Chapter 24

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Anne's POV

I woke up after a somewhat long sleep and insantly got out of bed and got ready I walked out of my room and to the couches "Everyone meeting" I said I walked pass "Meeting" I overheard Hop Pop they followed me to a room with a table "So I'm guessing Sasha has told you all Marcy has been captured and needs our help" I said "Yeah she did" Sprig said "Ok well anyway I think I have a plan Sasha" I said Sasha handed me some plans "So this is the building that the guy is in his name is Henry Collins and last I saw him drive to this building all we need to do is sneak in, take out his guards, and find out where Marcy is The Plantars will take the first floor, second, and thrid, Grime the forth, fifth, and sixth, Sasha the seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh, and I'll take the tweveth, thriteenth, forthteen, and the fithteenth, the fithteen is that last floor, the floor with Collins on I'll take out his guards and find out where Marcy is" I said "Anne that's a good idea but I just don't think me, Sprig, and Polly are made for taking out people" Hop Pop said "For you it is I want to help Anne with this and Marcy needs help" Sprig said "Yeah" Polly said "Ok, ok can I be subtracted though" Hop Pop asked "Um no Marcy needs all the help she can get" I said he sighed "So whos ready to save that cute loveable invention" I asked everyone cheered "Then's let's go but first get into something black and grab a gun just in case" I said everyone left and got what they needed I wanted to find out what Andrias found out so I went to the prison he was I walked up to the poilce man at the fornt desk "Oh hi young lady what can I help you with" he said "I'm here to see someone" I said "Ok do you know there prisoner number" he asked "No" I said "Ok give me their name" he said "Andrias Leviathan might have been sent in a few days ago" I said "Ok" he said he looked down on a piece of paper with the names and numbers of the prisioners "Prisoner 2257 let me go get him for you" he said he stood up and I noticed he had a mechanic leg "Hmm he must have been in a car accient or something" I thought he came back a few seconds later "He is in the room for you" he said "Thanks" I said "Yeah" he said I went to the room and sat down and grabbed the phone "Hey" I said "Anne I can't believe it's you do you have information on Marcy did she get put down" he asked "She didn't put down but she is in a pickle" I said "Ok" he said "Yeah turns out I helped her escape and I followed her but that guy that the leader of the foundaction that helps the miltary Henry Collins has her" I said "He does" he asked "Yep me, Sasha, Grime, and The Plantars ae going to try to resue her tonight" I said "Ok" he said "Yeah but I want to know did you find anything about her before you were arrested" I asked "Yeah I did" he said "Spill it" I said "Ok there is a black tude in her left side I use it to sablelize my robots I might have forgot I put it in her don't worry I can get it out I just need you to get her stunned" he said "Ok what about you how are you going to get out of here" I asked "I'll figure it out just get her stunned leave the rest to me" he said "Ok" I said then the police man came in "Times up" he said "Ok" I said I put down the phone and walked out of the room he ecorted Andrias back to his cell "You are always welcome here" he said "Ok" I said I looked down at his mechanic leg "I notice you're looking at my mechanic leg want to know how I got it" he asked "I guess so" I said "It was a speeder he was speeding so fast I was called to arrest him as I was on his tail he rode me off the road and into another car and my leg got caught and they had to remove it" he said "Oh well very interesting story" I said "Yeah ok see you soon" he said "Yeah" I said walking away I went back to the lab and checked the time it was aboout 4:55 "Everyone ready" I asked "Yep" Sasha said "Ready" Grime said "Ready as we'll ever be" The Plantars said "Ok let's go" I said we got a little extra things then got into Grime's car and he drove us to the building we got out of the car and grabbed our guns "Ok remember your role" I asked "Yep" everyone said "Good now on three one, two, three" we said we busted opened the front door "Plantars clear the first, second, and thrid floor for us" I said "On it" they said they cleared the first three floor insantly "Grime" I said "On it" he said he cleared the forth, fifth, sixth floor insantly too "Sasha ready to clear five floors" I asked "Yeah totally" she said she cleared the floors then I cleared the last floors I made it to the top and there was two guards guarding the room I'm pretty sure Henry was in I walked up to the door "Hello young lady you're not allowed in here" one of them said "Well then we'll have to do this the hard way" I said "The hard way what do you mean" the same one asked I laughed a bit then pulled out my gun and held it up to both of theirs head "You better let me threw or a bullet is going staright into your head" I said "Ok. ok" he said I put my gun away and walked into the room he heard me "Who are why are you coming into my office uninvited" he asked "You don't need to know who I am you already know and I'm here because I want to know where is the invention" I asked he turned his chair around "You how did you" he asked "Took out your guards" I said "Should've known" he said I pulled out my gun "Now you're going to tell me where she is" I said "Yeah now why would I do that" he asked "Because if you don't I will empty this magizine on you" I said "Yeah like you really would-" he said but then he was cut off but me shooting a warning shot breaking his window "You were saying" I said "Ok fine she is at a factory" he said "Where is this factory" I asked "I don't have to tell you" he said I slowly went to pull the trigger "Ok, ok it's on the outcuirts of the city" he said I lowered my gun and went to walk away but he shot at me but missed I shot at him with my back turned and missed on perpose "Don't underestimate me"" I said then I walked away and got my friends and I told them where to go we got back into the car and drove to the outcuirts of the city to the factory.

Henry's POV

I picked up my gun from the floor and talked into my walkie talkie "Move the invention away from the factory to another factory" I said "Yes sir" the person said.

Anne's POV

We made it to the factory I was the first one out of the car and I told everyone apart from Sasha to stay in the car me and Sasha went into the factory pushing throw a bunch of guards and stuff but no sign of Marcy me and Sasha got back into the car and told Grime that we think Marcy is in another factory close by he agreed and drove to another one that one didn't have Marcy in too then we went to about five or more others and Marcy wasn't there until the last one we had to check me and Sasha went inside it and took down a lot of guards after a few minutes we found Marcy in a caged room "Sasha cover me" I said "Gotcha" she siad she covered me I went close to the bars and tapped them but Marcy wouldn't wake up "Dang that tranquilizer really effected her" I said to myself I tried to break the bars but couldn't "Anne keep it down they might hear us" Sasha said "I don't care" I said after awhile I heard some people "Hide" I said Sasha ducked behind the wall and I ducked behind a plant in the room I watched as two guard came into the room and I overheard them "So boss wants this invention at a miltary troop presention" one said "Yeah so let's get it or her into the truck and drive to his mansion" the other one said "Ok" the another one said they opened the cage and carried Marcy away I stood up and went to run after them but Sasha stopped me "Anne don't we'll follow them to the mansion" she said "Ok but we need to be quick" I said "Yeah" she said me and her ran out and into the car and told Grime he agreed he'd take us there.

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