Chapter 7

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Sasha's POV

I woke up and got ready and exited my room and went to the food counter and got some food and sat down on the couch "Morning Sash" Anne said "Morning Anne, morning Marcy" I said she waved at me "So when do you think Dr. Levi will be here" I asked "Well he usally comes a few minutes after we eat so I'll notafie you when he comes you can finish your food and work on your project for a little bit" Anne said "Ok gotcha" I said I finished my food and went back into my room and worked on my project for a little bit after a few minutes I heard a knock on my door I opened it and looked down and saw Marcy there she wanted me to follow her I did I followed her into Anne's room "Morning Andrias" I said "Morning Sasha" he said "So I'm guessing Anne told you she is going to work on her project while me and you work with Marcy" I said "Yeah she did tell me I'm very excited to work with you" he said "Yeah me too so I was thinking we can work on flying today" I said "Yeah I think we should really work on that" he said "Ok well let's go and work on that" I said "Right there with you" he said we walked out of Anne's room with Marcy following us "Anyway who told Marcy to go get me" I asked "Anne did I tried but Anne beat me to it" he said "Yeah that girl can do anything to you and you won't expect it" I said "Marcy seems to listen good and is a fast learner" I said "Yeah it's all in her program" he said "Well that's nice" I said "Yeah I didn't wanr to spend too much time trainning her for her duty I've already speant alot of time making her" he said "I know 13 years" I said "Yeah now I need to spead a little more time trainning her" he said "Well she seems to be doing good already" I said "Yeah with extra hands work is fasr" he said "Yeah you got it lucky we here to help am I right" I said "Yeah very lucky" he said "Ok now were here the hallway Anne partices with you want to go first" I asked "You should I'm a bit big and besides I'll help you catch her when she falls" he said "Ok" I said "And Anne gave me this to give to you" he said handing me a stopwatch "Thanks" I said "No prob now let's do this" he said "Yeah" I said I put the stopwatch in my pocket I kneeled down "Ok Marcy get on" I said she got on my back I stood up "Spred your wings" I said she spred her wings I ran down the hallway and back she started flapping her wings I ran down the hallway and back she was ready I ran down the hallway and started running back haft way back she pushed off me and hovered I grabbed the stopwatch and hit the buttom she hovered for about five seconds then she fell and I quickly put the stopwatch away and ran to grab her Amdias did too we both caught her "You ok" I asked she nodded "Good want to go again" I asked she nodded "Ok" I said we did this for the whole day the longest time she hovered was about six seconds "Look she is getting better" I said showing Andrias the stopwatch "Yeah she is I think she is trainning at night she used to hover for three or two seconds now she is hovering for more time" he said "Yeah I'll show Anne her time today" I said "Yeah I'm sure she'll be happy to know her time" he said "Well we should go back to her and update her" I said "Yeah ok" he said we bith walked back to Anne Marcy followed us back to Anne's room "Hey we're done for today" I said knocking on her door and walking in "Great how did it go" Anne asked "Good Marcy time hovering inproved a bit" I said "Let me see" she said I took out the stopwatch and handed it to her "Omg six seconds" she said surprised "Yeah I couldn't believe it either me and Andrias she is trainning at night when you're asleep" I said "Well that's nice it's always good to train everyday" she said "Yeah I know it is maybe tomorrow when we work on it a little more she'd be able to hover for ten seconds or more who knows" Andrias said "Yeah I hope that will happen also I was think we need a limit to how long she can hover before we work on flying I was think hover for a minute" Anne said "That doesn't seem like a bad idea and if she is trainning it totally would do it" he said "Then it's settled tomorrow make it back here and all three of us can train her ok" she said "Ok got it" he said he walked out of the room "I'll see both of you tomorrow" he said "See you to as well" she said he kneeled down "Be good for Anne again" he said to Marcy, Marcy then smiled and put her hand on his chest and pushed him down a bit he laughed "Ok, ok I love you too Marcy" he said then he waited for her to get off of him he stood up and walked away Anne closed the door "Ok I'm hungry aren't you" she asked "Yeah I am and I bet Marcy is also hungry" I said looking down at her Anne copied me Marcy nodded "Ok now let's go get something to eat" I said I walked out of the room with Anne and Marcy following us we got some food from the food counter and sat on the couch "Hey Anne" I asked "Yeah Sash" she asked "Can you tru to make Marcy say your name again" I asked "Sure...Marcy can you try to say my name Anne" she asked Marcy opened her mouth and tried she could only make out "An-An-An" "Ok you can stop you're doing very good at trying to say my name" she said Marcy smiled "Yeah you're almost there" she said "Marcy can you try coughing maybe that'll help" I said Marcy tried coughing but it was weak like losing voice weak and she couldn't cough right "That's okay we'll work on you saying Anne's name" I said she smiled and then cuddled up with Anne, Anne was shocked by what she did but liked it she started petting her hair I smiled and watched them for awhile while I was watching them I finished my food and went back to my room, got ready, and crashed on my bed.

Anne's POV

Marcy cuddled up with me and I was shocked by it but liked it and started petting her hair we stayed there for awhile Sasha watched us and then she finsihed her food once she did she went to her room and went to sleep me and Marcy stayed on the couch a little longer after ahwile I fell asleep I wokr up in the middle of the night and looked down to see Marcy sleeping on my lap I smiled and fell alseep again.

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