Chapter 6

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Anne's POV

I woke up and looked down at Marcy she was sleeping again it was so cute I got out of bed and got ready then kneeled down near Marcy and shoke her she woke up insantly and jumped at me and tackled me a little bit "Whoa Marcy I'm happy your awake too" I said she backed up "Let's go get something to eat" I said she nodded and I stood up and whisted she followed me out of the room and to the food counter we got some food and sat down on the couch "Dr. Leviathan is coming back again today you excited" I asked Marcy nodded her head "I knew you'd be now can you talk now try to say my name Anne" I asked she opened her mouth and started making a little bit of my name "A-A-A" she said "Good job you're getting better now I think we need to get one word out and then you'll be talking" I said she smiled then we finished our food and I went to work on my project while I wait Marcy did the samething as yesterday watch me work after a few minutes there was a knock at the door Marcy ran over to it I opened it, it was Amdrias "Morning Andrias" I said "Morning Anne, morning Marcy" he said walking into the room "Again if I was late I'm sorry I slept in a bit" he said "No worries and before you ask if I got rest I did she didn't bother me again this night" I said "That's good she must've waited until you were asleep or you fell asleep before she started playing" he said "Yeah I think she waited for me to fall asleep" I said "Ok well today I was think we could work on some stuff us people needs to do like shower and stuff" he said "That's not a bad idea we could get her into a shower or something like that" I said "I was thinking we show her what we do" he said "Ok, ok let's do it" I said "Yeah right there with you" he said "Hey before we do this I want to ask you something" I said "Yeah what" he asked "Well you see Marcy is starting to talk does she need to only get one word out and then she's talking" I asked "Yeah I programed her that way she just needs one word and she will talk like boom" he said "Well that's good to know" I said "Yeah she just needs a little push for her first word encorging her should do it and I guess only one word would unstuck the barrier" he said "Yeah I guess so" I said then I whisted and Marcy followed me and Andrias to the bathroom "Ok Marcy this is a bath aslo know as a tub you can fill water up in this to wash yourself but don't use too much or it will overfill only fill it up to this circle" he said she nodded "Ok now can you turn it on" he asked she went to the tap over the bath and figured it out after seconds the water wouldn't fill up she looked at Andrias "Try pluging it with the little sliver thing here" he said pointed to the plug she pushed it down and the water started filling up she smiled "Good job now can you see if the water is warm or cold" he asked she felt the water and pulled back "Is it warm or cold" he asked she turned the nob the other way and waited for a minute then touched the water and took it out and gave him a thums up he touched the water and took his hand out "It's warm I think it was cold before" he said "Ok" I said "Now can you stop the water" he asked she stopped the water "Great job now can you drain the water" he asked she grabbed the plug and pulled it up and the water drainned "Good job now up here is a shower it works the same way with the bath but the water sprays down on you can you try to turn it on" he asked she looked at the tap for a few seconds and notcied something stick up she turned on the water and pull up the thing and the shower started pouring she pushed the thing back down "Good and to prevent the water from getting everywhere use this curtan" he said she grabbed the curtan and closed it up then turned on the shower she then turned off the shower and opened the curtan "Great now always and I mean always put the curtan inside the bath or water is going to drip off it onto the floor and you don't want that" he said she nodded ok "Ok water is on you so you need a towel this a a towel you dry yourself off with it also you're going to need a towel on the floor when taking a bath or a shower it helps the floor not get wet" he said she grabbed the towel and dried herself then handed it back to Andrias "Great job did you get the last thing I said" he asked she nodded "Good now you can put this towel on the rim of the bath like this" he said showing her she nodded ok then she looked into the bath and some water didn't drain she was memerized by it she got down and started playing with it "And there she goes" he said I stood up and walked up to him "Oh come on give her a break she needs to play sometimes" I said "Yeah I know but I guess I'm just scared she won't pay attention to the person she is helping" he said "Sure she will she has the heart to pay attention" I said "Yeah you're right" he said he looked at Marcy I copied him and watched her play with the water after that we worked on a little bit more things it was time for dinner and Andrias to leave "Well guess I'll be get going" he said "Yeah I'll see you tomorrow" I said "You too and wait do you want Marcy to stay in your room" he asked "Yeah sure" I said "Ok be good for Anne" he said to Marcy then left the room and shut the door "Ok well I'm hungry let's get something to eat" I said I whisted and she followed me to the food counter and we got some food and we sat on the couch after awhile Sasha came out and got some and sat on the couch across from the one me and Marcy were sitting on she sighed "You ok long day" I asked her "Yeah I couldn't get something attached to my project but I did just now" she said "That's ok" I said "Yeah I know tomorrow I think I'm going to take a break and help you with Marcy" she said "Ok and Dr. Levi is helping me with her so more hands the merrier" I said "Ok well then I guess you need to work on your project me and Dr. Levi and work with her" she said "Ok I'm ok with that" I said "Does she know how to talk yet" she asked "Almost she can only make out the first letter of my name" I said "Well that's a start" she said "Yeah it is" I said "How is her flying" she asked "We haven't worked on that much" I said "Well then we'll work on that tomorrow" she said "Ok" I said then we finished up our food and I stood up and whisted Marcy to follow me we went into my room and I got ready then noticed Marcy playing with the stuffed animal I gave her it was cute I walked up to her "I'm going to bed see you in the morning" I said then I laid down and fell asleep again she didn't bother me I guess I was right she waits for me to fall asleep before starting to play it was a clam night by the way I didn't wake up at all.

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