and Marcy laid on the floor loving it "And lastly" I said I took out my phone and turned on the light and pointed it to the floor Marcy saw it and her eyes dialated she began to chase it "She loves playing with light" I said I made Marcy run everywhere "Whoa impressive she surely is something worthy of helping people" she said "Yeah she is" I said "Ok now juts sign here to make everything official that you showed me" she said sticking a contract in my face I turned off the light of my phone and Marcy stopped following it I grabbed the contract and read it.

From The National Amphibias Lab I may take mesures into my own hands to let the invemtion I worked on be reqesuted into anything anyone is offioring me even if I don't want to I have to because under the name of the CEO everyt invention must be somewhere doing whatever is thta thye were made it do like used for miltary or garbage cleanning whoever comes to my door and offores something to do with my invention I have to appect apart from these reasons down below.
Child Endangerment
Illegal Alcohol Use Or Consumming
Illegal Drugs
Chewing Tobacco
Breking In And Entering
Deserbing The Peace
Forcing People Against Their Wil
Arresting People (So No Police Joinning)
Malicious Mischief
Drunk Driving
Drunk Publication

Most of these are against the law and the invention will get arrested the poiice will not hesitate to do so also if they need to the police will open fire on my invention so do I understand this.
Invention's Guardain's Signature________________________.
Invention's Guardain's Print Signature____________________.

I thought about it for a little bit on the contract there wasn't anything about the invention being used to do something I knew that guy would come back for Marcy I couldn't risk it I handing the contract back to Ameilia "No I won't sign it" I said "But you don't have to appect everything" she said "Look Ameila one month ago a guy came looking for Marcy he wanted to use her in the miltary I would never see her again she would die on the battlefield so there is a reason I can't appect this conrat" I said "Ok I understand I'll put being used on there now will you sign it" she asked "Only if you put being used on there right now" I said "Yes, yes" she said she quickly put being used on thee then gave it to me to see it I read the things that I didn't have to appect part and I saw it right there.

Being Used

I thought for a minute if this is what I really want this for Marcy I turned and looked at her she was playing around with a object that had a light on it I smiled then I turned back to the contract "I guess so" I thought and wrote down my name.

Invention's Guardain's Signature______Anne Boonchuy______.
Invention's Guardain's Print Signature______Anne Boonchuy_____.

"Ok great pelsure doing business with you Dr. Boonchuy I hope we can work again in future" she said "Yeah me too" I said "Well I'll be on my way see you other time" she said "Yeah you too" I said then she opened the door and walked away I turned to Marcy "Marcy great news you're going be helping a lots of people" I said "I know Anne I heard your whole conversation" she said "Of course you did now let's get some food I'm hungry" I said "Me too" Marcy said she stood up and followed me to the food counter we got some food and sat down on the couch.

Ameilia's POV (The ladie who came in this chapter)

I walked back to my office and sat down at my chair I turned on my coputer and found a phone number I've had for a long time and called recently last month I dailed it into my phone and a guy picked up "Yes" he said "Henry it's been a month" I said "Oh Amelia why are you calling ready for seconds now" he asked "Ew no I broke up with you in college I need a favor for you" I said "What is the favor" he asked "I need you to stop sending your scouts here to The Natrional Amphibias Lab to look over inventions and take them away" I said "Why" he asked "Why well someonne by the name of Dr. Boonchut requested if I change the contract she is very scared of losing the invention she cares for" I said he didn't answer for awhile "Ok I will but only because you asked me to" he said "Good and if I see your scouts or your face here again I will call the police for you breaking in and entering" I said "Yes" he said "Good" I said he hung up and I spent the last few momments of my day working.

Henry's POV (The guy who came for Marcy two chapters ago)

I hung up and then slammed my fist on my table how was I going to get the invention now I'm kicked out of The National Amphibias Lab "Argh that stinking brat that tried to stop me did this I will get my revenge on her and take what should be mine" I thought "We need a new plan" I said through my walkie talkie "Yes sir" one of the security guard said "Give me every elite scout I have" I said "Yes sir" the same security guard said then I waited for them to get them.

Anne's POV

After we ate our food me and Marcy went back into my room and I got ready and laid down and we cuddled until we fell asleep whic was rather quick.

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