Chapter 17

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Anne's POV

I woke up to not cuddling Marcy I'm pretty sure she would never leave me I felt breathing on me I saw something in the corner of my eye and slowly looked it was Marcy she was baring her fangs and breathing hard on me her eyes were even like they were last night pure black with shine in them "M-Marcy is that you what are you doing" I asked she didn't answer I put my hand on her face and she stopped barring her fangs and stopped breathing hard then after a few seconds she laid down on me and I petted her hair momments later she looked at me her eyes were back to brown and she hugged me "I'm sorry Anne I didn't know what happen I couldn't stop myself" she said "Shh it's ok I not mad" I said "It felt like I wanted to hurt you for some reason" she said "It's ok I'm here" I said she hugged me and we stayed there for awhile "You feel better now" I asked she nodded "Ok" I said then she stopped hugging me and went to get me some food she came back a few seconds later and gave me my food I sat up and started eating it she looked away I noticed this I swallowed my food "Hey are you ok" I asked she looked at me "No" she said "Why not" I asked "I almost hurt you earlier" she said "I said I'm not mad" I said "I know I just feel guilty for not stopping myself and I'm thinking about what could have happened if you didn't put your hand on my face wouldn't I have hurt you" she asked "Yeah you would but I told you I would know that you never meant to hurt me" I said "Yeah ok" she said smiling sighly then I went back to eating my food I finished after a few minutes and got ready and walked back into my room Marcy was laying on my bed and I touched her she turned her around I removed my hand she had her pure black eyes again then I got onto my bed and put my hand on her face it didn't work "Marcy please I don't know what's happening but I need you to come back please" I said then her eyes turned back to normal and she hugged me "I'm sorry again Anne" she said "It's ok" I said hugging her then we stopped hugging and then after a few seconds she didn't look good "Are you ok" I asked "I'm not sure" she said "Do you feel sick" I asked "I think so" she said "Do you feel like you're going to throw up" I asked "Yeah I think so" she said "Ok follow me" I asked she followed me into the bathroom "Here you can throw up in the sink" I said "Ok" she said I stayed with her for the most part she didn't throw up but after a few hours she did and it looked white she threw up for a good three minutes or so and it seemed like she was done and she was cleaning out her mouth I walked up and she looked at me "Are you good" I asked she didn't answer she then spit out water in the sink and started falling down she grabbed onto the sink to prevent herself from falling but it didn't help and she started falling "Marcy" I shouted as she hit the floor I kneeled down to her and checked if she her heart was still beating and is she was still breathing thankfully she was then I checked if she ingired her head when falling there wasn't any blood so I amusing she didn't without much opstions I carried her to my bed and laid her down then I called in Sasha she rushed in "I"m here what happened" she asked "Oh Sash good thing you're here" I said "Yeah what happened" she asked "So Marcy has been acting werid" I said "Werid like what" she asked "Yesterday night I finished getting ready and I saw her on my bed and was standing on all fours and her eyes they were pure black then she looked at me and shook her head and her eyes turned back to brown" I said "Ok" she said "Then this morning she wasn't cuddling me she was breathing down on me hard with her eyes pure black and baring her fangs I touched her face and she stopped" I said "Ok" she said "Then when I finished getting ready for the day she was laying on my bed I touched her she turned her head and her eyes were pure black again I touched her face but it took a bit for her to turn back to normal" I said "Ok" she said "Then well some hours ago she felt sick and felt like she was going to throw up so I took her to the bathroom and she threw up but it was white which was weird then she fell on the floor of the bathroom and now she is unconscious" I said "Ok well I have no idea what's happening either you sure all of these happened within yesterday night and today" she asked "Yep" I said "Ok well let me check her head for any bleeding" she said "I did she isn't bleeding" I said "Ok but I'm going to check again just to make sure" she said "Ok" I said she checked if Marcy was bleeding "Nope she isn't bleeding that's good did she fall hard" she asked "Yeah she did" I said "Well I don't see nor feel any blood" she said "That's good but I was thinking we call Andrias in here to tell us what's happening he knows more about Marcy than anyone" I said "Good idea call him up" she said "Ok" I said I got out my phone and called him up he answered "Yep" he said "Hey Andrias" I said "Oh hey Anne how's is it going with Marcy" he asked "About that she is acting werid" I said "Werid like what" he asked I told him the things I told Sasha "Whoa ok I'll be there quick" he said "Ok" I said the he hung up "What did he say" Sasha asked "He said he'd be here quick" I said "Ok" she said then he knocked on the door Sasha got it and lead him into my room "Whoa you were right she is unconscious" he said "Yeah" I said "Did you check her head for blood" he asked "Yeah and there is no blood but you can check again" I said "Ok" he said then he checked if she was bleeding "Nope it doesn't seem like she is I'm going to do some test make sure she stays in your bed I'll be back with my supplies" he said "Ok" I said then he left and came back in a few seconds "Ok I'm here and I'm going to need a blood sample" he said "Ok" I said then he took out a neddle but first he rubbed an alcohol whip on Marcy then stabbed in the nedded and got a blood stample "Ok I just need to find out what's happening do you have a magnifying glass anywhere" he asked "Yeah on my desk there" I said "Ok good" he said he isantly went and studied the blood after a about an hour he finished "I got it" he said "You do" I said "Yep come here" he said I walked up "Look iinside" he said I looked inisde and saw the blood I looked closer it looked like the color was turning darker "How does that happen" I asked "I don't know I'll studie her dna more and get you updated on what's happening you just look after her and make sure she doesn't kill you" he said then he got his supplies and left "Well that's was pointless we know less then we know now" I said sitting on my bed "It's ok Anne we'll find out what's wrong but for now we need to wait" she said "You're right thanks Sash" I said "Yeah anything for my best budd" she said "It's just I'm worried about her Sasha I'm worried" I said "Yeah I know I am too" she said then I hugged her and she hugged back after a few seconds we stopped "Well I'm going to get something to eat then hit the rack want anything" she asked "Yeah" I said "Ok" she said then she stood up and walked out of my room and got some food and came back in and gave it to me I took it then she left I ate my food slowly and finished after awhile I walked up to Marcy and held her hand she was unconscious for the whole day I stayed holding her hand then she gasped and coughed then opened her eyes she felt me holding her hand and looked at me tears were forming in my eyes and I hugged her "Don't scare me like that again" I said "Scare you like what, what happened" she asked "You fell on the bathroom floor and you were unconscious for the whole day" I said "Oh now I remember" she said "Yeah" I said "I can't say I felt better but I can't stay I feel bad" she said "Then what do you feel like" I asked "Werid" she said "Like what" I asked "Like, like" she said but she was cut off she closed her eyes hard and winced then she opened her eyes they were pure black again and she bared her fangs and breathed hard she tried to srach me but I moved as she swiped her hand I didn't know what do to I grabbed her hand and prevented her from sraching me then I went close to her face and put my hand on it it took awhile for her to clam down and realize it was me she stopped breathing hard and baring her fangs and closed her eyes and they turned back to normal she looked at me with worried eyes and touched my face "I'm so sorry again Anne" she said "It's ok I wasn't hurt and if I was I know you never meant to hurt me" I said I hugged her and she hugged me "I'm going to go get ready" I said "Ok" she said I got ready pretty fast and laid down next to her we cuddled and fell asleep.

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