not coming

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★ ! "ARE you sure you're not coming with me & keiji?" kuroo asked kenma who was mid stream playing Red Dead Redemption 2

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! "ARE you sure you're not coming with me & keiji?" kuroo asked kenma who was mid stream playing Red Dead Redemption 2.

"nah, y/n should be on her way." he mumbled, not really paying attention to the black haired male who sighed and muttered an 'alright' be leaving.

a few minutes later the door to kenma's bedroom opened again, making him sigh thinking it was just kuroo.

"hey-" he heard y/n start before he quickly cut her off.

"streaming." he said quickly, allowing the girl to walk up to him and wrap her arms around the males neck. she buried her face in his neck, giving it a small kiss before whispering.

"hurry this up." she stood up straight, walking back over to the door to raid his fridge while he finished up his game & quickly ended his stream.

"oh you're done." she mumbled walking back into the room munching on an apple she found in the fridge. kenma nodded, opening his arms for her to straddle him.

"you told me to hurry up." he rolled his eyes, starting to place chaste kisses on her neck. she moved her chin upwards, giving the male more access while he kissed downwards.

his fingers played with the small mini skirt she wore. listening to her bite into the apple she ate with delight.

i'm seriously trying to fuck & she's eating an apple. he rolled his eyes, humming against her skin before sitting back.

"what?" she asked, her mouth full of apple that she just took a bite of; therefore making her speech a little muffled.

"you're seriously eating an apple right now?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at the girl who sat pretty on his lap. his foot started to slowly sway them side to side in his rolling chair while his hands made their way to rest on her hips under her skirt.

"i mean... yeah?" she asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion. he blinked.

a loud outdrawn sigh was heard from his mouth before he snatched the apple and threw it in the trash beside him. she whined and pouted, mumbling softly about how she was eating the apple & how she wasn't finished.

"shut up i have more." he mumbled, picking her up by her thighs and throwing her down on the bed. his hands trailed up her thighs before slowly hooking his fingers under the waistband of her panties & pulling them down. "you're so pretty in skirts, wear them more."

"thanks. no video?" she mumbled, watching the male push up her cropped tank top & bra.

"what we can't fuck off camera?" he scoffed, kissing the skin of her stomach before sucking anywhere he could to make hickey's.

just friends ; kenma k ✔️Where stories live. Discover now