Chapter 21

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Sasha's POV

I woke up and then got ready and then left my room and got some food then sat down on the couch a little later Grime and The Plantars come out and get some food and sit with me "Morning you guys" I said "Morning Sasha" Grime said "Morning Sasha" all The Plantars said when we were eating our food Grime turned on the tv we barly use and the news was on for most of the time I didn't pay attention but then I finished my food and payed attention "Next on Breaking News a haft moth, haft human has been spotted jumping from one building to another the Authoritys are there at the scene and following it but they haven't shot because it hasn't attacked anyone and it's gender seems to be female and she's a an invention and from some rumors I've heard she has been created by Dr. Andrias Levithan from The National Amphibias Lab please stay indoors until this is taken care of" the news lady said we all knew what was happening "Marcy has escaped we need to get her back here before the Authoritys shoot her" I said "You're right Sasha we need to do something" Grime said "Ok here's is the plan we track down her, then make her see us, and paralize her and bring her back here any questions" I said nobody didn't say anything "Ok also we're going to need a car with a spaceash trunck" I said "I have a car with a spaceash trunk we can use that" Grime said "Oh Grimesy you always have the right thing for the job" I said he laughed a bit "Ok now we need to be sneaky this lab has tranquilizer guns were going need them we'll ask the CEO Anne seems close to her go get ready then we'll ask her" I said everyone went and got ready I did too then we went to the first level of the lab and asked the CEO if we can borrow teh tranquillzer guns to save Marcy she said yes then we hopped into Grime's car and drove to where the scene was "Ok when we get Marcy in here someone needs to stay with her in the trunk" I said "Yeah you're right Sasha" Grime said "But who will" Hop Pop asked "I guess I will besides Anne and Andrias I'm the thrid one Marcy trusts the most" I said "That's smart" Grime said "Yeah I know" I said "And the good thing is we'll get there quickly because the news said stay in indoors so nobody is on the road" Grime said "Good" I said we got there in a flash and one person form the Authoritys asked us to pull up Grime rolloed down the window "Yes" Grime asked "Sir are you aware you need to get stay indoors until we take care of this" the guy said "Yeah I'm taking these kids home we went to a theme park today and we're just heading home" Grime said "Damn Grime is very smart he knows the perfect excuse to get pass the Authoritys" I thought "Ok you can go on ahead" the guy said Grime drove away and rolled up the window he drove at the back to trick them then we grabbed our tranquillzer guns and got out of the car we ran to where the Authoritys were but we stayed hidden "We have to make Marcy see us then we can get her out of here" I said "Yeah but how do we make her see us" Grime asked "I don't know maybe she'll see us naturally" I said "Ok" Grime said we stayed there for a little bit and then we felt breathing on our necks well I did I turned around and Marcy was there hanging onto the building I loaded my tranquillzer gun and aim it at her she climbed up a little father "Make sure you don't hit her wings" Grime said "Yeah ok got it" I said she then jumped off the building and was flying towards me I took the shot and hit her, she fell "Ok now we need to get her into the car" I said putting my tranquillzer gun away I kneeled down to help Grime and The Plantars we made it it the car and got Marcy inside then we got ready to go and Grime drove back to the lab and we put Marcy in a testing room and I put the collar that was making sure she didn't leave on then I went to go see Anne I rode my bike to the hospital and saw her she looked better but still looked a little pale the doctor said a week but I'm kinda beginning to think it isn't just a week it's more than that after a few minuutes I went back to the lab and turned on the tv it was the news again "Breaking news the haft moth, haft human has been removed from the scene the Authoritys have no idea what happened" the news lady said then it went to a guy that was an Authority "I don't know what happen one minue she was there and the nest she was gone" he said "What happened at this scene does she have telporting powers or was the haft moth, haft human an illusion" the news lady said "I guess we made the Authoritys very confused today" I said "Yeah we sure did" Grime said "Hey Sasha" Sprig asked "Yeah" I asked "How is Anne" he asked "She looks better but still looks a little pale it's ok she wake up in a week" I said "I hope so" he said "Me too" I said after that we kept watching the tv and then we went to sleep the next day we started doing some more tests on Marcy to find out what went wrong I noticed blood on her right claws I wanted to clean it up so I went into the testing room slowly and washed it off I bet it was Anne's because she had claw marks on her left side and it looked like they were Marcy's the next day we did more tests and we kept doing more tests everyday to find out what was wrong Friday night Andrias came in and told us he might have found what's happening we were greatful that he found out but he also has been told he had a trail next week for what Marcy did getting out and wreaking havic Saturday came and after the whole day Anne woke up.

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